Oh, I see, everybody is fine. And the weather is fine, too. (But the weather is not fine today). Isn’t it good time for travelling? Then will you, please, close your eyes. Now, open your eyes. Where are we now? How did you guess? What are these things? How can we name them? What do you think we are going to speak about today? What is the topic of our lesson? Is it an interesting topic to discuss? Is it a good subject to talk about? Should we know symbols of different countries? Why? What for? What is a symbol? How do you understand the word? Look at all these symbols, please. What symbol do you think represents America best? Why? Is it a difficult question? Shall we solve it today? What should we do during our lesson today? How can we do it? What should we do? What should we do first? Let us learn how to pronounce some words and proper names. (на слайде) [I] liberty. Statue of Liberty. Liberty Island. [i:] eagle, peace [aI] stripe [a:] star, France, branch [ӕ] arrow, banner, spangled, star-spangled banner Let’s see what you already know about American symbols. Listen to me very attentively and clap your hands if I’m right and stamp your feet if I’m wrong. There are three colours of American flag. The American flag is called Union Jack Statue of Liberty is Washington DC statue of Liberty is a gift from France A turkey is a symbol of America America has its national hymn Now, let’s see if you were right What symbols we are going to speak about today In your groups remember everything you know about the American flag and write it down in the second line of the table. Express your ideas Now, write everything you’d like to know about it. Open your books on page 146 and preview the text. Discuss what you want to learn List some thoughts on what you want, or expect to learn, Turn all sentences into questions before writing them down. Express your ideas Let’s read the information about the flag and see if it answers you questions. Now close your books and tell me everything you remember about the flag. In groups fill in the last line of the table and put down everything you’ve learnt about the flag. Express your ideas. Have you answered all your questions? American kids like dancing very much, let’s listen to one of their favourite songs and dance together. Another symbol of America is Statue of Liberty. …. What information have you learnt? Do these facts prove that all these things are symbols? How? In your groups discuss and decide which symbol represents America best. Choose and take it from the board. Turn over the pictures. What do you see here? American people like sandwiches very much. Prove your opinion in a form of a sandwich. Read what you have. What was the problem we had at the beginning of the lesson? Is it a difficult question for you now? Have you worked well today? On your desks you have two colours of smiles. And when you’ll be leaving put the blue smile if liked the lesson and the red smile if you didn’t. | Учащиеся закрывают глаза, в это время на столе появляются символы США. In America. We see … Symbols Our topic is “Symbols of America” Yes, it is it is an interesting topic. It is a good subject to discuss. Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения. A symbol is … Decide what symbols represent the USA best and explain why. Учащиеся составляют алгоритм действий для достижения поставленной цели Учащиеся вместе с учителем заполняют первую строчку таблицы Учащиеся в группах записывают известную им информацию об американском флаге. Высказывания членов каждой группы. Учащиеся составляют вопросы, чтоб узнать необходимую им информацию об американском флаге Высказывания членов каждой группы. Учащиеся читают 1 часть текста. Учащиеся в группах записывают информацию об американском флаге, которую они узнали из текста. Высказывания членов групп. Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения Учащиеся выбирают с доски тот символ, который, по их мнению, лучше всего представляет Америку. Учащиеся в группе пишут, о том символе, который, по их мнению, лучше всего представляет Америку. | Learn some information about the symbols Collect the information Choose a symbol Learn how to pronounce new words Name the best symbol and explain your choice See what we already know На доске :      На слайде: Colour: Name: Number of stars. Number of stripes Stars stand for Stripes stand for Places to see the flag Таким же образом идет работа над остальными символами. На доске изображения символов. Схема высказывания отображена в виде сэндвича:      |