Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку по теме: " WHO SHOULD BE IN CHARGE OF THE PLANET? " по учебнику В.П.Кузовлева Автор – Макарова Елена Викторовна, учитель МБОУ СОШ № 27 г.Мытищи WHO SHOULD BE IN CHARGE OF THE PLANET? Цели: социокультурный аспект-знакомство с мнениями британских сверстников об участии в экологических инициативах и проектах. развивающий аспект-развитие способности к соотнесению, убеждению, объяснению. воспитательный аспект-воспитание ценностного отношения к природе и животному миру, понимание активной роли человека в природе, воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, развитие способности формировать свое мнение. учебный аспект-совершенствование речевых навыков; сопутствующая задача-развитие умения аудировать/читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации. Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. Приветствие T.: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Today some guests are present at our lesson. Turn to our guests and greet them. Sit down, please!” First of all, I want you to look at these beautiful nature sights:(Slide 1,2,3,4,) 1. a subtropical forest. 2. a quiet place near the lake. 3. snowy mountains. 4. a wonderful sunset on the beach. All these can disappear if we don’t take care of our lovely planet, our earth. Do you want it? No, of course not. I believe, you don’t. 2. Объявление темы и цели урока Look at the slogans. (Slide 5) Let’s read and translate them. What are we going to speak about? Today we speak a lot about ecology but do so little to save our planet – the air we breathe, the water we drink . Today our topic is “Who should be in charge of the planet”. We will focus not only on environmental problems, but on their solution. (Slide 6) And what is the environment? Let’s read the definition. (Slide 7) 3. Обсуждение проблемы “Pollution of the environment” T.: Listen to the poem “Hug the Earth” by Lorraine Bayes. Hug the Earth The earth is a garden It’s a beautiful place. For all living creatures, For all the human race. Helping Mother Earth. We can peacefully roam. We all deserve a place. We can call our home. And I would like to thank you Mother Earth I like to see you dressed in green and blue I want to be by you. T.: We love our Motherland. We love its green fields and vast forests, high mountains, rivers and lakes. But the protection of nature has become one of the most important problems today. Why? P.: People pollute our beautiful planet. Waste from factories, electric power stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry are very dangerous. Fish die in lakes, rivers and seas; forest trees die too. Much of this dangerous waste goes into the air, and carried by winds for great distances. Many animals have become extinct now; some of the plants are seen only in a few places of our polluted world. 4.Совершенствование навыков чтения (Slide 8) T.: Read the text and choose the most suitable heading from the list A-E for each part. There is one heading you do not need to use. I’ll give you 5 min to do the task. So, your time is over. What is the heading for the first part? Do you agree with ………? Will you read and translate the first part? 5.Совершенствование речевых навыков T.: And what are the most important problems of our planet? (Slide 9) P-1: We often hear reports on TV and radio that millions of tons of oil are released into the sea every year. We can only imagine how many seabirds and animals die because of it. It is dangerous to human beings too. P-2: The layer of ozone does not protect the Earth from harmful radiation any more, as there are a lot of growing ozone holes. People will have to take measures because the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere, causing cancer and other diseases. P-3: I want to speak about ACID RAINS. Acid rain is extremely harmful to plants, rivers and lakes, and the creatures that live in them. In some places it is killing forest. It pollutes the water that animals and people need to drink. It’s very important for us to stop making acid rain. P-4: I want to tell some words about AIR POLLUTION. Factories and many of things they make, like cars, put a lot of harmful gases into the air. Today the air is so polluted in some places that it’s not always safe to breathe! Many cities around the world have air filled with a pollution called «smog». P-5: By the way, I must say about WATER POLLUTION. The planet Earth is mostly water. All life on Earth –from the little bugs to the biggest whale-depends on this water. But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. In many places, the water has become polluted. The rivers and lakes are polluted by garbage or by chemicals which are dumped right into them. T.: Right you are, children. 6. Проверка домашнего задания. Активизация грамматических навыков(Present Simple Passive) T.: What happens when people do not care for the environment? (p.71 ex.4) Примерные ответы: When the air is polluted, the climate is changed. When plastic bottles are thrown away, nature is damaged. When litter is left, animals are hurt. When glass bottles are left, animals and people are hurt. When trees are broken, animals are disturbed. When litter is thrown in the river, the water is polluted. When fire is left, the forest is destroyed. 7. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. T.: There are a lot of people around the world who think about the future of the planet. Listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions .(p.72 ex.1) Questions: 1) Which of these children are in the pictures? 2) Which of the children think it is necessary to help the Earth? What do they personally do? 3) Who is in charge of the planet? What do Nikki, Jackie and Ben think about it? 8.Ролевая игра. T.: Children, I have got a surprise for you. Today a guest is present at our lesson. She will introduce herself. Welcome, please! G.: Good morning, my friends! I’m Rona Rex. I’m from Liverpool, Britain. I’m glad to visit you in your wonderful country. I heard that you discussed very important problems. There are a lot of environmental groups in Britain: Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and London Zoological Society. Children go there with their teachers to study and enjoy nature. I represent Liverpool ecology group and I take part in such activities as: 1. How to help wild birds in winter. 2. Wild flowers. T.: Rona, what do you think, who should be in charge of the Earth? T.: Pupils, what should we do to save the Earth? P 1: We must keep the water clean. P 2: We must keep the air clean. P 3: We must keep all leaving creatures. P 4: Use paper not plastic because plastic cannot be recycled, will never decompose. P 5: Do not throw your old batteries in the trash; take them to a recycling center. P 6: Turn out the lights when you are not using it. P 8: Let us keep the Earth green and healthy and full of millions of wonderful animals. G.: I think that our common activities will save the Earth. (Slide 10) TAKING CARE OF THE EARTH IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS. 9. Окончание урока. T: Our Earth is so beautiful. That’s why we must take care of it. Then we’ll be happy to live on the most beautiful planet in the Universe. And now I’d like to give you a piece of advice. (Slide 11) Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the creatures you can, As long as ever you can 10.Рефлексия. T.: Our discussion is over. I’m really pleased with you and your work at the lesson. You’ve tried your best and I’ll put you excellent marks. T: 1) Did you like our lesson? 2) What did you like more? 3) What new information did you get about environment? T. Express your opinion about the lesson: a) The lesson was excellent. I know and can a lot. b) The lesson was good. I know and can a little. c) The lesson was not bad. I know and can little. T: I’d like to finish our lesson with the song :“Kids for saving Earth promise song” (Slide 12) The Earth is my home I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful I will love the land, the air, the water and all living creatures. I will be a defender of my planet, united with friends. I will save the Earth. United with friends, I promise to keep it united with friends. I will love the land United with friends. I’ll be a defender I will save the Earth I will save the Earth. ) Thank you for the lesson. See you