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Ход урока английского языка

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1.Начало урока

Доска 10th of October.

- Stand up!

- Good morning, Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning my children! I am glad to see you!

- Good morning Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you!

- Sit down, please!

- How are you?

- I am fine, thanks!

- What date is it today?

- Today is the 10th of October.

- Who is absent today?

- Today is absent Малышев and Бигбаев.

- Very good!

 2. Центральная часть урока.

Фонетическая зарядка:

- So I speak English words and you repeat after me:

beautiful, pretty, handsome, good-looking, attractive, ugly, tall, short, long, big, small, plump, slim, fair, eye, blue, brown, green, grey, nose, straight, turned up, curly, look like, red, yellow, face, blouse, jumper, pullover, jacket, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, dress, uniform, shorts, trousers, shoes, boots, trainers.

Речевая зарядка:

картинки с персонажами

- Answer my questions!

- Who is it?

- It is Buratino

- Is Buratino handsome?

- Buratino is handsome

- Is Malvina plump?

- Malvina is not plump she is tall.

- What is her eyes?

- Her eyes is small.

- Wha- Her hair is blue.t is her hair?

- What is her nose?

- Her nose is straight.

- What has Malvina on?

- Malvina has a blue dress and white shoes on.

- What has Buratino on

- Is it a boy or a girl?

- Buratino has a red skirt on.

- Is he plump?

- It is a boy

- Has the man a hat on?

- He is plump

- The man has a hat on.

Монологическое высказывание:

- Tell me about Buratino.

- Tell me about Malvina.

- Tell me about Красная Шапочка.

- It is Buratino..

- It is Malvina..

- It is Красная Шапочка..


1.She has a round face and a small hose. She has blue eyes and long blue hair. She is very beautiful. Who is it?

- Yes, very good! Почему ты так думаешь?

 2. He is handsome. He is not plump. He is slim. He is sad. He has a friend. He has a white shirt and white trousers on. Who is it?

- Yes, very good! А почему так думаешь ты?

 3. He is handsome. His eyes are blue. He has a long nose. He has a father, but he has no mother. Who is it?

- Yes, very good! Почему ты так думаешь?

 - It is Malvina.

- У неё голубые глаза и голубые волосы.

 - It is Пьеро.

- На нем белые трико и майка.

 - He is Buratino.

- У него длинный нос и нет мамы.

Контроль домашнего задания:

- Your homework: Дома вы составляли рассказ-загадку о своём однокласснике или сказочном герое:

- She has a long hair. His face is round. His eyes are blue. She is pretty. Who is she?

- She is Алёна.

- He is tall. He has a white shirt and white trousers on. Who is it?

- It is Пьеро.


- Open the books at page 15 exercise 1. Read, Света!

 - Translate please, Алёна!

 - Who wrote the first letter?

- Ok! Вова read the second letter.

 - Translate please, Света!

 - Who wrote the second letter?

- Ok! Даша read the third letter.

 - Translate please, Света.

 - Who wrote the third letter?

- Почему ты так думаешь?

- Ok!

- I think I look great. I like wearning smart things. And I am careful about my clothes. They are always clean and neat. My mum thinks I look a bit older for my age. I am really much taller than other girls in my class. So what? I do not want to compare myself with other.

- Я думаю, что я выгляжу великолепно. И я забочусь о своей внешности. Они всегда чистые и опрятные. Моя мама думает что я выгляжу старше своих лет. Я худее чем девочки в моём классе. Так что? Я не хочу быть похожей на других.

-The first letter wrote a girl.

- I am 12 years old and I look really awful. I don’t know what to do with my awful hair. I have the  ugliest nose in the world. I think I’m a bit plump. I always worry about how I look like. I want to look like all the models in your magazine

- Мне 12 лет и я ужасна. Я не знаю что делать с моими ужасными волосами. У меня ужасный нос в мире. Я думаю, что я немного полновата. Я очень беспокоюсь о том кому я понравлюсь. Я хочу выглядеть как все модели в журнале.

- The second letter wrote a girl.

- I don’t care how people look like. I jast like them or don’t. My friends say: « He is cool» or «She is good-looking», but I don’t know. I don’t care much for clothes and I never wear bright clothes.

- The third letter wrote a boy.


- Ребята, что такое антонимы?

 - Very good! Итак, кто быстрее и правильнее напишет ответ:







- Ok! Повторим степени сравнения прилагательных. Сколько в английском языке степеней прилагательных?

- какие? И как они образуются?

 - напишите правильно.




- А теперь кроссворд!

1. Who is it? (face)

2. What is her hair? (long)

3. What has the boy on? (uniform)

4. What is it? (shorts)

5. What is it? (dress)

6. What is it? (boots)

7. Is it a cap or a hat? (hat)

8. What is it? (blouse)

9. What colour is a dress? (blue)

10. What is it? (eye)

- Ребята, у нас получилось новое слово comfortable. Давайте его запишим в словарик, переводиться это слово как «удобный».

- А теперь ваши оценки:

Алёна, Настя, Алёша, Марина, Игорь, Настя, Оля, Вова – five; Катя. Слава, Витя – four.

- Good bay!

- Антонимы – это слова противоположные друг другу.







 - три степени прилагательных.

- положительная, превосходная и сравнительная. Превосходная имеет суффикс er и превосходная суффикс est и артикль the.

 taller – the tallest

long –the longest

more beautiful – the most beautiful

- It is face.

- Her hair is long.

- The boy has uniform on.

- It is shorts.

- It is dress.

- It is boots.

- It is a hat.

- It is blouse.

- It is blue.

- It is eye.

 - Good bay!

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«Ход урока английского языка »

1.Начало урока

Доска 10th of October.

- Stand up!

- Good morning, Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning my children! I am glad to see you!

- Good morning Good morning! Good morning to you! Good morning our teacher! We are glad to see you!

- Sit down, please!

- How are you?

- I am fine, thanks!

- What date is it today?

- Today is the 10th of October.

- Who is absent today?

- Today is absent Малышев and Бигбаев.

- Very good!

2. Центральная часть урока.

Фонетическая зарядка:

- So I speak English words and you repeat after me:

beautiful, pretty, handsome, good-looking, attractive, ugly, tall, short, long, big, small, plump, slim, fair, eye, blue, brown, green, grey, nose, straight, turned up, curly, look like, red, yellow, face, blouse, jumper, pullover, jacket, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, dress, uniform, shorts, trousers, shoes, boots, trainers.

Речевая зарядка:

картинки с персонажами

- Answer my questions!

- Who is it?

- It is Buratino

- Is Buratino handsome?

- Buratino is handsome

- Is Malvina plump?

- Malvina is not plump she is tall.

- What is her eyes?

- Her eyes is small.

- Wha- Her hair is blue.t is her hair?

- What is her nose?

- Her nose is straight.

- What has Malvina on?

- Malvina has a blue dress and white shoes on.

- What has Buratino on

- Is it a boy or a girl?

- Buratino has a red skirt on.

- Is he plump?

- It is a boy

- Has the man a hat on?

- He is plump

- The man has a hat on.

Монологическое высказывание:

- Tell me about Buratino.

- Tell me about Malvina.

- Tell me about Красная Шапочка.

- It is Buratino. ...

- It is Malvina. ...

- It is Красная Шапочка. ...


1.She has a round face and a small hose. She has blue eyes and long blue hair. She is very beautiful. Who is it?

- Yes, very good! Почему ты так думаешь?

2. He is handsome. He is not plump. He is slim. He is sad. He has a friend. He has a white shirt and white trousers on. Who is it?

- Yes, very good! А почему так думаешь ты?

3. He is handsome. His eyes are blue. He has a long nose. He has a father, but he has no mother. Who is it?

- Yes, very good! Почему ты так думаешь?

- It is Malvina.

- У неё голубые глаза и голубые волосы.

- It is Пьеро.

- На нем белые трико и майка.

- He is Buratino.

- У него длинный нос и нет мамы.

Контроль домашнего задания:

- Your homework: Дома вы составляли рассказ-загадку о своём однокласснике или сказочном герое:

- She has a long hair. His face is round. His eyes are blue. She is pretty. Who is she?

- She is Алёна.

- He is tall. He has a white shirt and white trousers on. Who is it?

- It is Пьеро.


- Open the books at page 15 exercise 1. Read, Света!

- Translate please, Алёна!

- Who wrote the first letter?

- Ok! Вова read the second letter.

- Translate please, Света!

- Who wrote the second letter?

- Ok! Даша read the third letter.

- Translate please, Света.

- Who wrote the third letter?

- Почему ты так думаешь?

- Ok!

- I think I look great. I like wearning smart things. And I am careful about my clothes. They are always clean and neat. My mum thinks I look a bit older for my age. I am really much taller than other girls in my class. So what? I do not want to compare myself with other.

- Я думаю, что я выгляжу великолепно. И я забочусь о своей внешности. Они всегда чистые и опрятные. Моя мама думает что я выгляжу старше своих лет. Я худее чем девочки в моём классе. Так что? Я не хочу быть похожей на других.

-The first letter wrote a girl.

- I am 12 years old and I look really awful. I don’t know what to do with my awful hair. I have the ugliest nose in the world. I think I’m a bit plump. I always worry about how I look like. I want to look like all the models in your magazine

- Мне 12 лет и я ужасна. Я не знаю что делать с моими ужасными волосами. У меня ужасный нос в мире. Я думаю, что я немного полновата. Я очень беспокоюсь о том кому я понравлюсь. Я хочу выглядеть как все модели в журнале.

- The second letter wrote a girl.

- I don’t care how people look like. I jast like them or don’t. My friends say: « He is cool» or «She is good-looking», but I don’t know. I don’t care much for clothes and I never wear bright clothes.

- The third letter wrote a boy.


- Ребята, что такое антонимы?

- Very good! Итак, кто быстрее и правильнее напишет ответ:







- Ok! Повторим степени сравнения прилагательных. Сколько в английском языке степеней прилагательных?

- какие? И как они образуются?

- напишите правильно.




- А теперь кроссворд!

1. Who is it? (face)

2. What is her hair? (long)

3. What has the boy on? (uniform)

4. What is it? (shorts)

5. What is it? (dress)

6. What is it? (boots)

7. Is it a cap or a hat? (hat)

8. What is it? (blouse)

9. What colour is a dress? (blue)

10. What is it? (eye)

- Ребята, у нас получилось новое слово comfortable. Давайте его запишим в словарик, переводиться это слово как «удобный».

- А теперь ваши оценки:

Алёна, Настя, Алёша, Марина, Игорь, Настя, Оля, Вова – five; Катя. Слава, Витя – four.

- Good bay!

- Антонимы – это слова противоположные друг другу.







- три степени прилагательных.

- положительная, превосходная и сравнительная. Превосходная имеет суффикс er и превосходная суффикс est и артикль the.

taller – the tallest

long –the longest

more beautiful – the most beautiful

- It is face.

- Her hair is long.

- The boy has uniform on.

- It is shorts.

- It is dress.

- It is boots.

- It is a hat.

- It is blouse.

- It is blue.

- It is eye.

- Good bay!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Ход урока английского языка

Автор: Сейдахметова Алмагуль Сакеновна

Дата: 03.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 207702

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