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Journey to London

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This lesson is a virtual trip from Astana to London. Students have to do some tasks in order to get the main destination. The main visual aid for the lesson is active whiteboard. teacher should prepare some flipcharts for the lesson. The lesson is very interesting especially for such young lesrners. the tasks let the students to listen to the text and to some grammar exersises. 

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«Journey to London»

Open lesson


Aims: to revise some words, to teach students the plural form of nouns, to explain students the indefinite article a-an, to introduce students with the places of interest of London.

Visual aids: Interactive board, pictures of London, Rome, Paris, Berlin.

Procedure of the lesson:

Organization moment: Hello! Boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Let’s start our lesson let’s answer some questions. (Knock at the door a postman shows the letter, “Letter for you!”Teacher opens the letter: “Oh great let’s read the letter, Who wants to read the letter?” One student comes and reads the letter: “Hello My friends! My name is Mary. My surname is Smith. I am 10. I am from Great Britain. I live in London. I want to invite you to London and show you my beautiful country! ” Teacher: Let’s go to London! But also we will go to other countries. (Teacher shows the travelling route and asks questions: “Which country is it?” Students answer the questions)

Warm up: new words: (new words on the board teacher reads the words and students repeats, teacher corrects the pronunciation if necessary) coins, stamps, postcards, badges, star photos, model cars, shells, watch, box, book, ruler, pen, pencil, vowels, consonants, apple, toy,

Checking homework:

The first stop: France The Eifel Tower. This also our friend, we have some information about him. (students tell about Tom using the information below)

Name: Tom

Surname: Peters

Age: 11

From: France


Phone number: 8765945814367

Presentation of the new lesson:

He will help us to understand the indefinite article a-an: teacher opens the next page, shows the picture of trains, and explains the usage. Task for students:

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen, _____ pencil, _____ apple

The second stop: Germany Paris (first students tell about Helen using the information)

Name: Helen


Age: 11

From: Germany


Phone number: 87485697127

Helen is our friend too she will help us to understand the plural form of nouns.

a coin- _______________, a stamp- ________, a postcard- ________, a badge- ________ , a star photo-_______, a model car- _______, a shell- ________, a watch- ________ , a box- _______, a book-__ _____ , a ruler- _____, a pen- _____ , a pencil- _____, an apple­-______________, a baby - ________, a toy_________, a girl-__________.

The third stop: Italy Rome

Name: Mario and Rafael

Surname: Benedetti

Age: 11

From: Italy

Address: Via Foro 25

Phone number: 84589723364225

The dialogue p.51

Teacher reads the dialogue, Listen and repeat, translate some phrases.

Pair work:

The last stop: Great Britain London

Conclusion of the lesson: Teacher tells students about the places of interest in London!

Home task: to learn by heart new words.

Hello My friends!

My name is Mary. My surname is Smith. I am 10. I am from Great Britain. I live in London. I want to invite you to London and show you my beautiful country!

See you soon Mary!

Card 1Put the article a-an

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen,

_____ pencil, _____ apple

Card 1Put the article a-an

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen,

_____ pencil, _____ apple

Card 1Put the article a-an

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen,

_____ pencil, _____ apple

Card 1Put the article a-an

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen,

_____ pencil, _____ apple

Card 1Put the article a-an

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen,

_____ pencil, _____ apple

Card 1Put the article a-an

_____ coin, _____ stamp, _____ postcard, _____ badge, _____ star photo, _____ model car, _____ shell, _____ watch, _____ box, _____ book, _____ ruler, _____ pen,

_____ pencil, _____ apple

Card 2 Make plural form

a coin- _______________

a stamp- ______________

a postcard- ____________

a badge- ________ ______

a star photo-____________

a model car- ____________

a shell- ________________

a watch- ________________

a box- _________________

a book-________________

a ruler- ________________

a pen- _________________

a pencil- _______________

an apple­-________________

a baby - ________________

a toy___________________

a girl-__________________

Card 2 Make plural form

a coin- _______________

a stamp- ______________

a postcard- ____________

a badge- ________ ______

a star photo-____________

a model car- ____________

a shell- ________________

a watch- ________________

a box- _________________

a book-________________

a ruler- ________________

a pen- _________________

a pencil- _______________

an apple­-________________

a baby - ________________

a toy___________________

a girl-__________________

Card 2 Make plural form

a coin- _______________

a stamp- ______________

a postcard- ____________

a badge- ________ ______

a star photo-____________

a model car- ____________

a shell- ________________

a watch- ________________

a box- _________________

a book-________________

a ruler- ________________

a pen- _________________

a pencil- _______________

an apple­-________________

a baby - ________________

a toy___________________

a girl-__________________

Card 2 Make plural form

a coin- _______________

a stamp- ______________

a postcard- ____________

a badge- ________ ______

a star photo-____________

a model car- ____________

a shell- ________________

a watch- ________________

a box- _________________

a book-________________

a ruler- ________________

a pen- _________________

a pencil- _______________

an apple­-________________

a baby - ________________

a toy___________________

a girl-__________________

School-lyceum № 54

Open lesson

Journey to London

Teacher: Aitzhanova Saniya

Astana 2015

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Journey to London

Автор: Айтжанова Сания Оразаковна

Дата: 11.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 292118

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