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«Итоговый урок по английскому языку по теме "Holidays" в 6 классе »
Итоговый урок в 6 классе по теме «Holidays»
Цели урока:
- развивать навыки аудирования;
- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;
- расширять кругозор и познавательный интерес учащихся.
Оборудование урока:
- ноутбук;
- экран;
- магнитофон;
-кассета с записями английских песен;
-картинки – иллюстрации «Праздники»;
-карточки, таблицы.
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент.
Teacher: - How are you? Pupils: - I`m well, thank you.
I`m as fit as a fiddle.
Nice, thank you.
I am OK.
2.Сообщение темы и целей урока.
3.На экран спроектированы названия праздников, но буквы расположены не по порядку.
Task:Try to change the places of the letters so that you can read the names of
the holidays we are going to speak about.
RISTSAMCH (Christmas)
TEREAS ( Easter)
RANCEYADBMEMER (Remembrance Day)
MOTDAYSUNHERING (Mothering Sunday)
NEEWOLLAH (Halloween)
FOLAPYADORILS (April Fools` Day)
THFARSYAD (Father`s Day)
VALSTENNETIYADS (St. Valentine`s Day)
Task: Listen to some verses, extracts from different texts and say what holiday this is.
It is a holiday for children. Children make faces on pumpkins and put a candle inside. These pumpkins are called jack o`- lanterns. All children are
dressed in costumes of ghosts, clowns. (Halloween)
I have a little valentine
That someone sent to me
It`s pink and white
And red and blue
And pretty as can be.
Are round the edge,
And tiny roses, too; and
Such a lovely piece of lace,
The very palest blue.
And in the centre
There`s a heart
As red as red can be!
And on it`s written
All in gold, “To You
With Love From Me”.
(St. Valentine`s Day)
4.a.Task:You see several hearts which are the symbols of this holiday. In the hearts you see words. Try to guess what words are written here.
erpesnt present
figt gift
erd red
alce lace
rhaet heart
vloe love
upcdi cupid
ancyd candy
levniaten valentine
ahters hearts
naormce romance
iferdn friend
orwar arrow
rdca card
3.Come, children,
Gather round my knee,
Something is about to burst.
Huck it`s midnight, children dear,
Huck, here comes another year. (New Year)
4.On this day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and little presents. The eldest son must bring his mother a good cake.
(Mothering Sunday)
5.The British wear red paper poppies on this day. It`s the Sunday before or after the 11th of November, the day on which the First World War ended. This first holiday was in 1918.
(Remembrance Day)
6.People began to celebrate this holiday many, many years ago. They began to decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other.
7.It`s a religious holiday. It comes on a Sunday between March, 22, and April, 25.
Just before this holiday the schools and colleges are usually closed. The students
Have a week or 10 days of spring vacations.
8.It`s a summer holiday. It`s celebrated in June.
(Father`s Day)
5.Cоставление полилога с использованием выученного материала о праздниках.
Task. Let`s imagine we are in the English- speaking club in London. We have a
meeting of Russian and British pupils. They are talking about holidays in
-Hello, boys and girls. We are glad to meet you in our school in London.
- We are glad to meet you , too. And we want to congratulate you on the occasion
of April Fools` Day.
- Oh, it`s really so. Thank you very much. And do you know anything about this
Funny holiday?
- Of course, we do. (рассказ “April Fools` Day” )
-Thank you very much. I think you like this holiday.
- Oh, yes! We like it very much!
- But do you know how holidays began in Britain?
- I know. (рассказ “Holidays in Britain”)
- That`s all right! I see you know something about our holidays.
- Well, there are some holidays which are the same we have in our country.
For example, we have the 8th of March and you have Mothering Sunday.
Do you like this holiday?
- Of course, we do. (рассказ “Mothering Sunday”)
- And we have such holiday as Christmas.
(рассказ “Christmas”)
- Well, this holiday is very nice. In our country we also have Christmas but we
celebrate it on the 7th of January. And we celebrate New Year`s Day on the 1st
of January. It`s the most favourite holiday of our children.
(рассказ “New Year”)
- Do you have any other interesting holidays?
- Certainly, we have. This is St. Valentine`s Day
(рассказ “St. Valentine`s Day”)
-Have you ever heard about Remembrance Day?
- Of course, I have. (рассказ “Remembrance Day” )
- I also know about your holiday Father`s Day.
(рассказ “Father`s Day” )
- May be you also have such holiday as Easter.
(рассказ “Easter ” )
- I`m quite sure you don`t have such holiday as Halloween.
(рассказ “Halloween “)
- Now, I suppose, you know our holidays much better.
-Of course, we do. Thank you very much for your interesting stories about your
- Don`t mention it.
6. Quiz “What do you know about holidays in Britain?”
1.How did holidays begin in Britain?
2.What do English people do on holidays?
3.How did those people who had holidays spend them?
4.When is Mothering Sunday in Great Britain?
5.What is a symbol of peace in Great Britain?
6.On what day do the British wear red paper poppies?
7.When was the first Remembrance Day?
8.Why did people wear red paper poppies?
9.When is Father`s Day celebrated?
10.Do you know the actual origin of Valentine`s Day?
11.What festival do many historians seem to trace Valentine`s Day to?
12.When and where did the custom to send valentine cards start?
13.Where do people ignore New Year`s Day completely and go to bed as usual
on New Year`s Eve?
14.Where is New Year a big event?
15.What is said to bring good luck in Scotland?
16.How is Father Christmas called in America?
17.What is traditionally placed in Christmas pudding?
18.Why did people begin to think about a robin as a Christmas bird?
19.What is the highlight of Christmas dinner?
20.What is a Yule Log?
21.What kind of holidays is Easter?
22.What holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October?
23.Where has April Fools` day originated?
24.Why were people called April fools?
7.Подведение итогов урока. Вручение призов лучшим учащимся.