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Lesson: English lesson Date: 29.01.2016 Grade: 6 “?” Lexical theme: Invitation Grammar theme: there is, there are, some/any. Equipment: blackboard, pictures, cards. Type of the lesson: practical lesson. The aims: 1. А?артушылы?:О?ушылар?а there is, there are, some/any с?здеріні? ?олданылуын т?сіндіру ж?не с?здік ?орларын байыту,білімдерін жетілдіру. 2. Дамытушылы?:О?ушыларды? о?у, жазу, с?йлеу ж?не ты?дау ар?ылы т?сіну ?абілеттерін дамыту, ауызекі с?йлеу ?абілеттерін арттыра отырып,т?рлі тапсырмалар ар?ылы о?ушыларды? ойлау ?абілеттерін жетілдіре т?су, есте са?тау ?абілеттерін дамыта отырып, оларды е?бек баулу; 3. Т?рбиелік:О?ушыларды? бойында адалды?,адамгершілік ?асиеттерін ?алыптастыру,сыйласты??а, елжандылы??а,отанс?йгіштікке ж?не ?з сыныптасына ??рметпен?арау?а т?рбиелеу, м?дениеттілікке ?йрету; 4. Т?жірибелік: Саба?та there is, there are, some/any с?здерін ?олдану ар?ылы с?йлем ??растыру, ж?не де ?з ойларын жеткізгенде ?олдану. Equipment: blackboard, pictures, cards. Type of the lesson: practical lesson. The plan of the lesson: I. Organization moment II. Warming up III. Phonetic drill IV. Checking up home task V. Presentation of new material VI. Жа?а та?ырыпты бекіту. VII. Рефлексия VIII. Home task The prosedure of the lesson I.Organization moment a) Greeting (1 minute) Teacher: Good afernoon, dear children! Pupil: Good afernoon, teacher! Teacher: How are you? Pupil: We are fine and you? Teacher: Thank you, I'm ok! b) Dialogue with the student, who is on duty (2 minutes) Teacher: Who is absent? Pupil : All are present. Teacher: What date is it today? Pupil : Today is the 29th of January Teacher: What day is it today? Pupil: Today is Friday Teacher:Is the weather cold? Pupil: Yes, the weather is cold. Teacher: Good job! Thank you, sit down, please! II. Warming-up (3 minutes). Crossword about colors. 1. Grey 2. Purple 3. Orange 4. Brown 5. Pink 6. Green 7. Yellow 8. Blue 9. Black 10. White 11. red G R E Y P U R P L E B I E B L U E O R A N G E B L A C K O K N O R W H I T E D W N Teacher: Good job, children. III. Phonetic drill (3 minutes). T: Guys, look at the board. These are English tongue twisters. Please, listen to me. 1. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream. I _____, you scream, we all scream for _______. 2. Heals is above wealth. ____ is above _____. IV. Checking up home task (6 minutes) Teacher: Guys, Let’s check your home task. What is your home task? Pupil: Our home task is ex 9, at page 98. Teacher: Ok, who can read ex5. Pupil: I can read. Teacher: Ok, read please. Task: Discuss with your partner. Are the words in italics adjectives or adverbs? 1. Fast food is a quick meal. He finished his work quick. 2. I know his parents well. Sport is good for our health. 3. His French is fluent. I speak English fluently. 4. The students passed the exam easily. They had an easy exam. 5. Please speak slowly. I can’t understand you. His movements are slow. V. Presentation of new material (6 minutes) 1. There is/there are ??рылымы а?ылшын тілінде жиі ?олданылады. There is : айтушы?а белгісіз бір затты? т?р?ан жерін, о?и?аны? болатын уа?ытын білдіреді. ?ыс?ар?ан т?рі: there’s. There are: д?л осылай, біра? м?нда затты? к?п екенін білдіреді. Мысалы: There is There are book books room rooms window windows dog dogs Болымсыз т?рі: there is no/there are no. Мысалы: there is no bred on the table/ there are no books on the table. 2. Some есімдігі болымды с?йлемдерде, any есімдігі болымсыз с?йлемдерде ?олданылады. Б?лар «бірнеше, кез-келген, ?андай да бір» деген ма?ыналарды білдіреді. Мысалы: Ann has got some difficult questions- Аннаны? бірнеше ?иын с?ра?тары бар. Do you have any questions? – ?андай да бір с?ра?тары?ыз бар ма? My brother don’t like any meat – Мені? а?ам еш?андай етті ?натпайды. VI. Жа?а та?ырыпты бекіту ( 20 minutes) Жа?а с?здерді карточка ар?ылы бекіту К?рнекілік ?дісі Аударма ?дісі party delicious boring Invite invitation Teacher: Open your books at page 101. Look at the exercise 2. Task 1. Read and answer the questions. A) Do you invite your friend to your birthday? B) Do you send a postcard to your friend? C) Do you send an invitation to your friend? Teacher: next task is ex 3, p 101 Task 2. Read the invitation. Teacher: look at the ex 4, p102 Task 3. Read and answer the questions: Where were Carol and Dmitry yesterday? Carol: Were you at John’s party yesterday? Dmitry: Yes, I was. Carol: Was it good? Dmitry: No, it was boring. The food was not delicious. Carol: Were there many people? Dmitry: Yes, there were. And where were you? Carol: I was at Tom’s party. There were not many people there. But it was lovely. The food was delicious. I enjoyed it. Task 4. True (T) or false (F)? a) Dmitry was at John’s party yesterday. T b) The party was boring. T c) The food was delicious. F d) There were many people. T e) Carol was at John’s party too. F f) Carol enjoyed the party. T Teacher: look at the ex 7, p103 Task 5. Interview 2 or 3 your group mates. See exercise 4. a) Were you at a party yesterday (last Saturday…)? b) Was it good? c) Were there many people? d) And where were you? Teacher: look at the ex 8, p103. Task 6. Write. My interview. Yesterday Asel was at the party. It was boring but the food was delicious. There were not many people. She didn’t enjoy the party. VII.Reflection (2 minute) 1.Did you like this lesson? 2. Was this lesson interesting? VIII. Home task (2 minutes) Teacher: Guys, open your dairies and write down your home task. Your home task is exercise 10 at page 103. Guys, stand up, please. Our lesson is over, thank you for your attention, see you next lesson. Good bye! Pupils: Good bye, teacher!
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Lesson: English lesson

Date: 29.01.2016

Grade: 6 “Ә”

Lexical theme: Invitation

Grammar theme: there is, there are, some/any.

Equipment: blackboard, pictures, cards.

Type of the lesson: practical lesson.

The aims:

  1. Ағартушылық:Оқушыларға there is, there are, some/any сөздерінің қолданылуын түсіндіру және сөздік қорларын байыту,білімдерін жетілдіру.

  2. Дамытушылық:Оқушылардың оқу, жазу, сөйлеу және тыңдау арқылы түсіну қабілеттерін дамыту, ауызекі сөйлеу қабілеттерін арттыра отырып,түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы оқушылардың ойлау қабілеттерін жетілдіре түсу , есте сақтау қабілеттерін дамыта отырып, оларды еңбек баулу;

  3. Тәрбиелік:Оқушылардың бойында адалдық,адамгершілік қасиеттерін қалыптастыру,сыйластыққа, елжандылыққа,отансүйгіштікке және өз сыныптасына құрметпенқарауға тәрбиелеу, мәдениеттілікке үйрету;

  4. Тәжірибелік: Сабақта there is, there are, some/any сөздерін қолдану арқылы сөйлем құрастыру, және де өз ойларын жеткізгенде қолдану.

Equipment: blackboard, pictures, cards.

Type of the lesson: practical lesson.

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

  2. Warming up

  3. Phonetic drill

  4. Checking up home task

  5. Presentation of new material

  6. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту.

  7. Рефлексия

  8. Home task

The prosedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment

a) Greeting (1 minute)

Teacher: Good afernoon, dear children!

Pupil: Good afernoon, teacher!

Teacher: How are you?

Pupil: We are fine and you?

Teacher: Thank you, I'm ok!

b) Dialogue with the student, who is on duty (2 minutes)

Teacher: Who is absent?

Pupil : All are present.

Teacher: What date is it today?

Pupil : Today is the 29th of January

Teacher: What day is it today?

Pupil: Today is Friday

Teacher:Is the weather cold?

Pupil: Yes, the weather is cold.

Teacher: Good job! Thank you, sit down, please!

II. Warming-up (3 minutes).

Crossword about colors.

  1. Grey

  2. Purple

  3. Orange

  4. Brown

  5. Pink

  6. Green

  7. Yellow

  8. Blue

  9. Black

  10. White

  11. red

    1. G

    1. R

    1. E

    1. Y

    1. P

    1. U

    1. R

    1. P

    1. L

    1. E

    1. B

    1. I

    1. E

    1. B

    1. L

    1. U

    1. E

    1. O

    1. R

    1. A

    1. N

    1. G

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    1. A

    1. C

    1. K

    1. O

    1. K

    1. N

    1. O

    1. R

    1. W

    1. H

    1. I

    1. T

    1. E

    1. D

    1. W

    1. N

    Teacher: Good job, children.

  1. III. Phonetic drill (3 minutes).

  2. T: Guys, look at the board.

  3. These are English tongue twisters.

  4. Please, listen to me.

  1. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream.

  1. I _____, you scream, we all scream for _______.

  2. 2. Heals is above wealth.

  3. ____ is above _____.

  4. IV. Checking up home task (6 minutes)

  5. Teacher: Guys, Let’s check your home task. What is your home task?

  6. Pupil: Our home task is ex 9, at page 98.

  7. Teacher: Ok, who can read ex5.

  8. Pupil: I can read.

  9. Teacher: Ok, read please.

  10. Task: Discuss with your partner. Are the words in italics adjectives or adverbs?

  1. Fast food is a quick meal.

  1. He finished his work quick.

  1. I know his parents well.

  1. Sport is good for our health.

  1. His French is fluent.

  1. I speak English fluently.

  1. The students passed the exam easily.

  1. They had an easy exam.

  1. Please speak slowly. I can’t understand you.

  1. His movements are slow.

  2. V. Presentation of new material (6 minutes)

  1. There is/there are құрылымы ағылшын тілінде жиі қолданылады. There is : айтушыға белгісіз бір заттың тұрған жерін, оқиғаның болатын уақытын білдіреді. Қысқарған түрі: there’s . There are: дәл осылай, бірақ мұнда заттың көп екенін білдіреді. Мысалы:

    1. There is

    1. There are

    1. book

    1. books

    1. room

    1. rooms

    1. window

    1. windows

    1. dog

    1. dogs

  1. Болымсыз түрі: there is no/there are no. Мысалы: there is no bred on the table/ there are no books on the table.

  2. 2. Some есімдігі болымды сөйлемдерде, any есімдігі болымсыз сөйлемдерде қолданылады. Бұлар «бірнеше, кез-келген, қандай да бір» деген мағыналарды білдіреді. Мысалы:

  3. Ann has got some difficult questions- Аннаның бірнеше қиын сұрақтары бар.

  4. Do you have any questions? – Қандай да бір сұрақтарыңыз бар ма?

  5. My brother don’t like any meat – Менің ағам ешқандай етті ұнатпайды.

  6. VI. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту ( 20 minutes)

  7. Жаңа сөздерді карточка арқылы бекіту

    1. Көрнекілік әдісі

    1. Аударма әдісі

    1. party

    1. delicious

    1. boring

    1. Invite

    1. invitation

  8. Teacher: Open your books at page 101. Look at the exercise 2.

  9. Task 1. Read and answer the questions.

  1. Do you invite your friend to your birthday?

  2. Do you send a postcard to your friend?

  3. Do you send an invitation to your friend?

  1. Teacher: next task is ex 3, p 101

  2. Task 2. Read the invitation.

  3. To Carol

    From Tom

    Please come to my

    Party on

    15 March at 4 p.m.


    Hill Road 20

    Dmitry .

    I invite you to my


    at 10 Queen St.

    On Friday

    15 march

    at 5 p.m.


  4. Teacher: look at the ex 4, p102

  5. Task 3. Read and answer the questions: Where were Carol and Dmitry yesterday?

  6. Carol: Were you at John’s party yesterday?

  7. Dmitry: Yes, I was.

  8. Carol: Was it good?

  9. Dmitry: No, it was boring. The food was not delicious.

  10. Carol: Were there many people?

  11. Dmitry: Yes, there were. And where were you?

  12. Carol: I was at Tom’s party. There were not many people there.

  13. But it was lovely. The food was delicious. I enjoyed it.

  14. Task 4. True (T) or false (F)?

  15. a) Dmitry was at John’s party yesterday. T

  16. b) The party was boring. T

  17. c) The food was delicious. F

  18. d) There were many people. T

  19. e) Carol was at John’s party too. F

  20. f) Carol enjoyed the party. T

  21. Teacher: look at the ex 7, p103

  22. Task 5. Interview 2 or 3 your group mates. See exercise 4.

  23. a) Were you at a party yesterday (last Saturday…)?

  24. b) Was it good?

  25. c) Were there many people?

  26. d) And where were you?

  27. Teacher: look at the ex 8 , p103.

  28. Task 6. Write. My interview.

  29. Yesterday Asel was at the party.

  30. It was boring but the food was delicious.

  31. There were not many people.

  32. She didn’t enjoy the party.

  33. VII.Reflection (2 minute)

  34. 1.Did you like this lesson?

  35. 2. Was this lesson interesting?

  36. Bad


  37. VIII. Home task (2 minutes)

  38. Teacher: Guys, open your dairies and write down your home task. Your home task is exercise 10 at page 103.

  39. Guys, stand up, please. Our lesson is over, thank you for your attention, see you next lesson. Good bye!

  40. Pupils: Good bye, teacher!

  41. Әдіскер:___________Алпысбаева А.Е

  42. Мұғалім:__________Макенова С.Ж

  43. Баға:_________

  44. 1. foggy

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    1. h

    1. b

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    1. j

    2. windy

  45. 3. rainy

  46. 4. snowy

  47. 5. sunny

  48. 6. cloudy

    1. f

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  49. 1. foggy

  50. 2. windy

  51. 3. rainy

  52. 4. snowy

  53. 5. sunny

  54. 6. cloudy

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    1. j

  55. 1. foggy

  56. 2. windy

  57. 3. rainy

  58. 4. snowy

  59. 5. sunny

  60. 6. cloudy

    1. f

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    1. o

    1. l

    1. i

    1. p

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    1. o

    1. w

    1. i

    1. r

    1. r

    1. w

    1. j

    1. s

    1. k

    1. f

    1. g

    1. t

    1. t

    1. y

    1. g

    1. y

    1. k

    1. p

    1. o

    1. i

    1. l

    1. s

    1. e

    1. n

    1. g

    1. h

    1. i

    1. g

    1. c

    1. l

    1. o

    1. u

    1. d

    1. y

    1. d

    1. j

    1. f

    1. а

    1. q

    1. f

    1. r

    1. s

    1. f

    1. d

    1. m

    1. k

    1. w

    1. i

    1. d

    1. y

    1. h

    1. h

    1. b

    1. a

    1. l

    1. j

  61. 1. foggy

  62. 2. windy

  63. 3. rainy

  64. 4. snowy

  65. 5. sunny

  66. 6. cloudy

    1. f

    1. w

    1. r

    1. l

    1. s

    1. u

    1. n

    1. n

    1. y

    1. h

    1. o

    1. h

    1. a

    1. u

    1. k

    1. e

    1. d

    1. o

    1. o

    1. g

    1. g

    1. s

    1. i

    1. n

    1. n

    1. a

    1. l

    1. p

    1. n

    1. s

    1. g

    1. k

    1. n

    1. g

    1. p

    1. i

    1. k

    1. a

    1. m

    1. n

    1. y

    1. i

    1. y

    1. h

    1. p

    1. i

    1. p

    1. c

    1. p

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    1. w

    1. i

    1. r

    1. r

    1. w

    1. j

    1. s

    1. k

    1. f

    1. g

    1. t

    1. t

    1. y

    1. g

    1. y

    1. k

    1. p

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    1. i

    1. l

    1. s

    1. e

    1. n

    1. g

    1. h

    1. i

    1. g

    1. c

    1. l

    1. o

    1. u

    1. d

    1. y

    1. d

    1. j

    1. f

    1. а

    1. q

    1. f

    1. r

    1. s

    1. f

    1. d

    1. m

    1. k

    1. w

    1. i

    1. d

    1. y

    1. h

    1. h

    1. b

    1. a

    1. l

    1. j

    1. foggy

  67. 2. windy

  68. 3. rainy

  69. 4. snowy

  70. 5. sunny

  71. 6. cloudy


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Бакыткали Акерке Нуртуганкызы

Дата: 27.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310617

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    ["seo_title"] => string(57) "konspiekt_uroka_anghliiskogho_iazyka_na_tiemu_instruments"
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