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Ilness 7 th form

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краткосрочный план на тему  " Ilness" в 7 классе.   Урок прошел по программе  Кембриджеского университета. Ученики были разделены на 3 группы. На уроке проводилась групповая и парная работа. Было чтение, аудирование, диалог, письменная работа.Составляя диалог ученики показывали свой актерские способности. В конце урока каждый ученик сделал свою рефлексию на пройденный  урок.

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«Ilness 7 th form »

7th Form

Theme : Illness

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to present and practice the theme illness; to encourage to express their opinions.

Developing: to develop pupils reading, writing, thinking and speaking skills and enrich their vocabulary.

Bringing –up: to teach them held the healthy way of life; to create interest in studying English.

Objectives : - to present new vocabulary and practice

  • to present should and shouldn’t

  • to work in pairs and in a group.

The type of the lesson:

The kind of the lesson: new theme

Connections with other subjects: Kazakh

The methods: the round table, strategies of critical thinking; “diagram”, pair and group work, question-answer, dialogue.

The visual aids: computer, projector, book, pictures, flesh cards, slides, posters.

Procedure of the Lesson

1.Organization moment. Greeting, talk with the duty. Asking the date, day, weather, checking absentees.

2. Heart to heart. Pupils stay in a circle and say good wishes to each other.

Divide into three groups : doctor, nurse, patient

3. Grammar ( should, shouldn’t (тиісті, тиісті емес) work with cards.

Let’s make a “Health code”

  1. You should eat vegetables and fruit.

  2. You should drink hot milk and honey.

  3. You shouldn’t unfresh food.

  4. You should sleep 8 hours a day.

  5. You shouldn’t drink cold water.

  6. You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets (salt)

5. Presentation of the new words :

This time new words were shown on the board from the text “ Treating a patient”.



[peiʃənt] n

сырқат адам



[sik] adj




[ʹgidi] adj

бас айналу


a pescription

[prisʹkripʃən] n



a pill

[pil] n




[miksʧə] n

сұйық дәрі


to recover

[riʹ kove] v

аурудан жазылу



[tri:tmənt] n




[daiəgʹ nəusis] n


6.Reading the text in chorus and individually.

Оқулықпен жұмыс :

The new text “ Treating a patient “

Groups read their text and translate .

7. Asking questions on the text.

1. Who was taken ill?

2. Was Tom running a high temperature?

3. How did he feel?

4. What was the matter?

5. Who phoned the policlinics?

6. What did the doctor do?

7. Did she write a prescription for some pill and mixture for him?

8. His mother got the medicine from the chemist’s, didn’t she?

9. Did Tom follow the doctor’s advice ?

8. Тақтамен жұмыс:

Writing: Pupils go to the blackboard and do ex: 5 p 103 S.B.





He was running a high temperature. He felt sick and giddy. He was a headache and sore throat.


It was flu.


To take a table spoonful of mixture and tablets three times a day.

9. Talk to your partner about your interview.

Дәрігермен сұхбат.

a) How many years do you work in this profession

b) When was the patient’s clinic built?

a) Why do you like this profession ?

b) Who is the head of the clinic?

a) What subject do we have to study better to be a doctor ?

b) How do you think will there he many doctors in future?

10. «Топтастыру стратегиясы»



gentle polite


educated kind


11. Work with poster .

Part I:

physical vegetables

exercises fruit


no smoking sport

love everyone

Part II: Taking regular

Healthy food


Eating good

quality food Protein gives you

energy and helps you grow

Vitamins help you

grow and stay healthy.

Part III:

Unhealthy food

A lot of sugar not smoking

can make you fat


Fat is also gives you energy not drinking alcohol

but animal fat in meat, eggs

and cheese has got cholesterol in it.

12. Conclusion of the lesson.

Home task. “ Treating a Patient” this text discussing and ex: 2 p34

§ 3 in Work Book

13. Conclusion of the lesson:

Сабақты қорыту:

T: “I would like to finish the lesson with proverbs:

“Health good state of body are above all goods”.

Our lesson has come to the end, let’s make a conclusion to our work. You have shown your knowledge about health, medicine. You can talk with a doctor.

I hope that you will take care of your health not only at the lesson but also in everyday life.

14. Evaluation.

Маршрутты бағалау әдісі.






Igmanova A.N.



7 b

19.02. 2015


Messages 3 Cambridge 2012


- to present and practice the theme illness; to encourage to express their opinions.

- to develop pupils reading, writing, thinking and speaking skills and enrich their vocabulary.

- to teach them held the healthy way of life; to create interest in studying English.


- to present new vocabulary and practice

- to present should and shouldn’t

- to work in pairs and in a group.

The type of the lesson

new lesson

Methods of the lesson

the round table, strategies of critical thinking; “diagram”, pair and group work, question-answer, dialogue.

Visual aids

computer, projector, book, pictures, flesh cards, slides, posters.

Procedure of the lesson :

Procedure of the Lesson



  1. Organization moment

  • Good morning pupils!

  • How are you today?

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent?

  • What day is it today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What month is it now?

  • What season is it now?

  • Heart to heart

  • Divide into three groups : doctor, nurse, patient

  • Watching the video : “At the doctor’s”

  • Task: answer the questions

  • What is the video about?

  • What symptoms does she has?

  • How does she feel?

  • What is her illness?

  • How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

  • The theme of today’s lesson is illness. Today we will learn new words about illness and grammar should and shouldn’t.

T Ps

Duty will answer the questions


Stay in a circle and say good wishes to each other.

Pupils will answer the questions

Presentation of the new words and grammar

Vocabulary :

sick ( adj) [ sik] – өзін ауру сезіну

hurt (v) – [ hӨ:t] – ауыртып алу

a sore throat (n) [ sͻ:ϴrout] – тамақ ауруы

faint (v) [ feint] – есінен тану

ache (n) [ eik] - ауру

Modal verb should\ shouldn’t

We use should or shouldn’t + verb to ask for and to give advice.

For example :

I should call an ambulance.

Should Martin ring 999?

Yes, he should.

Should I listen to his advice?

No, you shouldn’t

Pupils will write new words and grammar.

The main part of the lesson

- Ex. 1 p.96 Match the sentences with the pictures.

- Ex. 2 p. 96 Listen and complete the dialogue.

- Make up own dialogue.

Pupils will answer the questions and act the dialogue.


Pupils will dance.

Conclusion of the lesson

Work with posters

Doctor : make up sentences with pictures

Nurse : What should we eat?

What shouldn’t we eat?

Patient : Make up right proverbs about health and give Kazakh equivalents .


The captains will evaluate members of the group


  • Do you like the lesson?

  • What do you learn today?

  • What new words did you know?

Pupils will write their opinions about lesson.

Home work

Ex.4,5 p. 97

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Ilness 7 th form

Автор: Игманова Айгерим Нурзадаевна

Дата: 18.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 203034

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