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I want to visit Washington Dc

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    The  plan  of  the  lesson

    Grade: 6


    The  theme  of  the  lesson: I want to visit Washington DC

    Educational: Оқушыларға ‘I want to visit Washington DC

    тақырыбын  түсіндіру, жаңа  сөздермен таныстыру. 

    ‘Past Simple and Past Participle’ грамматикалық  

    тақырыбын түсіндіру. Жаттығу жұмыстарын орындау.

    Developing: Оқушылардың жаттығулар арқылы   

    жазу,  есту, тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту. Сөздік

    қорын, білімін кеңейту.

                                                        Bringing-up: Оқушыларды мәдениетті 

                                                        қарым-қатынас жасауға, бірін-бірі сыйлауға үйрету.

    Type  of  the  lesson: new lesson

    Methods  of  the  lesson: explanation, speaking, demonstration, practical  exercises.

    Visual  aids: pictures,tables, cards.

    Procedure  of  the  lesson

    I.   Organization  moment.

    Classroom  expressions:

    -     Good  morning, pupils!

    -     How  are  you?

    -     Who  is  on  duty  today?

    -     Who  is  absent?

    III. Checking  up  the  home  task.

    What  was  your  home  work? Ex  _____  p _____.     

    New lesson

    Ex 1. Read the text about these four people. They are talking about their holidays (where to spend it). Whose plan do you like?

    Ex 2. Write out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense from the texts.

    a) in the affermative (болымды)

    b) in the garden (болымсыз)


    I’ve (=I have) been to France

    She/ he’s (=she/he has) been to England

    Ex 3. Read the text again and fill in the chart about the four people.

    Ex 4. Talk to your partner

    Omar has visited…/ Omar has never been…

    Ex 5. Write the Past Simple and Past Perticiple forms of verbs.

    B) Write the verbs in the box under the right column.

    Come    arrive   leave    stay    live

    C) write about the namesof the countries from the text (ex 1)

    D) Answer the questions with your partner.

    Where is Washington D.C?

    Where is Kazakhstan?

    What is D.C?

    Is Washington in the District of Columbia?

    Ex 6. Tell your partner about the four people’s plans and about your plan.

    Ex 7. Write my plan…

    I want to visit …

    I have never been …

    Home  task.  To learn by heart the new words. Ex ____ p _____


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«I want to visit Washington Dc»


The plan of the lesson

Grade: 6


The theme of the lesson: I want to visit Washington DC

Educational: Оқушыларға ‘I want to visit Washington DC

тақырыбын түсіндіру, жаңа сөздермен таныстыру.

‘Past Simple and Past Participle’ грамматикалық

тақырыбын түсіндіру. Жаттығу жұмыстарын орындау.

Developing: Оқушылардың жаттығулар арқылы

жазу, есту, тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту. Сөздік

қорын, білімін кеңейту.

Bringing-up: Оқушыларды мәдениетті

қарым-қатынас жасауға, бірін-бірі сыйлауға үйрету.

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Methods of the lesson: explanation, speaking, demonstration, practical exercises.

Visual aids: pictures,tables, cards.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

Classroom expressions:

- Good morning, pupils!

- How are you?

- Who is on duty today?

- Who is absent?

III. Checking up the home task.

What was your home work? Ex _____ p _____.

New lesson

Ex 1. Read the text about these four people. They are talking about their holidays (where to spend it). Whose plan do you like?

Ex 2. Write out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense from the texts.

a) in the affermative (болымды)

b) in the garden (болымсыз)


I’ve (=I have) been to France

She/ he’s (=she/he has) been to England

Ex 3. Read the text again and fill in the chart about the four people.

Ex 4. Talk to your partner

Omar has visited…/ Omar has never been…

Ex 5. Write the Past Simple and Past Perticiple forms of verbs.

B) Write the verbs in the box under the right column.

Come arrive leave stay live

C) write about the namesof the countries from the text (ex 1)

D) Answer the questions with your partner.

Where is Washington D.C?

Where is Kazakhstan?

What is D.C?

Is Washington in the District of Columbia?

Ex 6. Tell your partner about the four people’s plans and about your plan.

Ex 7. Write my plan…

I want to visit …

I have never been …

Home task. To learn by heart the new words. Ex ____ p _____


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

I want to visit Washington Dc

Автор: Касымбекова Тазагуль Токсейтовна

Дата: 03.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 387410

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