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How we keep Mother’s Day

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«How we keep Mother’s Day»

Министерство Образования и Науки Республики Казахстан

Тема: “How we keep Mother’s Day”


Урок-проект “How we keep Mother’s Day”

Цели урока:

образовательная: углублять знания по страноведению; дать рекомендации по публичному выступлению;

развивающая: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку;

воспитательная: повышать познавательный интерес учащихся к иностранному языку в процессе проектной работы, учить учащихся работе в парах и группах.

План урока

  1. Начало урока.

    1. Орг. момент.

    2. Вступительное слово учителя.

    3. Warm up

  1. Защита учащимися проектных работ по темам

    1. Holidays in Great Britain

    2. Holidays in the USA

    3. Holidays in Kazakhstan

  1. Закрепления.

  2. Итог урока. Выставление оценок.

Ход урока

Teacher (T): Good morning, dear guests and students. I’m glad to see you today. I hope everybody is OK. How are you?

Students (S): Fine, thanks

Warm up.

T: The topic, we are going to discuss today, is “Mother’s Day”. Before beginning our lesson I want to check your vocabulary. We will play a game. I put a chair; around the chair I’ll put some cards with words and word combinations. You should dance around the chair till music stops then you‘ll choose a card and make up sentences with it.

Defense of projects:

For today you’ve prepared different projects, connected with the topic of our lesson. You are divided into three groups. Each group has got its leader. I’d like the leaders to introduce to our guests.

  • Leader 1: Let me introduce myself. My name is Nigara. I am a leader of our group. Our project is about Holidays in Great Britain.

  • Leader 2: Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhansaule. I am a leader of our group. Our project is about Holidays in the USA.

  • Leader 3: Let me introduce myself. My name is Susar. I am a leader of our group. Our project is about Holidays in Kazakhstan.

T: Thank you. And before the presentation of your projects I’d like to remind you about the skill of giving a presentation. Successful people possess the ability to communicate well. Most of us think that communication is just speaking and writing. But in fact, over half of an oral message is communicated visually. Look at this diagram.

We can say that it is not so much what you say as how you say it. If you wish to make an effective presentation, take care of 5 elements:

  1. Nervousness. Do not speak to quickly because you are nervous. In fact speak slower during the first few moments of a talk.

  2. The relationship between you and your audience. Be friendly and try to make eye contact with everyone in your audience.

  3. Body language. Remember that 57% of the message is communicated by what the audience can see. Use open-handed natural gestures.

  4. Vocal quality. The sound of your voice carries 36% of the message. You must be loud enough to be heard by everyone.

  5. Question time. Do not be afraid of questions and try to answer them.

So, if you take this advice into account, you will certainly succeed.

I’d like you to listen to the speakers very attentively and decide whose project you like best and why.

Представители каждой группы демонстрируют свои проекты.

    • Holidays in Great Britain. (слайды)

    • Holidays in the USA. (слайды)

    • Holidays in Kazakhstan. (слайды)

(Представители каждой группы демонстрируют свои проекты и затем закрепляют, то есть при помощи разных упражнении и игр они проверяют, студентов других команд как они усвоили их проект.)


History of Mother's Day in England

  • The tradition of celebrating Mothers Day began much earlier in England than it started in USA. In fact England was the first country in the world to dedicate a day for mothers as early as 1600s. They called this day for mothers as 'Mothering Sunday'. The festival has its roots in the practice wherein poor people in England send their little children to work as domestic servants or apprentice with the rich.

  • At that time it was considered important by the people that these children, staying away from their families be allowed to visit their homes once in a year. The time decided for the annual visit to home was middle Sunday of the fasting period of Lent (which lasts from Ash Wednesday to Easter). For this reason, the day was called 'Refreshment Sunday' or 'Mid-Lent Sunday'.

  • In England the day dedicated for mothers was more commonly called Mothering Sunday as people, mainly children visited their 'Mother Church' or the church of their home and not the 'Daughter Church', the closest church in the vicinity.

  • After paying a visit to church, children met their mothers and presented them flowers, which they gathered from bushes along the way. Girls baked special cakes called 'Simnel Cakes' for their mothers.

Production. (Each group prepares activities for production)




  • Mother's Day celebrates mothers every second Sunday of May. President Woodrow Wilson, who issued a proclamation in 1914, asked Americans to give a public expression of reverence to mothers on this day. Carnations have come to represent Mother's Day, following President William McKinley's habit of always wearing a white carnation, his mother's favorite flower.

  • Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed the last Monday of May. It originally honored the people killed in the American Civil War, but has become a day on which the American dead of all wars, and the dead generally, are remembered in special programs held in cemeteries, churches, and other public meeting places. The flying of the American flag is widespread.

  • Christmas Day is a federal holiday celebrated on December 25. Christmas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorating houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts, and sending greeting cards have become traditions even for many non-Christian Americans.

  • Various ethnic and religious groups in America celebrate days with special meaning to them even though these are not national holidays. Jews, for example, observe their high holy days in September, Muslims celebrate Ramadan, African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa, Irish Americans celebrate the old country's patron saint, St. Patrick, on March 17, and Mardi Gras is the day before the Christian season of Lent begins and is a big occasion in New Orleans, Louisiana, where huge parades and wild revels take place. There are many other such religious and ethnic celebrations in the United States.





Holidays in Kazakhstan.

What is Nauruz?

The Program on Central Asia and the Caucasus organized a very exciting event – our first-ever Nauruz Party. Nauruz is most widely known as the Iranian New Year’s celebration, celebrated on the spring equinox. But there is a much wider region, including Central Asia and the Caucasus where this holiday has deep cultural roots. Nauruz is also celebrated in Afghanistan, India, Turkey, Zanzibar, and Albania. As the new bulletin board – “Harvard Faces in Central Eurasian Spaces,” – outside of our Program office shows, those with a passion for Central Eurasia come in many shapes and sizes with varying academic affiliations. Therefore, Nauruz was the perfect occasion for scholars and students of Central Eurasian studies to meet each other and learn about the various departments and centers at Harvard which focus on this region. The celebration was held on March 21 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. on the concourse level of CGIS South. Food was served, and there was also a wonderful cultural program.

The Nauruz Celebration was co-sponsored by the Committee on Inner Asian and Altaic Studies, the Asia Center, Department of Slavic Langauges and Literatures, the Outreach Center at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, and the Outreach Center at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies.

International Women's Day

International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day is marked on the 8th of March every year. It is a major day of global celebration of women. In different regions the focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.

Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries, primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet bloc. In many regions, the day lost its political flavor, and became simply an occasion for men to express their love for women in a way somewhat similar to a mixture of Mother's Day and St Valentine's Day. In other regions, however, the original political and human rights theme designated by the United Nations runs strong and political and social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide are brought out and examined in a hopeful manner.

Victory Day. The 1st of May

Independence Day is a public holiday in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan was the last of the former Soviet Republics to declare its independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on December 16, 1991. Even though the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR accepted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR on October 25, 1990, it wasn’t until December 16, 1991 that Kazakhstan adopted the constitutional law on the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

History of Independence Day in Kazakhstan

The Russians had been advancing into Kazakhstan since the 18th century, but not until the mid-19th century was all of Kazakhstan taken by the Russian Empire. Following the Russian Revolution in 1917 that led to the creation of the Soviet Union under a Bolshevik Government, Kazakhstan became a battle ground for civil war, finally forming the Kazakh Soviet Socialist. Kazakh became important to the Soviets as the site for the Baikonur Cosmodrome—the first and largest operational space launch facility in the world—and the Semipalatinsk Polygon—the USSR’s primary testing site for nuclear weapons. After the historical fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan declared itself independent on December 16, 1991. Nursultan Nazarbayev, a Kazakhstan communist-era leader, became the country’s first president.

Kazakhstan’s Independence Day Traditions, Customs and Activities

The president and government, accompanied by politicians and public figures, usually head festivities in the presidential palace, Ak Orda, in Astana, capital city of Kazakhstan. Kazakhs celebrate Independence Day by dressing in traditional clothes, and villages will set up a yurt, a kind of elaborate tent used by the nomad Kazakhs. In the yurt is served meals, especially a dish of horse meat called beshbarmak. Kazakhs take the opportunity of the day off to visit friends and family, bringing gifts like flowers or candies. It is usual to organize tournaments with traditional games like horse races surrounded by other amusing activities and popular games.




T: Teacher says some words about demonstrated project: Thank you. I like the project …because it is the most interesting and exiting, because of its funny illustrations.

Teacher appreciates students’ works.

Home task: Learn new words and word phrases.

Our lesson is over. Good buy.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

How we keep Mother’s Day

Автор: Ирискулова Шахноза Толкуновна

Дата: 05.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 436938

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