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«How to talk about the Job».

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««How to talk about the Job».»

Конспект урока английского языка для 11 класса к УМК «Spotlight» по теме

«How to talk about the Job».

Тип урока: урок методологической направленности.

Цель урока: научить учащихся правильно описывать профессию на английском языке.

Задачи урока:


-практиковать навыки аудирования;

-практиковать навыки говорения;

-формирование потребности в практическом использовании английского языка.


-умение осуществлять анализ объектов с выделением признаков;

-умение работать с информацией, выделять главное;

-умение участвовать в групповой работе (дискуссии) при обсуждении прочитанного и прослушанного.


-умение оперировать в процессе общения активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;

-умение воспринимать информацию на слух с опорой на видео и понимать содержание текста, построенного на изученном материале;

-формирование употребления в речи основных норм речевого этикета, принятых в стране изучаемого языка.

Информационные ресурсы:

УМК “Spotlight” авторов В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, Б. Оби, О. Афанасьева, И. Михеева.

Издательство Москва Express Publishing «Просвещение» 2011 год.

Интернет-ресурсы Видео-урок “How to talk about your job” «Oxford Online English» www.youtube.com

Лексикоинформационный материал по теме “Professions”подготовленный учителем и учащимися.

Технологии: информационные, элементы сингапурской методики обучения “Quiz-Quiz-Trade” и “Timed-Pair-Share”.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая, в парах.

План открытого урока. 12.12.2018 г.

Stage of the lesson


Purpose of the stage

Classroom management

1. The beginning of the lesson.

Hello, guys!  Glad to see you!

Who is on duty today?

What date is today?

Who is absent? 

What was your home task?

I hope you are fine and ready to work, aren’t you?

Create an



of foreign




2. Purpose and objectives of the lesson.

Today we are going to speak about your future professions. The fact is that you’re finishing the 11th grade & I suppose you have already chosen what field you will specialize in. I’m sure you’ll manage to choose your future career and explain your choice at the end of our lesson. Let’s start.





students to

formulate the key objective of the lesson.

Whole class

3. Warm-up


Answer my question, please.

What do you want to be?

What qualities and abilities do you need to possess?

By the way, can you describe these jobs in English correctly?

Practice the


for jobs,


and skills


Whole class


Pre-watching activity.

Well, now you’ll be watching, learning & practicing how to talk perfectly & fluently about your job in English.

What questions does Mike ask to you?

P5 Where do you work?

What do you have to do in your job?

What kind of company do you work for?

Practice in listening native speaker & understanding the information.

Whole class

While-watching activity

Part One

Students are listening to Mike and using structures to practice skills of speaking.

Introducing your job.

-I’m a______

-I work in+field/place, department____

-I work for + company/firm_______

Students work - “Quiz-Quiz-Trade”&




Improve English


Work in groups.

Stage of the lesson


Purpose of the stage

Classroom management

Part Two

Describing your company.

I work for a ____ company which ____

-Add an adjective(write down the words)

Big/small, local/multinational…

-End the sentence after “which”using the list of words & phrases on your desks.

P5 What do you do if you don’t work for a company?(freelancer, self-employed, business owner)

-I’m a _____

Listen and write down useful phrases.

be between jobs at the moment;

take some time out to do sth.;

be retired.

And what about you? Take card №2 on your desks discuss & be ready to answer.


Improve English

Practice in listening native speaker & understanding the information.


Work in groups.

Whole class

Part Three

How to describe the job in more detail?

What do you actually do all day?

I have to_____

I’m responsible for_____

Most of my time is spent + gerund_____

And now it’s your turn. (P3/4)




Work in groups.

Part Four

How do you feel about you job?

Do you like/dislike your job? Why? Why not?

Useful words.

Listen the definition of the words write and translate them into Russian

Whole class

Positive adjectives:

Negative adjectives











Part Five

After-watching activity.

How to make a longer answer.

Well, guys, you have watched & listened the online Oxford spoken English lesson and now it’s time to summarize the results of your work.

So I want you to name the principal steps how to talk about your job.

1 Introducing your job.

2 Say where you work.

3 Describe the job in more detail.

4 Saying how you feel about your job.

5 Talk about your job perfectly and fluently.

P to P/T

Talk about the job.


Whole class

5 The end of the lesson.

Our lesson is over. Thanks for your good work! I believe this lesson was useful and interesting for you, and I believe you are sure to make a right choice of your future profession. And now write down the home tasks:

In card № 4 there are words you should translate and explain the difference in their meanings. Be ready to talk about unusual jobs.

Give home





Card №1

Part I Introducing your job.

-I’m a______

-I work in+field/place, department____

-I work for + company/firm_______

Part II Describing your company.

I work for a ____ company which ____


Card №2 (group one)

What do you do if you don’t work for a company? (freelancer, self-employed, business owner)

I’m a _____

Uuseful phrases:be between jobs at the moment, take some time out to do sth.,

be retired.


Card №2 (group two) What do you do if you work for the International IT company?

I’m a _____

I work for a ____ company which ____


Card №2 (group three) What do you do if you work for the local TV company?

I’m a _____

I work for a ____ company which ____


Part III Card №3

How to describe the job in more detail?

What do you actually do all day?

I have to_____

I’m responsible for_____

Most of my time is spent + gerund_____


Card №4

Home task: translate and explain the difference in the meanings of the words. Be ready to talk about unusual jobs.

Occupation, work, profession, job, labour, craft, career, activity, duty, handiwork, employment.


Part III

Text 1

I’m a nurse.

I have to look after patients, give them medicine and make sure they are comfortable.

I’m responsible for about 20-30 patients.

Most of my time is spent talking to patients and checking that everything is okey.

Text 2

I have to design websites to the client’s specifications.

I’m responsible for the whole design process, so I have to take the client’s ideas and turn them into a finished product.

Most of my time is spent experimenting with different designs and ideas and seeing what looks good, because attention to detail is important in this kind of work.

Part V

Text 1

I’m a pharmacist. I started my own small pharmacy, so I’m also a business owner. I have to work as a pharmacist, of course, giving advice to patients and making sure they have the right medicine. However, I’m also responsible for the pharmacy, so I have to manage my staff, do the accounts and etc. It is stimulating work because I have to do many different things every day, so I never get bored.

Text 2

I am a writer. I work in online education. I work in a big publishing company, which produces different educational materials that are used all around the world. I have to write lesson plans and materials for teachers to use in the classroom. I spend most of my time thinking about how I can make different things fit together into a lesson. It’s very challenging work and it can be exhausting, but it’s also very creative and satisfying because I know people all around the world are using lessons which I wrote.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

«How to talk about the Job».

Автор: Лариса Геннадьевна Зиневич

Дата: 29.08.2022

Номер свидетельства: 612315

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