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How different the world is?

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CШ №20.

Lesson plan

Date: 26.09.2018


Teacher’s name: Umurzakova S.T.

Theme: How different the world is?

Types of the lesson: Формирование грамматических навыков по теме: «Употребление артикля с географическими названиями».

Subject lines: “Different landscapes – different countries”

The aim: формирование грамматических навыков по теме: «артикль с географическими названиями».

Objective of teaching: развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью полного понимания прочитанного (услышанного).

Educative objective: знакомство с особенностями географического положения Америки, Великобритании, Австралии.

Developing objective: развитие положительных эмоций, волевых качеств, памяти, мышления, воображения; развитие способности к распределению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию, к анализу;Upbringing objective : воспитание интереса к иностранному языку, положительного отношения к языку, к культуре народа говорящего на этом языке, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к носителям иностранного языка.

Language activity: - revision of vocabulary: desert, plain, coast, hill, forest, ocean, unique, useless, huge, flat, extensive, deep, vast, mountainous, wood, range, prairie, canyon, outback, drought, flood;

- new vocabulary:  the USA, Australia, the UK, Great Britain, Ireland, England, the Pacific Ocean, the Great Sandy, the Great Victoria, the Appalachian Mountains, the Rockies, the Atlantic Ocean, etc. 

- introduction of grammar material: article with geographical names.

Resources (ТСО) – презентация.


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Просмотр содержимого документа
«How different the world is?»

CШ №20.

Lesson plan

Date: 26.09.2018


Teacher’s name: Umurzakova S.T.

Theme: How different the world is?

Types of the lesson: Формирование грамматических навыков по теме: «Употребление артикля с географическими названиями».

Subject lines: “Different landscapes – different countries”

The aim: формирование грамматических навыков по теме: «артикль с географическими названиями».

Objective of teaching: развитие умения читать и аудировать с целью полного понимания прочитанного (услышанного).

Educative objective: знакомство с особенностями географического положения Америки, Великобритании, Австралии .

Developing objective: развитие положительных эмоций, волевых качеств, памяти, мышления, воображения; развитие способности к распределению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию, к анализу;Upbringing objective : воспитание интереса к иностранному языку, положительного отношения к языку, к культуре народа говорящего на этом языке, уважительного и доброжелательного отношения к носителям иностранного языка.

Language activity: - revision of vocabulary: desert, plain, coast, hill, forest, ocean, unique, useless, huge, flat, extensive, deep, vast, mountainous, wood, range, prairie, canyon, outback, drought, flood;

- new vocabulary: the USA, Australia, the UK, Great Britain, Ireland, England, the Pacific Ocean, the Great Sandy, the Great Victoria, the Appalachian Mountains, the Rockies, the Atlantic Ocean, etc.

- introduction of grammar material: article with geographical names.

Resources (ТСО) – презентация.

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- Good morning.

- I am glad to see you.

- Sit down, please.

- Let’s start our lesson.

- Today, we will learn to use the article with geographical names.

- Good morning.

- We are glad to see you, too.



-Dear children! What is the weather like in London? It is foggy and rainy! And I'm sure you know that London is situated on the bank of the Thames.

-Let's listen to the poem about the Thames and the nature in London in autumn.


(by O. Wilde)

An omnibus across the bridge

Crawls like a yellow butterfly,

And, here and there, a passer-by

Shows like a little restless midge.

Big barges full of yellow hay

Are moved against the shadowy wharf.

And, like a yellow silcen scarf,

The thick fog hangs along the quay.

The yellow leaves begin to fade

And flutter from the temple elms,

And at my feet the pale green Thames.

Lies like a rod of rippled jade.

-Pupils read the transcription of the following words:

Canada the UnitedStates

Spain the South of England

Great Britain the North Africa the Mediterranean

the Pacific (ocean)

the Indian (ocean)

the (English) Channel

the Mediterranean (sea)

the North sea

the Panama Canal

Учебник, тетрадь, презинтация


III.Презентация грамматического материала

Now we’ll talk about the article “the” with geographical names. Read and remember when we use it.

1) Continents.

We do not say "the " with the names of continents:

Example: Africa, Europe, Asia, South America.

2) Countries and states.

We do not usually say "the" with the manes of countries and states:

Example: France, West Germany, Texas, Japan, Nigeria, Florida.

a) But we say "the " with names which include words like: "republic", "union", "kingdom", "states".

Examp1e: the German Federal Republic; the Soviet Union; the United States of America; the United Kingdom.

b) We also use "the" with plural manes.

Example: The Netherlands; The Philippines.

3) Cities.

We do not use "the " with the names of cities, towns villages.

Example: Cairo, New Work, Glasgow, Madrid.

Exсeptiоn: the Hague.

4) Islands.

Island groups usually have plural names with "the ".

Example: the Bahamas, the Canaries, the Canary Islands, the British Isles.

Individual islands usually have singular names without "the ".

Example: Corfu, Sicily, Easter Island.

5) Regions.

We say with "the ":

Example: the Middle East, the Far East, the north of England, the south of Spain, the west of Canada.

But we say without "the ": northern England, southern Spain, western Canada.

6) Mountains.

Mountain ranges usually have plural names with "the ".

Example: the Rocky Mountains, the Rockier, the Andes, the Alps.

But Individual mountains usually have names without "the".

Example: (Mount) Everest, Ben Nevis (in Scotland), (Mount) Etna.

7) Lakes.

Lakes usually have names without "the".

Example: Lake Superior, Lake Constance.

8) Names of oceans , seas, rivers, canals have "the".

Examp1e: the Atlantic (ocean), the Amazon, the Mediterranean (sea), the Thames, the Nile, the Rhine, the Suez Canal, the English Channel, the Indian ocean, the Panama Canal.

N о t e : on maps "the " is not usually included in the name.

Учебник, тетрадь, презeнтация



-Here are some geography questions. You have to choose the right answer. Sometimes you need "the", sometimes not.

1) What is the longest river in the world?

a) Amazon; b) Rhine; c) Nile.

2) Where is Bolivia?

a) Asia; b) South America; c) Africa.

3) Where is Ethiopia?

a) Asia; b) South America; c) Africa.

4) Of Which country is Manila the capital?

a) Indonesia; b) Philippines; c) Japan.

5) Of which country is Stockholm the capital?

a) Norway; b) Denmark; c) Sweden.

6) Which is the largest continent?

a) Africa; b) South America; c) Asia.

7) What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America?

a) Rocky Mountains;b) Andes; c) Alps.

8) What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia?

a) Atlantic; b) Pacific; c) Indian.

9) What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe?

a) Black sea; b) Red sea; c) Mediterranean sea.

10) What joins the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans?

a) Suez Canal; b) Panama Canal

-Today we are going to have a quiz! For this we are going to have 2 teams. And we need a quiz-master too. I think I'll be the quiz-master. We want 5 people in each team. So, we have 2 teams. Now, choose a name for yourselves.

Right. The Lions. The Tigers.

Do you all agree on those manes? Remember them!

OK. Now listen to the rules, please!

The rules:

I'm going to ask someone in the first team a question. If he or she can answer correctly I'll give the team 5 points.

If he or she doesn't know the answer he can ask his teammates for help and if they get it right I'll give the team 3 points.

But if they give the wrong answer or no answer I'll ask another team.

If the teammates know the right answer, they'll score 3 points.

Is everything clear?

So, let's begin our Quiz!

Geography Quiz

1) Which island is the largest in the world?

2) Is there a sea without shores?

3) Why is the largest ocean called Pacific? Who gave it this name?

4) What is the name of the range of mountains that may be called the centre of Europe?

5) Of what city has it been said that "sea is the street there"?

6) What is the resemblance between Canberra, Ottawa and Wellington?

7) Of what countries are these cities? (Alexandria, Calcutta, Durban, Rio-de-Janeiro, Haifa.)

8) Black, Red, White, Yellow - what word (not colour) can be added to each of these to put them all in the same group?

9) Is there a capital of Asia?

10) In what continents are Normandy, Queensland, Ontario, Texas situated?

11) What are the famous cities on the Ganges and the Nile?

12) Some of the following cities are capitals; some are not. do you know which are which? (Ankara, Athens, Belfast, Brussels, Delhi, Geneva, Glasgow, Karachi, Madrid, New York.)

13) What is the name of the strait where Europe and Africa come closest together?

14) Which is the highest mountain in North America?

15) What is the name of the most southerly state on the Pacific Ocean (the USA)?

Pupils do this task in written form.

1 (a) the Amazon;

2(b) South America;

3(c) Africa;

4(b) the Philippines;

5(c) Sweden;

6(c) Asia;

7(a) the Rocky Mountains (the Rockies);

8(b) the Pacific;

9(c) the Mediterranean Sea;

10(b) the Panama Canal.

1) Greenland.

2) The Sargasso Sea.

3) It was so called by Magellan. During his round the world voyage the Pacific Ocean was absolutely calm.

4) The Alps.

5) Venice.

6) They are the capitals of Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

7) Alexandria - Egypt, Calcutta - India, Durban - South Africa, Rio-de-Janeiro - Brazil, Haifa - Israel.

8) Sea (The Black Sea, The Red Sea, The White Sea, The Yellow Sea).

9) Asia is a continent, not a country; it has no capital.

10) Normandy in Europe, Queensland in Australia, Ontario and Texas in North America.

11) On the Ganges - Calcutta. On the Nile - Alexandria, Cairo.

12) Geneva, Glasgow, New York arc not Capitals.

13) The Straits of Gibraltar (at the western part of the Mediterranean Sea).

14) Mount McKinley.

15) California.

Учебник, тетрадь, презинтация

1 мин


What new information have you learnt today?

What do you like doing most of all?

Our lesson is over. The bell has gone. Good-bye.

Учебник, тетрадь, презинтация

1 мин


Ex. 2(3), p. 6; ex. 6, p. 6 (AB, unit I).

Просмотр содержимого документа 
«Grade 10 Famous People of Canada»

Subject English Lesson № 30 Form 10 «A»


Famous People of Canada . Grammar: Base and strong adjectives.


1. T. Ayapova, Z.Abildaeva, Zh. Tutbaeva English 10 Almaty “Мектеп” 2014


  • To teach students to get full information from the text & speak about famous people of Canada; to use base and strong adjectives in sentences;

  • To develop students’ communicative skills (dialogical speech), critical thinking abilities, skills to evaluate the work of each other;

  • To develop skills of group work, teach students to respect & be tolerant and attentive to each other .

Result of teaching:

Students will be able to share their opinions on the discussing problem, to listen to different points of view.

Key ideas:

Frank Gehry, imaginary houses & futuristic cities, the University of Southern California’s School of Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of design, dual citizenship, a huge fan.





Teacher’s activity: What shall I do?

Students’ activity

5 min.

Warm up

Dividing into groups.


1. Org.moment

1.Greeting, warm up activity.

2. Dividing into groups. ( by quotations):

*There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs…

*Success isn’t given. It’s earned. On the track, on the field, in the gym. With blood, sweat, and the occasional tear.

*Think big, dream big, believe big, and the results will be big.

3. Predict the theme and the aim of the lesson.

4. Giving the assessment lists to the leaders of the group.

1.Greeting, participating in warm up activities and having positive attitude to work.

2.Students are divided into 3 groups.

Students get the parts of the quotations, find the other parts, read them and share their opinions about them .

3.Learn the theme & aim of the lesson.

4.Discussing of the criteria of assessment.(True/False; posters.)

12 min.


Individual work

Rotation. Group work






(знаменитый, известный, прославленный, славный)

Celebrated, well known, notorious –печально известный, glorious, popular.

Make a poster.

1. How can people become famous? .

2. What famous people would you like to name?

3. How do you understand the quotation:“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” 


Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.

1. Students’ name all the words associated with the word “ Famous”

2. Make a poster. Share their opinions on these questions.

Present their posters. Give their marks to each group’s work.



Famous People of Canada

True / False


3.Realization of meaning

1.New words:

reflect – отражать,

to succeed– иметь успех, следовать

to encourage – одобрять, поощрять

to cite– упоминать, ссылаться

to graduate –

dual –двойной,

hilarious –[hi'lεәriәs] шумный, веселый- funny

diverse - [dai'vә:s] – разнообразный, различный

futuristic - ['fju:t∫әristik] - фантастический

thrilled – захватывающий, волнующий – happy

2. Ex.6 p.165. Complete the text with the verbs below.

a) encouraged, b) entertained, c) moved, d) spent, e)succeeded, f) divorced, g) designed, h) considered

3. True / False.

True: 1, 6,

False: 2, 3, 4, 5,7

1. Students listen, read the words, give their definitions. translations, and repeat the words.

2004- designed the trophy['troufi] – (приз, памятный подарок) , 4- children, 1947- moved to California , 1952- married to Anita Snyder, 1963 – established his first practice, 1929 – was born in Toronto, 2010 – was considered the most important architect of our age, 1954 – graduated from university, 1966 – they divorced, 1975 – married to Isabel Aguilera, 1956 – moved to Cambridge, 1979 –practice was succeeded

2. Read the text about Frank Gehry, completing it with the verbs given below.

3. True / False






4. Reflection

1. Think together & give the answer

* What is Frank Gehry famous for?

* What role does education play in his life?

*Why is he considered as “the most important architect of our age”?

* How can you prove that Frank is a huge fan of sport?

* Which of three quotations suits Frank best?

2. Do you agree ? What ‘s your opinion?

3. Grammar: Base and strong adjectives

Listen to the question.

Stand up and discuss the answer together.

Sit down when the answer is ready.one of the students write the answer and shows.

2. Share their opinions

3. Match Base & Strong adjectives.



“6 Hats”

Assessment list

5. Assessment

Fill in the list.

Discuss according to the chosen colour

1. Students share their impressions of the lesson

Home assignment

2 min

Gives home assignment, sums up the lesson.

Home assignment

Ex. 12 p. 167 Prepare a project

Teacher: Umurzakova c.T.


Famous People of



1. How can people become famous?

2. What famous people would you like to name?

3 . How do you understand the quote:“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”  Confucius

New words:

to reflect – to succeed–

to encourage – to cite–

to graduate –



diverse– –[dai'vә:s]  

thrilled– –[θrild]

dual –

True or False

True: 1), 6)

False: 2), 3), 4), 5), 7)

Do you agree ? What ‘s your opinion?

6 Hats

6 Hats.

  • White – facts, numbers

  • Yellow– positive thinking

  • Black – negative thinking

  • Red – emotions, intuition

  • Green – creative thinking

  • Blue – summarizin

Grammar: Adjectives:

Base Strong

1.funny - a) soaking

2.dirty - b) beautiful

3.tired - c)hilarious

4.wet - d)exhausted

5.pretty - e) filthy


  • 3 – very well

  • 2 – well

  • 1 – sat

  • “ 5” – 19 - 22

  • “ 4” – 12 - 18

  • “ 3” – 4- 11

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

How different the world is?

Автор: Умурзакова Сауле Тумурзиновна

Дата: 11.06.2019

Номер свидетельства: 514335

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