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Open lesson on the theme:"Climate of the world" for grade 6

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Theme:Climate of the world


Educational: to learn about the climates in different parts of the world;

- to learn about the animals that live in different climates.

Developing: - to enable pupils to talk about climates;

- to enable pupils to talk about the animals that live in different climates;

- to practise reading to reinforce general knowledge.

Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of the climates and animals in different parts of the world.

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: - talk about the climates in different parts of the world and the place where they live; - talk about the animals that live in different climates; - read to reinforce general knowledge.

Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed

Method of the lesson: group work, pair work

Equipment: Pupil`s book; the DVD of the book;flashcards about climate and weather; ppt about climate and weather;

The Procedure of the lesson:

I.Organizing moment: - Greeting.                                 

- Checking the register              

- Checking homework


Activity 1. Listen and repeat.

Objectives: to introduce the unit topic; to warm up

STEP 1: Ask the pupils to listen to the song and say what this song is about.

Play the DVD.

STEP 2: Play the DVD again and ask them to repeat the song.

“The Weather Song”

What’s the weather?

What’s the weather?

What’s the weather like today?

Tell us (pupil’s name),

What’s the weather?

What’s the weather like today?

Is it sunny?

Is it cloudy?

Is it rainy out today?

Is it snowy?

Is it windy?

What’s the weather like today?

II. Main part

Activity 2a. Learn new words.

Objective: to introduce the new words.

Weather ; Climate;  Tundra; Cold;  Warm;  Hot and dry; Hot and wet;

Activity2b.Answer the questions.

Objective:  to introduce the topic

To answer the question the pupils can use their mother tongue.

What does the word “climate”mean?

Activity 2c Answer the question.

Objective: to practise talking about the climate of the place where pupils live

Work with the whole class. The pupils talk about the climate of the place where they live using the words they know from previous classes and following the example.

Activity 3a Write the meaning of the words. Check in the Wordlist.

Objective: to practise working with the Wordlist

STEP 1: The pupils can first try and guess the meaning of the new words.

STEP 2: Then they can check their  answers in the Wordlist.

Activity 3b. Look, listen and point.

Objective: to practise talking about climates in different parts of the world

STEP 1: The pupils look at the map in Activity 2b.

 You say, for example, “Brazil”. All the pupils must point to it on the map and one pupil should say, “Hot and wet”.

STEP 2: You can name two more things and then the pupils can continue working in groups. They should take turns to name places on the map for the rest to point and say what the climate is.

Activity 4.Match the animals and climate

Objective:  to reinforce the vocabulary for animals and climate

The pupils do the matching in their exercise books.

e.g.:  Arctic foxes.

Arctic foxes live in the tundra.

It is cold there.

Activity 5 Chain Drill.

Objective: to practise talking about places where animals live

This is an ordinary Chain Drill activity in which the pupils can talk both about the animals in the picture and about any other animals if they know where they live.


Activity 6  Answer the question.

1)What climate do the places near the Equator/the Arctic Circle have?

2)What is the climate like in Central Africa?

Objective: to give further practice in talking about climates

The pupils look at the map in Activity 2b and answer the question.

Note: If your class is not strong enough, you can leave Activity 6 as optional.

V. Homework

Ask the pupils to look at the homework on Page 109. Check that everybody understands what to do with the task. If necessary, explain how to do the homework

Write about the climate in the place where you live.

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«Open lesson on the theme:"Climate of the world" for grade 6»



Theme:Climate of the world


Educational: to learn about the climates in different parts of the world;

- to learn about the animals that live in different climates.

Developing: - to enable pupils to talk about climates;

- to enable pupils to talk about the animals that live in different climates;

- to practise reading to reinforce general knowledge.

Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of the climates and animals in different parts of the world.

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to: - talk about the climates in different parts of the world and the place where they live; - talk about the animals that live in different climates; - read to reinforce general knowledge.

Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed

Method of the lesson: group work, pair work

Equipment: Pupil`s book; the DVD of the book;flashcards about climate and weather; ppt about climate and weather;

The Procedure of the lesson:

I.Organizing moment: - Greeting.

- Checking the register

- Checking homework


Activity 1. Listen and repeat.

Objectives: to introduce the unit topic; to warm up

STEP 1: Ask the pupils to listen to the song and say what this song is about.

Play the DVD.

STEP 2: Play the DVD again and ask them to repeat the song.

The Weather Song”

What’s the weather?

What’s the weather?

What’s the weather like today?

Tell us (pupil’s name),

What’s the weather?

What’s the weather like today?

Is it sunny?

Is it cloudy?

Is it rainy out today?

Is it snowy?

Is it windy?

What’s the weather like today?

II. Main part

Activity 2a. Learn new words.

Objective: to introduce the new words.

Weather ; Climate; Tundra; Cold; Warm; Hot and dry; Hot and wet;

Activity2b.Answer the questions.

Objective: to introduce the topic

To answer the question the pupils can use their mother tongue.

What does the word “climate”mean?

Activity 2c Answer the question.

Objective: to practise talking about the climate of the place where pupils live

Work with the whole class. The pupils talk about the climate of the place where they live using the words they know from previous classes and following the example.

Activity 3a Write the meaning of the words. Check in the Wordlist.

Objective: to practise working with the Wordlist

STEP 1: The pupils can first try and guess the meaning of the new words.

STEP 2: Then they can check their answers in the Wordlist.

Activity 3b. Look, listen and point.

Objective: to practise talking about climates in different parts of the world

STEP 1: The pupils look at the map in Activity 2b.

You say, for example, “Brazil”. All the pupils must point to it on the map and one pupil should say, “Hot and wet”.

STEP 2: You can name two more things and then the pupils can continue working in groups. They should take turns to name places on the map for the rest to point and say what the climate is.

Activity 4.Match the animals and climate

Objective: to reinforce the vocabulary for animals and climate

The pupils do the matching in their exercise books.

e.g.: Arctic foxes.

Arctic foxes live in the tundra.

It is cold there.

Activity 5 Chain Drill.

Objective: to practise talking about places where animals live

This is an ordinary Chain Drill activity in which the pupils can talk both about the animals in the picture and about any other animals if they know where they live.


Activity 6 Answer the question.

1)What climate do the places near the Equator/the Arctic Circle have?

2)What is the climate like in Central Africa?

Objective: to give further practice in talking about climates

The pupils look at the map in Activity 2b and answer the question.

Note: If your class is not strong enough, you can leave Activity 6 as optional.

V. Homework

Ask the pupils to look at the homework on Page 109. Check that everybody understands what to do with the task. If necessary, explain how to do the homework

Write about the climate in the place where you live.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Open lesson on the theme:"Climate of the world" for grade 6

Автор: Radjabova Mehrigul Shavkatovna

Дата: 29.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 544583

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