1-vazifa (task 1)Hometask –uyga vazifalarni bajarish bo’yicha ko’nikmalarni ko’rsatib o’taman :
1.write short essay about your first computer
Ya’ni birinchi laptop(kompyuter)ingiz haqida hikoya yozing
Eng birinchi hikoya tuzish uslubiga to’xtalib o’tish darkor :
Ingliz tilida insho yoki hikoyalar asosan 3 qismdan tashkil topadi
1.Introduction –ya’ni kirish qismi
2.Mainbody –asosiy qism
3.Conclusion –xulosa qsmidan iborat bo’ladi
Yanada soddaroq bo’lishi uchun namuna keltirib o’taman
My first computer
We can’t imagine our life without smart machines or smartphones.Nowadays,they replace books,sports,study or an others.So I interested in computers
My first computer is also such as good as others is called Acer.It helped me doing my homeworks,discussing my studying problems or chatting with my friends.It had disadvantages firstly people became lazy and they forget what an alive communication is,they close themselves in a room with their favourite machine,spend time or waste time in this way.
In my opinion it’s useful but we can imagine or do other helpfull hobbies in other ways for example doing phusical ex-s,reading book or an other.
NOTE! Yuqorida keltirilgan essay namuna uchun berilgan,essay tuzayotganda avvalo fikringizni o’z ona tilingizda hayoldan o’tkazib so’ngra uni ingliz tiliga o’girish eng to’g’ri yo’l bo’ladi
Teacher: XAITOV Y.See you soon !
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«Homework for grades 10»
Grade :10 Theme : Basics of learning
1-vazifa (task 1)Hometask –uyga vazifalarni bajarish bo’yicha ko’nikmalarni ko’rsatib o’taman :
1.write short essay about your first computer
Ya’ni birinchi laptop(kompyuter)ingiz haqida hikoya yozing
Eng birinchi hikoya tuzish uslubiga to’xtalib o’tish darkor :
Ingliz tilida insho yoki hikoyalar asosan 3 qismdan tashkil topadi
1.Introduction –ya’ni kirish qismi
2.Mainbody –asosiy qism
3.Conclusion –xulosa qsmidan iborat bo’ladi
Yanada soddaroq bo’lishi uchun namuna keltirib o’taman
My first computer
We can’t imagine our life without smart machines or smartphones.Nowadays,they replace books,sports,study or an others.So I interested in computers
My first computer is also such as good as others is called Acer.It helped me doing my homeworks ,discussing my studying problems or chatting with my friends .It had disadvantages firstly people became lazy and they forget what an alive communication is ,they close themselves in a room with their favourite machine ,spend time or waste time in this way.
In my opinion it’s useful but we can imagine or do other helpfull hobbies in other ways for example doing phusical ex-s ,reading book or an other .
NOTE!!! Yuqorida keltirilgan essay namuna uchun berilgan ,essay tuzayotganda avvalo fikringizni o’z ona tilingizda hayoldan o’tkazib so’ngra uni ingliz tiliga o’girish eng to’g’ri yo’l bo’ladi