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Grade: 5. Theme: May Day holiday

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Namangan viloyati Norin tuman 3-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabi Ingliz tili

fani o’qituvchisi

Khaydarova  Khursanxon Khamdamovna

Grade: 5

Theme: May Day holiday

The aim of the lesson: •Educational: - to introduce pupils an English festival May Day; •Developing: - to practice reading for gist, for specific information; •Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of other to raise pupils awareness of the technique of remembering words by looking for pairs. cultures, teaching to respect themCompetence: SC6, SC and PC in talking about world literatureThe type:  untraditional lesson •The methods: working in groups,True or false, find partners, •The equipments: pictures, handouts,monitor,flowers, crown, maypole I.Motivation

-Greeting the pupils, registering the pupils, introducing the plan and the theme of the lesson

 PP: -Good morning teacher! 

T:-Good morning pupils! Sit down please!

-Who is absent today?

-All are present. 

-Today we have an untraditional lesson.You are divided into two groups.Group leaders,please,

introduce your groups.

I. Our group is Snowdrops

II. Our group is Tulips

_According to your groups, I’ll mark your answers with tulips and snowdrops.

-What season is it now?

-Do you know any poems about spring?

II.Checking homework

-What was our last theme?

- What kind of holiday is April Fool’s Day?

- What was your homework for today?

( The  homework was to prepare a joke with the  group.)

 e.g. I group

Mother:Lazy boy,get up,the sun is up

Son:Yes,but the sun goes to bed at 6 o’clock and I at 10.


  1. New words (On the monitor with pictures)

Queen, King,Maypole,ribbons, crown.

Consolidate new word by showing the pictures and objects and asking pupils.

 2.Exposition of new theme.

      May day is a holiday in England. On May Day people pick flowers and put them in their homes. They sing spring songs and choose a May King and May Queen and give them crowns of spring flowers. Children dance round a maypole with coloured ribbons.

3. Divide the text into two and translate it.


Exercise 1. True or false.

1)British people cook sumalak on May Day—False.

2)People like singing on May Day – True…

Ex 2 Make pairs of words

F.e: young – old

Ex 3. Find the partners

 On the first side of the blackboard uzbek versions of words written on flowers (snowdrops)  are stuck. The first group should come to the blackboard and stick English versions. On the another side of the blackboard English  versions of words written on flowers (tulips)  are stuck. The second group should come to the blackboard and stick uzbek versions.

Ex4. Put the words in order and make up sentence.(the words written on swallows and flowers)

-New, let’s do the tradition of English people, that is, sing and dance around a Maypole.

Song: Spring is green.

(Pupils sing the song and dance round a Maypole)


Let’s count your flowers and find out which group is winner and who is May king and May Quen.(The best girl will be May Queen and boy May king.They come to the blackboard and will be crowned with spring flowers.)

VI.Homework:Make a poster of English and Uzbek holidays. 

List of literature



3.Teacher’s book-  Fly High English 5









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«Grade: 5. Theme: May Day holiday»

I.Motivation - Greeting the pupils, registering the pupils, introducing the plan and the theme of the lesson  PP: -Good morning teacher!  T:-Good morning pupils! Sit down please! -Who is absent today? -All are present.  -Today we have an untraditional lesson.You are divided into two groups.Group leaders,please, introduce your groups. I. Our group is Snowdrops II. Our group is Tulips _According to your groups, I’ll mark your answers with tulips and snowdrops. -What season is it now? -Do you know any poems about spring?


- Greeting the pupils, registering the pupils, introducing the plan and the theme of the lesson

PP: -Good morning teacher!

T:-Good morning pupils! Sit down please!

-Who is absent today?

-All are present.

-Today we have an untraditional lesson.You are divided into two groups.Group leaders,please,

introduce your groups.

I. Our group is Snowdrops

II. Our group is Tulips

_According to your groups, I’ll mark your answers with tulips and snowdrops.

-What season is it now?

-Do you know any poems about spring?

II.Checking homework -What was our last theme? - What kind of holiday is April Fool’s Day? - What was your homework for today? ( The homework was to prepare a joke with the group.)  e.g. I group Mother:Lazy boy,get up,the sun is up Son:Yes,but the sun goes to bed at 6 o’clock and I at 10. III.Presentation  1. New words (On the monitor with pictures) Queen, King,Maypole,ribbons, crown.

II.Checking homework

-What was our last theme?

- What kind of holiday is April Fool’s Day?

- What was your homework for today?

( The homework was to prepare a joke with the group.)

e.g. I group

Mother:Lazy boy,get up,the sun is up

Son:Yes,but the sun goes to bed at 6 o’clock and I at 10.


1. New words (On the monitor with pictures)

Queen, King,Maypole,ribbons, crown.

-Consolidate new word by showing the pictures and objects and asking pupils.  2.Exposition of new theme.  May day is a holiday in England. On May Day people pick flowers and put them in their homes. They sing spring songs and choose a May King and May Queen and give them crowns of spring flowers. Children dance round a maypole with coloured ribbons. 3. Divide the text into two and translate it.

-Consolidate new word by showing the pictures and objects and asking pupils.

2.Exposition of new theme.

May day is a holiday in England. On May Day people pick flowers and put them in their homes. They sing spring songs and choose a May King and May Queen and give them crowns of spring flowers. Children dance round a maypole with coloured ribbons.

3. Divide the text into two and translate it.

  IV.Practice Exercise 1. True or false. 1)British people cook sumalak on May Day—False. 2)People like singing on May Day – True… Ex 2 Make pairs of words F.e: young – old Ex 3. Find the partners  On the first side of the blackboard uzbek versions of words written on flowers (snowdrops) are stuck. The first group should come to the blackboard and stick English versions. On the another side of the blackboard English versions of words written on flowers (tulips) are stuck. The second group should come to the blackboard and stick uzbek versions. king  gul song qirol



Exercise 1. True or false.

1)British people cook sumalak on May Day—False.

2)People like singing on May Day – True…

Ex 2 Make pairs of words

F.e: young – old

Ex 3. Find the partners

On the first side of the blackboard uzbek versions of words written on flowers (snowdrops) are stuck. The first group should come to the blackboard and stick English versions. On the another side of the blackboard English versions of words written on flowers (tulips) are stuck. The second group should come to the blackboard and stick uzbek versions.





  Ex4 . Put the words in order and make up sentence.(the words written on swallows and flowers) -New, let’s do the tradition of English people, that is, sing and dance around a Maypole. Song: Spring is green. (Pupils sing the song and dance round a Maypole) V.Marking Let’s count your flowers and find out which group is winner and who is May king and May Quen.(The best girl will be May Queen and boy May king.They come to the blackboard and will be crowned with spring flowers.) day spring  is holiday May


Ex4 . Put the words in order and make up sentence.(the words written on swallows and flowers)

-New, let’s do the tradition of English people, that is, sing and dance around a Maypole.

Song: Spring is green.

(Pupils sing the song and dance round a Maypole)


Let’s count your flowers and find out which group is winner and who is May king and May Quen.(The best girl will be May Queen and boy May king.They come to the blackboard and will be crowned with spring flowers.)






  VI.Homework :Make a poster of English and Uzbek holidays.   List of literature 1.www.google.com 2.www.teachingenglishkids.com 3.Teacher’s book- Fly High English 5


VI.Homework :Make a poster of English and Uzbek holidays.


List of literature



3.Teacher’s book- Fly High English 5

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Grade: 5. Theme: May Day holiday


Дата: 29.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 548350

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