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"Healthy food"

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Открытый урок по теме: «Healthy food»,   УМК: “Spotlight” 10, О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс

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«"Healthy food" »

Открытый урок по теме: «Healthy food»

УМК: “Spotlight” 10 , О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс

1. Greeting (В начале урока звучит песня «Healthy food» на англ. яз.)

Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you

Презентация: Слайд1


Look at the screen. Read English proverb A sound mind in a sound body.

How do you understand these words? (Приложение № 1 слайд №1)

Students: It means if people eat fruits and vegetables every day, they will be healthy.

People won’t get sick if they eat healthy food.

So, tell me please, what is about we are going to talk today? Yes, you are right? The main aim of this lesson is speaking about healthy food!

Do you know any more English proverbs connected with food?

Students recall English proverbs.

Health is better than wealth

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure

Appetite comes with eating

Tastes differ

Early to bed and early to rise makes people healthy and wealthy and wise.

Better pay the butcher than the doctor.

You are what you eat.

- American Proverb

«Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you what you are» Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French lawyer and politician)

Teacher: We often say « Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you what you are ». Слайд2 -

Please, translate it! Do u agree with it?

( слайды № 2,3) Students read the words of wisdom and discuss healthy eating habits. Please the first group agree and the second – disagree with the meaning of the statement!

They agree: I agree with this statement, because I’m sure that healthy and useful food makes your life better. It shows in your face and body. I think it’s cool!!!

or disagree with the quotation and justify their opinion: I disagree, I don’t mind what to eat, I think, going on a diet is for nothing!!!! I eat what I want and I don’t consider myself unhappy! Eating is the most important in my life! No matter is food healthy or not, just delicious!

So, let’s make some healthy eating habits (на доске цветными буквами и кластер делаем)

Don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat late at night, don’t eat fast food, drink fresh juice, eat more vegetables and fruits.

3 Видео диета

Now, look at the screen. Let’s watch the short video. What is this video about? (It is about a rainbow diet.) Yes, where should we get the energy? How does food influence on our health? Do we often think of healthy eating? What does this diet offer to you? (A rainbow diet offers to lose weight according to the colours of food and what should we eat if we are depressed, tired, or prepare for exams).

Ok, open yr books on page 103, let’s remember the meaning of each colour food that Dr Eric Braverman offers you). (по учебнику) And what is a conclusion? Students come to the conclusion that colour of food is very important for health.

Now I offer you some situations for each group. Please choose a card

Students cast roles (a sportsman or a student or a journalist) and retell their monologues.

a sportsman on the eve of the competition, a student on the eve of the difficult exam, a journalist on the eve of the important interview. (тянут 1 карточку из трех)

The first group represents a volleyball player before the important game.

So, I’m a volleyball player of our local team. My name is Sergey! I need to be strong and hardy and feel comfortable inside before the game! That is why I should eat light and full of vitamins and proteins food to be active. I think red food is the most for me. My favourite red food is raspberry and strawberry, apples and of course tomatoes!!! Also, vitamins and minerals of green food keep my teeth and bones strong and healthy!

The second group represents a student before the hardest exam.

I’m a third year student of the Stavropol University. My name’s Julia! Tomorrow will be the hardest exam in my life! I’ve learnt a lot. I need my memory good and my answers smart! That’s why I should eat brain food before my exam! So, orange foods are brain food! Steamed pumpkin, oranges and many carrots will help me keeping my mind on exam and improve my powers of concentration! This is what I need now!!!

The third group represents a top manager before an important negotiation.

Hello, my name’s ____ and I’m a top manager of a large company. More often I work indoors. My job is very active and I don’t work shifts or even 9 to 5! Sometimes I have to be in 3 or more places in a day. My brains should move quicker and smarter than ever! And tomorrow will the most important negotiation in my life, I need my brains moving quicker and smarter than ever. That’s why I have some pumpkin porridge and a glass of orange juice! And eat apples, pineapple, bananas and green foods during my day!

4 Презентация Ok u a well done! So we found out that we can eat healthy food at home? But is it possible to have it in some restaurants or cafes? Ok, it’s time for yr mini-project, I remind you the key: Your task was to visit all the cafes and restaurant of Donskoe, look through and study their menus and come to the conclusion! U are welcome! (Project Presentation)

The conclusion is ……………

5 Диалог So, Now I want u to do the ex 3 on page 105, each group should complete the dialogue with sentences, then listen and check and act out the dialogue. (аудио)

6.And, at the end of our lesson, your task is to summarize everything we know about this diet.

Please do the a cinquain. Eeach group!

We have to make only 5 points: (как сотавлять на слайде)

1. What are we talking about today?

(1word- a noun)

2. Give me 2 adjectives characterizing this noun.

(healthy, tasty).

3. Give me 3 verbs connected with this verb.

4. Give me a sentence (only 4 words) describing

this noun. (Colour food is useful)

5.Give me only 1 word ( a synonym) which will complete a cinquain.


So, today, we have talked about the food, what should we emphasize on this topic?


Учащиеся пишут пожелания друг другу на фигурках овощей и фруктов, которые выбирают наугад из мешочка, и меняются.


1 It means if people eat fruits and vegetables every day, they will be healthy.

People won’t get sick if they eat healthy food.

2 I agree with this statement, because I’m sure that healthy and useful food makes your life better. It shows in your face and body. I think it’s cool!!!

I disagree, I don’t mind what to eat, I think, going on a diet is for nothing!!!! I eat what I want and I don’t consider myself unhappy! Eating is the most important in my life! No matter is food healthy or not, just delicious!

healthy eating habits = Don’t drink alcohol, don’t eat late at night, don’t eat fast food, drink fresh juice, eat more vegetables and fruits.

3 (A rainbow diet offers to lose weight according to the colours of food and what should we eat if we are depressed, tired, or prepare for exams).

The first group represents a volleyball player before the important game.

So, I’m a football player of our local team. My name is Sergey! I need to be strong and hardy and feel comfortable inside before the game! That is why I should eat light and full of vitamins and proteins food to be active. I think red food is the most for me. My favourite red food is raspberry and strawberry, apples and of course tomatoes!!! Also, vitamins and minerals of green food keep my teeth and bones strong and healthy!

The second group represents a student before the hardest exam.

I’m a third year student of the Stavropol University. My name’s Julia! Tomorrow will the hardest exam in my life! I’ve learnt a lot. I need my memory good and my answers smart! That’s why I should eat brain food before my exam! So, orange foods are brain food! Steamed pumpkin, oranges and many carrots will help me keeping my mind on exam and improve my powers of concentration! This is what I need now!!!

The third group represents a top manager before an important negotiation.

Hello, my name’s ____ and I’m a top manager of a large company. More often I work indoors. My job is very active and I don’t work shifts or even 9 to 5! Sometimes I have to be in 3 or more places in a day. My brains should move quicker and smarter than ever! And tomorrow will the most important negotiation in my life, I need my brains moving quicker and smarter than ever. That’s why I have some pumpkin porridge and a glass of orange juice! And eat apples, pineapple, bananas and green foods during my day!

a sportsman on the eve of the competition

a student on the eve of the difficult exam.

a journalist on the eve of the important interview

a sportsman on the eve of the competition

a student on the eve of the difficult exam.

a journalist on the eve of the important interview

a sportsman on the eve of the competition

a student on the eve of the difficult exam.

a journalist on the eve of the important interview

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Healthy food"

Автор: Белоусова Ирина Васильевна

Дата: 07.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 237155

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