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Health freak

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Саба?ты? та?ырыбы: Landscape and climate. Main cities.

Білімділік: О?ушыларды а?ылшын тілінде с?йлейтін елдерді? бірі Канада туралы жалпы м?ліметтер беру;

Дамытушылы? :Танымды? ?абілеттерін, о?у, ты?дау, с?йлеу ?абілеттерін дамыту, с?здік ?орларын молайту.

Т?рбиелік: Жа?аша ?діс - т?сілдерді ?олдану ар?ылы ойлау, с?йлеу ?абілеттерін арттыру.
Саба?ты? т?рі: Жа?а саба?.
?діс - т?сілдері: Топты? ж?мыс, диалогтік о?ыту, А?Т - ны пайдалану,
П?наралы? байланыс: География, ?аза? тілі
Ресурстар: Интерактивті та?та, интернет беттерінен алын?ан материалдар, электронды? о?улы?,,
                                 The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment.
Greeting. – Good morning!
Welcome to the lesson of the English language.

Asking home task :Retell the text   ”Introduction  of Canada”

Write an Essay on Citiies using passive
III. Presentation. Look at the board.
a) - What are we going to talk about today?
- How do you think?
Today we learn important facts about Canada.
I hope you will
• learn more about Canada
• improve critical thinking skills
• develop skills and habits of oral speech;
• identify information on the map;
• wide your outlook on different topics connecting with Canada.
- Are you ready?
b) dividing into groups:
- I’d like to ask you…
- Where is Canada?
About Canada you hear a lot on TV, on news, about geographical position, about political systems maybe you study on your geography lesson. I hope you know this.


c) Introduction  to Canada. Video.
IV. Pre - reading tasks:
1. What kind of state is Canada? (Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth).
2. What are Canada’s official colours? (blue and red, gold and red, white and red).
3. How many states do Canada and the USA border on in the south? (12).
4. How many time zones are there in Canada? (6).
V. Listening to the text: Canada. App. 1
VI. Practice. Post reading: • C
аnada has got two official languages. What are they?
• What is the national symbol of Canada?
• What is the capital of Canada?
VII. Production:
1. What continent is Canada situated on? (It is situated on the North American continent.)
2. What are Canada’s official colours? (blue and red, gold and red, white and red).
3. How many states do Canada and the USA border on in the south? (12).
4. What is the area of Canada? (Its area is almost 10 million km2.).
5. What are official languages of Canada? (English and French).
6. What kind of state is Canada? (Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth).
7. What oceans is Canada washed by? (The country is washed by three oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic, the Atlantic.).
8. How many people of Canada speak French? ( Nearly 27 percent of the population speak French.)
9. What are the largest cities of Canada? (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver.)
10. How many time zones are there in Canada? (6).

VIII. Reward.
IX. Home task:  Report on Great Lakes.


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«Health freak»

Сабақтың тақырыбы: «Health freak» Сыныбы:10

Сабақтың мақсаты:

Білімділігі: «Денсаулық» тақырыбына байланысты білім, білік дағдыларын қалыптастыру, тақырыпты меңгергенін ауызша және жазбаша тексеру.

Дамытушылығы: өз бетінше ойлау, есте сақтау, сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелігі: өз денсаулықтарына көңіл бөлуге, қарым-қатынас барысында өзін еркін ұстауға, өз бетімен жұмыс істей алуға баулу.

Сабақтың типі: аралас сабақ

Сабақтың түрі: топпен жұмыс

Сабақтың көрнекілігі: суреттер, карточкалар

Сабақтың жүру барысы:

 I. Organization moment.


Dividing the class into 2 groups: Teacher asks students to choose cards.

Who chooses “apples”, “carrots”, “lemons”, “fish”, ”bananas”, “milk”, “cabbage”, they will be another team “Healthy food”.

Who chooses “getting up early”, “washing hands before meal”, “keeping on a diet”, “having regular check-ups”, “taking regular exercises”, “walking a lot”, “being in fresh air”, they will be the third team “Healthy lifestyle”

II. Revising of vocabulary and grammar.

  1. “Who is good at painting?”- One pupil from each team comes to the board and draws the thing which Teacher shows them. Whose team guesses the word as first that team gets a point.( the pupils can be given pictures of banana, bike, computer to draw)

2. “ Who is good at grammar?”-Pupils from each team one by one choose cards on the table and divide them into: “Countable” and “Uncountable”. If they place the card with the word correctly they will get a point.

Countable Uncountable

Banana water

Apple cheese

Apricot milk

Pineapple sugar

  1. Who is Polyglot?”-Pupils translate the words into Russian and Kazakh.

  2. Тісі көп, аузы жоқ- қашады.(тарақ, расческа, comb)

  3. Қанаты жоқ-ұшады, аяғы жоқ қашады. (жел, ветер, wind)

  4. Күні –түні жүреді, қозғалмайды бір елі ( сағат, часы, watch)

  5. Тікен, тікен, тік тісті, қысы-жазы бір түсті (шырша, ёлка, fur tree)

  6. Бақшада аппақ келін отыр қарап, көйлегін киіп алып қабат-қабат. (капуста,cabbage)

  7. Базарда да сатылмас, таразыға да тартылмас, ондай тәтті табылмас (ұйқы, сон, sleep)

 4. “Who can explain the word?”-Pupils from each team one by one give definitions of the words.

III. Presentation.

“Who can write the word correctly”-If pupils write the names of the things in the pictures on the board correctly we’ll get the theme of today’s lesson.

 H E A L T H F R E A K

 Teacher: -O. K. We know that so many countries so many customs and tastes. Now we’ll speak about a strange person whose name is Harold. May be he is not unusual man but in our opinion he lives on his own rules and that’s why he is freak.

Here some words, connecting with Harold’ s daily activities.

These words are: lift weights, keep to a diet, have plants at home, go to fitness club, go to bed early, never use public transport, never watch TV, see the doctor every month.

What is your opinion about Harold s attitude to his health? Students speak about positive and negative features in Harold’ s character.

Well, let’ s imagine that we have Harold in our lesson. One of you will be a reporter and another will be Harold. The reporter asks him questions about his life. Harold tells about himself.

 The reporter:- Hi, glad to meet you. Introduce yourself.

 Harold: -Hi, my name is Harold. I am a bank manager in town. I get up at 7 o clock in the morning and I lift dumb bells for thirty minutes. For breakfast I eat a raw egg with garlic and chilly pepper. I leave for work at 7 o clock. I never use bus because it is dangerous. I wear mask over my nose and mouth. I wear a uniform in my office for protecting myself from dust and dirt.

At the office I wash my hands ten times a day and I wear gloves to pick up the telephone in case it dirty. I take my lunch to work with me. I eat fifteen sunflower seeds and one onion. After work I go home to water my flowers, because they provide oxygen. In the evening I listen to radio but never watch TV because it might damage my eyesight.

On Mondays I go to a fitness club and on Tuesdays I go to a vegetarian cookery class. In summer I sleep in a tent in the garden. On the first day of every month I see the doctor to make sure that I am not ill. I think I am a normal person and I want to live to be a hundred.

 The reporter: -Thank you Harold, and now, students, you can ask some questions to Harold.

 Student 1: Why don t you use public transport though your work is so far from your house?

Harold: -Because it is so dangerous and there are many germs in public places.

 Student 2: Why don’ t you go to the theatre or to the cinema?

Harold: I repeat, it is dangerous, there are many germs. I am afraid of them.

 Student 3: Why do you eat such food? I think it is disgusting.

Harold: I disagree with you. My food is good for me. I am sure that the lunch which firm provides isn’t suitable for me.

 Student 4: What is your hobby? What do you like to do in your free time?

Harold: I like to grow plants at home, because they provide oxygen.

The reporter: Thank you, Harold. Good luck.

I think Harold is an ordinary person but selfish and he is a health freak.

IV. Practice. Teacher: -Now guys, try to choose Harold’s positive and negative features:

Positive : He gets up early

He does morning exercises

He walks a lot.

He never uses public transport.

He grows plants at home.

He goes to a vegetarian cookery class.

He sleeps in a tent in the garden in summer.

Negative: He eats a raw egg with garlic

He never goes to the theatre or to the cinema.

He is selfish, it is difficult to live with him.

Teacher: -O.K. Look at these pictures. There is one mistake in each picture. Find and correct them. Discuss it with your partner.

Picture1. –He doesn’t have any flowers. He has only plants.

Picture2. – He never watches television.

Picture3. – It’s 00.20. But he goes to bed early.

Picture4. – He doesn’t play tennis. He goes to a fitness club.

Picture5. – He never goes by bus.

 Teacher: -Now we have a rest. We play a game “I do this way”.

Teacher: — Well, of course, everybody has their style of life. But we must have only good habits, healthy habits. I have a task for 3 teams. Make a project looking at these items.

Students make a project listening to music. Then they discuss it .

V. Conclusion. — Well, of course, everybody has their style of life. But we must have only good habits, healthy habits. O.K. our lesson is over. I think it was interesting for you.

VI. Giving marks

VII. Home task.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Health freak

Автор: ?буталипова Балжан

Дата: 23.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 345379

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