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Having friends 7 grade

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Это  поурочный план урока по анлглийскому языку на тему "Having friends". Цель урока :To introduce students about friendshi p. To interest students using the Present Perfect Continuous. To enrich the topical vocabulary. To develop logical and critical thinking and creative abilit y.

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«Having friends 7 grade»

Date: December,17 2016 Grade: 7

Book: T. Ayapova

The theme of the lesson

Having friends


To introduce students about friendship. To interest students using the Present Perfect Continuous. To enrich the topical vocabulary. To develop logical and critical thinking and creative ability.

Grammar Focus

Using of tense Past simple.

Reading, speaking, writing and listening in English Language Teaching.

Teaching results

Students can make sentences name about friends and other words connected with it. They can use new words and word combinations in their speech. They can describe the purpose using the new grammar.

Methods of the lesson

Group work, Pair work, work in book, question-answer.


Videos, CDs, posters, cards, English 7th form


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


3 minutes

Organization moment.

Greeting. Divide the class into two groups according to the picture

Defining group rules

Voting for the leader

Students will be divided into two groups “True friends”, “Close friends”

Students will choose the cards of red and green colors. They will choose captain of group. They will explain the meanings of the rules.

They will learn how to work in a group. They will realize that the leader must have good knowledge and be quick-witted.

3 minutes


Teacher will invite the pupils to do the training “Draw the picture”

Students will do the training. It helps to lift their mood.

The children will be in good felling. They lift their mood.

3 minutes

Checking up the home work

Teacher will check up the home work. Ex.17 to interview each other about their friends

Each pupil does the interviewing

Then everybody will evaluate themselves.

They will show their knowledge of new vocabulary from previous lesson.

4 minutes

Watching video

Teacher evocate their interest in the new theme

The students will watch the video

Students try to speak about friends

3 minutes

Introducing the new theme

Teacher asks the questions about the video

Strategy «Fishbone»

The children will answers the questions and discuss about friends

They will think and speak their meanings

5 minutes

Presentation of grammar

Teacher explains the using of Present Perfect Continuous

Students will read and explain each other

Students will try to describe their aim

5 minutes

Grammar task

I will give them pictures with different actions. To make the sentences using Pres.Perf.Cont.

In groups students will make sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous

Students will work in pairs and in a group.

Leaders will evaluate the others

2 minutes


It`s time to have a rest. Let`s sing a song together «The more we get together»

Students will sing a song and do exercises.

They will have a rest.

10 minutes


Teacher asks them questions

Teacher will give different tasks for each group

Strategy of «Cluster», «Sinquain».

Students will answer them

They will think about friends There will be speaking about friends and they will practice the new words and grammar structure they have learnt

5 minutes


Reflection. «Color of Mood».

Students will draw their impressions to the poster.

2 minutes


The teacher will give marks to the students for their activity at the lesson. Giving home task.

Evaluation of students by their activities at the lesson.

H/t: Ex: 4.5.7 p20-21

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Having friends 7 grade

Автор: Косшыбекова Айгерим Саттаровна

Дата: 07.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 289919

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