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“My pen friend” (have got\has got)

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Date: 14.10.2016

grade: 5 g

theme: My pen - friend (have\has got)

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«“My pen friend” (have got\has got)»

Theme: “My pen friend” (have got\has got)
Grade: 5 g

Date: 14.10.2016.
Type of the lesson: new lesson.
Teaching methods: explanation, question - answer, speaking, pair work and .
Aims: to explain the new theme to the pupils and to revise the preceding theme.
Educational: to enrich pupils’ knowledge about the verb have got\has got, to study to use it in sentences.

Developing: to develop pupils’ interest, habits and skills of oral and written speech.
Upbringing: to bring - up pupils to be attentive, to write neatly and correctly and to rouse their interest to learning English.
Visual aids: Active board, text - books, cards, Literature: “English” by Ayapova T. T.

The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
T: Good - afternoon, pupils!
P: Good - afternoon, teacher!
T: How are you?
P: We are fine, thanks, and you?
T: I am OK, thank you. Take your seats, please. Who is on duty today?
P: I’m on duty today.
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is 14th of October.
T: What day is it today?
P: Today is Friday.
T: Who is absent?
P: … is/… are absent.
T: Sit down, please.

III. Warm up.

Match the adjectives with their opposites. 1 slide.
tall sociable
lazy short
shy slim
fat hard-working
big small

IV. Presentation.

T: Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you! Today we have unusual lesson and we have some guests: they are our dear teachers because today we have open lesson. And I think you will be very active.

So we are going to talk about pen – friends. We’ll revise the words, read and write the letters and make a project about your pen – friends.

  1. Brainstorming. 2 slide.

T: Who is it «Pen friend»?
What do you think when heard this word?

P: He is our virtual friend who writes me on chat.


2. New vocabulary. 3 slide.

Look at the screen, read and translate the words:

- a pen – friend                  - a letter

- a postcard                        - to receive

- to chat                             - to study

- foreign                             - I’m interested in sport.


  1. The ways of pupils’ communications.

  2. Answer my questions! 4 slide.

-         Do you have an e – mail?

-         Have you ever had a pen – friend?

-         How often do you write letters?

-         Do you receive postcards?

-         What are you interested in?

-         Would you like to have pen – friends?

Pupils answered to the questions.

T: I see you would like to have pen – friends. Today you have a chance to find them.

T: Ok, let’s focus on grammar. Our grammar theme for today is the verbs have got\has got. Slide 5, 6, 7, 8.

IV. Practice.

T: Now, it is time read the a letter of the boy who wants to have a pen – friend.

Ex. 4, p 68. Read the @mail.

Pupils read and translate the text.

Ex. 5, p 68. Match Peter’s information with the questions.

Pupils did the task.

VI. Production.

Ex. P 69. Complete the sentences. Use have got and have got.

VI. Home task.

Ex.13 p.71. Write an @mail to Peter.

Write an e-mail.

School № 5

Open lesson

Theme: «My pen friend»

Prepared by: A.O.Abdrakhmanova.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

“My pen friend” (have got\has got)

Автор: Абдрахманова Айгерим Оразгалиевна

Дата: 29.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 419141

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