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Good bye! (explaining the new theme)

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Я учитель английского языка и работаю в школе более 15 лет. И являюсь классным руководителем в 7 классе. Мои ученики призеры и участники разных школьных, районных, областных и международных конкурсов и олимпиад. И я сама в этом году участвовала в районном конкурсе панорамных уроков учителей английского языка и заняла первое место. В областном конкурсе дали номинацию "Жа?ашыл ?стаз".

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«Good bye! (explaining the new theme) »

Form: 1A (Primary Colours by Diana Hicks & Andrew Littlejohn)

The theme of the lesson: Good bye!

Aims of the lesson: learning greeting & saying Good bye, promoting interest in speaking

and greeting, developing speaking skills - fluency/accuracy practice,

consolidating recently taught language, to create a relaxed, non-

threatening atmosphere in the classroom.

Equipments and visual aids: Active Board, computer, CD, the board, smile cards, cards for


Methods: Critical thinking by reading and writing, “Alphabet Bingo”, “Greeting”,  

 ”Answers & questions”, “Smiles”

The expected result: can use greeting & saying Good bye, will revise previously taught

language & develop speaking skills

Time (min.)

Teacher’s actions

Pupils’ actions


2 min.

I. Organization Stage. Greeting.

Good morning, dear children!

I’m also so glad to see you today!

Take your seats, please!

Sit down!

 Good morning2!

Good morning to you!

Good morning2!

We’re glad to see you!


4 min.

II.Training “Greeting”

Let’s begin our lesson with the training game “Greeting”. Make a circle, please!

If I clap my hands once you’ll say each other “Good morning!”If I clap twice you’ll say “Good afternoon!” And if I clap three times you’ll say “Good bye” with waving your hands.

(Teacher explains the rule of the game in their Mother Tongue)

Well done!!!

 Pupils make a circle in the middle of the classroom.


Pupils will play according to the rule of the game.

Slide №8

Slide №9

5 min.

 III. Pronunciation practice

  1. Repeat Hello! Hi!

Say “Hello” to your classmates and teacher

  1.  Let’s practice in pairs!

Choose these coloured papers and those who have the similar colours will be a pair.

(Teacher explains in MT)

Which pair will be active?

Brilliant!!! (Rewarding & praising)

  1. Sing a song “Hello!”

Pupils choose their pairs. Pupils will work in pairs.

S1- S2, S1 - T

Pupils sing a song.


Slide №10

DVD player Track 2

4 min

IV. Learning a new song.

Let’s sing a new song! At the first listen to the song.

Now listen and sing together by acting

Pupils listen to a song from DVD and then sing the song by acting.

DVD player Track 13

7 min.

6 min

 V. Vocabulary expansion

New words: Good bye! See you soon! Bye bye!

  1. Listen to the new words from CD

  2. Listen and practise their pronunciations

  1. Speaking

Open your books at p 8. We’ll work in a such way ‘Question & answer’

-What’s your name?

-Can you say “салем “in English? 

Pupils will listen to the CD.

Pupils will listen and repeat.

T - S1, S2, S3

T- Ch

S1 – S2, S3 – S4

Slide №11

CD Track 5


10 min.

  1. Game “Alphabet bingo”

  1. Take the cards for “Bingo!” and fill in six letters into the chart on your Bingo cards. For example:







 I’ll name the letters you must cross the ones your hear. The winner is the one who finishes the first must cry “Bingo!”

  1. Now who wants to work at the Active Board?

Do the same task on the flipchart.

Pupils will draw the chart & fill in with the letters they hear. 

2 pupils will work at the Active Board.


Flipchart 1

5 min.

VIII. Reflection “Smiles”

  1. I want you to show your impressions from the lesson.

  2. As usually choose one of these smiles and stick it on the board.

 Pupils will choose and stick “smiles” which show their emotion from the lesson 

 Slide №13

  1. min.

  1. Results & Conclusion.


Now I’ll give you my “smiles”, too. You were so active today! Well done! The lesson is over! See you soon!

Pupils leave the classroom waving their hands.

Slide №14

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 1 класс

Good bye! (explaining the new theme)

Автор: Кайыргалиева Айнур Куановна

Дата: 12.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 200561

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