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Food and fitness

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                        Lesson 14

Objectives:   learn the usage of the new words. Introduction of

                            The material the “Present Perfect tense”. To

                             develop the pupils speaking and reading abilities.

 Materials:     auding and video cassettes: flash cards, posters,

                               grammar table.

                 The plan of the lesson


  1. Organization moment
  2. Checking-up of home-assignment.
  1. Ex. 1 page 22
  2. Ex. 2 page 22
  1. Introduction of the new grammar: “Present Perfect tense”
  2. Auding: Ex. 1 page 23
  1. read once yourself
  2. listen to cassette
  3. Find out the sentences with Present Perfect tense
  4. Try to read for good pronunciation
  1. Workbook: Ex. 2\a page 23
  2. Ex. 2 page 23 – orally
  3. Flash cards with Present Perfect tense
  4. Video-cassette, episode 2 “coffee”
  5. A Game: Ex. 3 page 23
  6.        Home work s. b. ex. 1,2,3 page 24 w. b. p.
  7.        Giving marks
  1. T: Good day, children.

P; Good day, teacher.

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am duty today.

T: Who is absent?

P: All are present.

T: What was your home task today?

P: Learn by heart the new words.

   Do ex. 1

   Do ex. 4

T: Let’s continue our work at ‘Food and Fitness”. Now, let’s start our lesson with checking-up home-task.

         2, a) Ex. 1. There are new words. We’ll check it up in the next

         way. Some of you go to the blackboard; write down the new words

         under the picture. (Work with poster)

b) Ex. 4. This is discussion of some question in groups.

        3. Teacher writes the theme of the grammar. “Present Perfect tense”

                         Have  +  V\3

                         Has  +  V\3

You must know in each Tense:

          a)The formation of the Tense.

          b)Cases of using. 

          c)Using of adverbs and adverbial modifiers

?аза? тілінде: Ауыспалы осы ша??а с?йкесі

?олданылатын кездері: 1)Уа?ытты белгісіз (аны?талма?ан) осы

уа?ыт?а ?атысты, біра? ?ткенде ая?тал?ан іс-?рекет. 2) ?ткенде

басталып, ?азіргі с?йлеу кезінде жал?асып жат?ан іс-?рекетті?

ая?талма?анын білдіреді. To have етістікті? осы ша?та?ы

жіктелу формасыар?ылы ж?не етістікті? 3ф. + ed д?рыс

етістік ?шін 3 ф. д?рыс емес етістік ?шін. 3) ?детте

?олданылатын ?стеу пысы?тауыш с?здер:

    For - уа?ыт (басты уа?ыт аралы?ын к?рсету)

    Since – бері (іс-?рекет бастал?аннан бері)

    (-) Never – еш?ашан

    (?) Ever – ?йтуір

    (?) Yet – ?лі (с?раулы, болымсыз с?йлемдерде іс ?рекетті?

     болуын к?ткенде)

    (+) Already – ?лде?ашан (к?ткен уа?ыттан б?рын жасал?ан


    (+) Just – ?азір (?ыс?а уа?ыт ішінде жасал?ан іс ?рекет)                                                                                                              1.They have just gone out. – олар ?азір ?ана шы?ып кетті.

                       2.I have already finished my work. – мен ж?мысымды ?лде?ашан ая?тадым.

                       3. He hasn’t finished his work yet. – Ол ?лі ж?мысын

ая?та?ан жо?.

                       Let’s consolidate it in English: in Present Perfect Tense –

we do action which begins earlier and continue up till

now. We use it to talk about past events with results.

4. T: Now open your books page 23 ex. 1. Read yourself then

Listen to the cassette twice. Then find out the sentences with Present Perfect Tense.



                        d) Let’s try to read this dialogue with good and correct pronunciation and melody.

5) T: the next is ex. 2 page 23

6) T: open your work book – page 17 ex. 2\a

7) T: I’ll give out you flash cards with tasks in Present Perfect. Try

Do it so quickly.

8) T: Let’s continue to revise the present perfect seeing the video

cassette episode.

9) Let’s play a game. Sit, please back-to-back. Don’t look to each and

tell each other what has changed.

              Ex.: You’re changed your hair.

                      You’re changed your place. Etc.

T: Now, today we have pleasant lesson and I think to finish our lesson

writing your home task for the next lesson.

                                         Ex.: St. B: Ex. 1,2,3 page 24.

                                                 W. B: Ex. 1\a, 1\b, 2\b page 17.


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«Food and fitness»

Lesson 14

Objectives: learn the usage of the new words. Introduction of

The material the “Present Perfect tense”. To

develop the pupils speaking and reading abilities.

Materials: auding and video cassettes: flash cards, posters,

grammar table.

The plan of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  2. Checking-up of home-assignment.

  1. Ex. 1 page 22

  2. Ex. 2 page 22

  1. Introduction of the new grammar: “Present Perfect tense”

  2. Auding: Ex. 1 page 23

  1. read once yourself

  2. listen to cassette

  3. Find out the sentences with Present Perfect tense

  4. Try to read for good pronunciation

  1. Workbook: Ex. 2\a page 23

  2. Ex. 2 page 23 – orally

  3. Flash cards with Present Perfect tense

  4. Video-cassette, episode 2 “coffee”

  5. A Game: Ex. 3 page 23

  6. Home work s. b. ex. 1,2,3 page 24 w. b. p.

  7. Giving marks

  1. T: Good day, children.

P; Good day, teacher.

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am duty today.

T: Who is absent?

P: All are present.

T: What was your home task today?

P: Learn by heart the new words.

Do ex. 1

Do ex. 4

T: Let’s continue our work at ‘Food and Fitness”. Now, let’s start our lesson with checking-up home-task.

  1. a) Ex. 1. There are new words. We’ll check it up in the next

way. Some of you go to the blackboard; write down the new words

under the picture. (Work with poster)

b) Ex. 4. This is discussion of some question in groups.

3. Teacher writes the theme of the grammar. “Present Perfect tense”

Have + V\3

Has + V\3

You must know in each Tense:

  1. The formation of the Tense.

  2. Cases of using.

  3. Using of adverbs and adverbial modifiers

Қазақ тілінде: Ауыспалы осы шаққа сәйкесі

Қолданылатын кездері: 1)Уақытты белгісіз (анықталмаған) осы

уақытқа қатысты, бірақ өткенде аяқталған іс-әрекет. 2) Өткенде

басталып, қазіргі сөйлеу кезінде жалғасып жатқан іс-әрекеттің

аяқталмағанын білдіреді. To have етістіктің осы шақтағы

жіктелу формасыарқылы және етістіктің 3ф. + ed дұрыс

етістік үшін 3 ф. дұрыс емес етістік үшін. 3) Әдетте

қолданылатын үстеу пысықтауыш сөздер:

For - уақыт (басты уақыт аралығын көрсету)

Since – бері (іс-әрекет басталғаннан бері)

(-) Never – ешқашан

(?) Ever – әйтуір

(?) Yet – әлі (сұраулы, болымсыз сөйлемдерде іс әрекеттің

болуын күткенде)

(+) Already – әлдеқашан (күткен уақыттан бұрын жасалған


(+) Just – қазір (қысқа уақыт ішінде жасалған іс әрекет)

  1. They have just gone out. – олар қазір ғана шығып кетті.

  2. I have already finished my work. – мен жұмысымды әлдеқашан аяқтадым.

  3. He hasn’t finished his work yet. – Ол әлі жұмысын

аяқтаған жоқ.

  • Let’s consolidate it in English: in Present Perfect Tense –

we do action which begins earlier and continue up till

now. We use it to talk about past events with results.

  1. T: Now open your books page 23 ex. 1. Read yourself then

Listen to the cassette twice. Then find out the sentences with Present Perfect Tense.

  1. Let’s try to read this dialogue with good and correct pronunciation and melody.

5) T: the next is ex. 2 page 23

6) T: open your work book – page 17 ex. 2\a

7) T: I’ll give out you flash cards with tasks in Present Perfect. Try

Do it so quickly.

8) T: Let’s continue to revise the present perfect seeing the video

cassette episode.

9) Let’s play a game. Sit, please back-to-back. Don’t look to each and

tell each other what has changed.

Ex.: You’re changed your hair.

You’re changed your place. Etc.

T: Now, today we have pleasant lesson and I think to finish our lesson

writing your home task for the next lesson.

Ex.: St. B: Ex. 1,2,3 page 24.

W. B: Ex. 1\a, 1\b, 2\b page 17.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Food and fitness

Автор: Алсаева Айжан Окетаевна

Дата: 05.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 315067

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