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План урока на тему "What should you do to keep fit?"

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7 "?"



The Theme of the lesson

What should you do to keep fit?

The aim of the lesson

To generalize the  lexical material on «Health» and grammatical material (modal verb «should»), to develop the skills of speaking, listening (view video), and communication skills on the topic «Keep fit and healthy», to educate  the  responsible attitude to their own health,

 to give their opinions, to be active in group working,  to enlarge their knowledge,  to use ICT in learning , to learn think critically, to assessment  themselves.


  • Generalize the  lexical material on «Health» and grammatical material (modal verb «should»),
  • Develop the skills of speaking, listening (view video), and communication skills on the topic «Keep fit and healthy»,
  • Educate  the  responsible attitude to their own health,
  • Give their opinions,
  • Be active in group working,
  • Enlarge their knowledge,
  •  Use  ICT in learning,    
  • Learn think critically,
  •  Self-assessment.


The teacher’s activity

The pupils’ activity



 Organization moment:

 ( 2 min)

  1. Greeting with group

  2. Students on duty

  3. Dividing into 2     groups    

1: Physical health
2: Mental health

Physiological training

There are 5 pupils in each group

Doing exercises



 ( 3 min)

Ask to look at the       screen and match        the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs.

                 An apple a day   /             is above wealth

                 Good health    /     keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

                  Early to bed and early to rise /   keeps the doctor away.

Matching        the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs.


Realization of meaning

 ( 15 min)

( 15 min)

Ask to watch a video fragment then divide the pictures into 2 groups

 What should or shouldn't we do to keep fit

Ask to find the translation of the new words

Ask to listen to three people and write B(Brain), Z (Zara) or D (Dan) next to the descriptions (1-9)

Tasks for each group

1st group - Healthy food

2nd group- Health

Watching a video then dividing the pictures into 2 groups

What should or shouldn't we do to keep fit

Finding the translation of the new words

Listening to three people and write B(Brain), Z (Zara) or D (Dan) next to the descriptions (1-9)

Discuss about health and healthy food

Doing practical work












 ( 10 min)

Ask to choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.

“What we should do to keep fit”

Doing test


Active board

Home -task

To write an essay "Fit and fitness".

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«план урока на тему "What should you do to keep fit?" »

The theme of the lesson: What should you do to keep fit?

The aim of the lesson:

To generalize the lexical material on «Health» and grammatical material (modal verb «should»), to develop the skills of speaking, listening (view video), and communication skills on the topic «Keep fit and healthy», to educate the responsible attitude to their own health,

to give their opinions, to be active in group working, to enlarge their knowledge, to use ICT in learning , to learn think critically, to assessment themselves.


  • Generalize the lexical material on «Health» and grammatical material (modal verb «should»),

  • Develop the skills of speaking, listening (view video), and communication skills on the topic «Keep fit and healthy»,

  • Educate the responsible attitude to their own health,

  • Give their opinions,

  • Be active in group working,

  • Enlarge their knowledge,

  • Use ICT in learning,

  • Learn think critically,

  • Self-assessment.

Organization moment: 1. Greeting with group

( 2 min) 2. Students on duty

3. Dividing into 2 groups

1: Physical health- is a condition of your body
2: Mental health- is the way you feel about yourself and how you handle your problems

Physiological training Күн тәртібі

7.00 - Ұйқыдан тұру

7.15-7.25 – Жуыну

7.25-7.50 - Таңертенгілік тамақтану

7.50-8.15 - Тазалық жұмысы

8.15-13.55 - Сабақ уақыты

14.00-14-30 - Түскі тамақ

14.40-15.55 - Арнаулы курс

16.00-16.20 - Бесін ас

16.20-19.30 - Дайындық

19.20-20.30 - Кешкі тамақ

20.30-21.00 - Әдеби кітаптар оқу. Теледидар қарау. Мәдени шаралар (сенбі, жексенбі)

21.00-21.30 - Кешкі бесін ас

21.30-21.50 - Жеке гигиена

22.00 - Ұйқы

Sport helps us – feel happy, feel full of energy all the time, be healthier, study well, be strong, keep fit, be in a good mood, feel better, not to be ill, have fun, enjoy our life, relax, be disciplined, be organized, be slim, feel refreshed.

Evocation ( 3 min)

Look at the screen and match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs.

An apple a day / is above wealth

Good health / keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away.

  • Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. Кто рано встает, тому бог подает.

  • Доброе здоровье дороже богатства

  • Лук от семи недуг. (Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает. )

All these proverbs concern one topic and that is the topic of our lesson today. What is it? What is going to be the topic of our lesson today? (They answer)

Right you are. It’s health and keeping fit. Today we’ll revise everything we’ve learnt about health and body care

Realization of meaning ( 30 min) Watching a video fragment.

I hope you understand that it is important to follow these simple rules to keep fit.

Now we are going to work in groups and your task is to classify the words into two baskets: What should or shouldn't we do to keep fit

You should: go in for sport, exercise every day, eat dairy products, eat different fruit and vegetables, drink only soft drinks, ride a bike, go on foot, have a healthy weight, walk up stairs, sleep enough, limit screen time, spend enough time outdoors, wash your hands before eating, clean your teeth twice a day, take a shower, get up early and go to bed early

You shouldn't: drink alcohol, eat fast food, eat a lot of sweets, eat a lot of fried food, smoke, take the lift, go to bed late, spend hours playing on computer, spend the whole day indoors, do only sitting-down activities, watch TV too long, surf in the Internet all day long, drink Coke

Each pair will be given a sheet of paper with new words and your task is to stand up go around the room and find the correct translation in Russian and put down on this sheet of paper next to the English translation. Is this clear?Have you made any mistakes? Now look at the board and check up.




Soft drink

безалкогольный напиток




избыточный вес

Sweet fizzy drinks

сладкие газированные напитки



Healthy snacks

Здоровые закуски



Fatty food

жирная пища


на открытом воздухе


в помещении

Dairy products

молочные продукты,

Listen to three people and write B(Brain), Z (Zara) or D (Dan) next to the descriptions (1-9)

1. ..D..... played computer games all the time

2 ....B...eats healthy snacks

3 ...D...felt tired all the time

4 ....Z.. . is more relaxed

5 ..Z.... had a lot of stress

6 ...D....does rowing

7 ...B...lost weight

8 ....Z.... does yoga

9 ...B.....was overweight

1-топ тапсырмасы: Отбасындағы адамдар үнемі таңертеннен кешке дейін жұмыста. Ал, тамақты балалары үшін 1-2 күнге арнап пісіреді екен. 1-2 күн тұрған тамақтың жаңа піскен тамақтан сапасы қандай ?

2-топ тапсырмасы: Қыс мезгілі . Далада аяз, күн салқын.Медет сабақтан шыққан соң досымен үйге дейін бірге қайтады .Мектептен үйге дейін компьютерден ойнаған ойындары туралы әңгімелейді.Осындай жағдай жиі болып тұрады .Медет күн салқын кезде жиі аурады. Медет қандай аурудың түрімен ауруы мүмкін?

Практикалық жұмыс

Жас адамдардың тырнағы, қарт адамдарға қарағанда тез өседі .Ер адамдардың тырнағы, әйел адамға қарағанда тез өседі. Қыс мезгілге, қарағанда жазда тез өседі . Ал егер адам ауырса,тырнақтың өсуі баяулайды .Тырнақ арқылы адамға қандай қысқаша зерттеу жүргізуге болады ?

So we have talked about healthy and unhealthy food and we see that you understand what you should eat and what you shouldn’t eat.

Reflection( 10 min)

T: So we have talked about the main rules of a healthy lifestyle. Now it’s time to check up if you know these rules well. We have prepared a short test for you. You have to fill in the suitable words in the blanks of the text “What we should do to keep fit”.

Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks.

What we should do to keep fit”

Everybody should 1)…. . about their health. There are some good 2)…. . for keeping fit. We should keep to a 3)…. . and eat 4)…. . food. Fat food, junk food and sweet things are 5) …. . for our health. We should go in for 6)…. . . We shouldn’t forget 7) …. . routines. We shouldn’t smoke and drink 8)…. . . . It’s important to be in a good 9)…. . every day because 10)…. . emotions make us healthier.

1) A-take B-care C-forget

 2) A-decisions  B-orders C-rules

3) A-diet B-task C-apple

 4) A-nice  B-healthy C-clever

5) A-worse  B-good C-bad

6) A-sports B-parks C-clubs

7) A-daily B-terrible C-hungry

 8) A-soft drinks B-juice C-alcohol

 9) A-shape B-fit C-mood

 10) A-bad  B-positive C-better

Now it's high time to answer the questions of the quiz to know how fit you are.

Ученики получают распечатки теста, дают ответы и подсчитывают баллы.

Quiz: How fit are you? "Как вы поддерживаете форму?"

1. How careful are you about what you eat?

a) very careful

b) fairly careful

c) not very careful

d) not at all careful

2. How often do you have fatty food?

a) hardly ever

b) twice a week

c) once a day

d) twice a day

3. How much exercise do you do?

a) a lot

b) quite a lot

c) not very much

d) hardly ever

4. How many kilometers do you walk in a normal day?

а) or more

b) two

c) one

d) less than one

5. How often do you go swimming?

a) every day

b) once a week

с) once a month

d) hardly ever

6. How much time a day do you spend in front of the screen (TV or computer)?

a) less than one hour

b)two hours

c) three hours

d) more than three hours

How did you score?

Look at your answers. Do you have more As, more Bs, more Cs, more Ds?

If you more As:

Congratulations! You are probably very fit and very slim, but shouldn't overdo things.

If you have more Bs:

Well done! You are probably fit and not overweight. You have a good balance between having fun and being sensible about fitness and diet.

If you have more Cs:

You should try harder. You shouldn't eat quiet so much, and you should get more exercise.

If you have more Ds:

You really should look after yourself better. You should eat more healthily and you should get more exercise.

Home -task To write an essay "Food and fitness".

It was our last lesson on the topic “Keep fit and healthy”. I see that you know much about the main rules of keeping fit. And I hope that you will continue to take care of your health in everyday life in future

.I wish you good health and happiness. And don’ forget that “Good Health is Above Wealth”! Thank you for your work. You were very active today Good bye!

Волшебный цветок.

T. So you see that nowadays ordinary people as well as celebrities want to be strong and healthy. And what about you? What do you do to keep fit? This magic flower will help you to answer my question. I will give each of you a coloured petal and you will fill it in, writing what you do to keep fit. And then you’ll come up to the blackboard and fix your petal round the centre.

T. Are you ready?

T. I’m glad to hear that you take care of your health and do a lot to keep fit.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

план урока на тему "What should you do to keep fit?"

Автор: Кожакметова Анаргул Сапаркызы

Дата: 10.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 199910

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