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Famous sights of London 2

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To discuss questions about travelling; to talk about the best and worst holidays which they ever had; to match the adjectives with their definitions; to talk about Asian way of life and Central Asia trips; to practice Past Simple & Past Continuous

The stages of the lesson

Teacher`s activity

Students` activities

An introduction

О?ушыларды  3 топ?а б?лінеді

The City- a rose- роза, West End - a thistle- чертополох, East End - a daffodil- нарцисс.

The rules of a group

1) Warm up. Youtube. Video:

2) Association.

What do you know about London?

Ss answer the questions in a group and speak about the best and worst holiday you have ever had.

Ss give the meanings of the given words and put them in the box under the proper headings.

Main part

3)Jigsaw. Read the text "Sights of London"

4. Snowball ?дісі

Ss read the text and discuss. And each group ask questions.


5. Working with pictures.

Sights of London.

6. Ашы? микрофон ?дісі

Ss answer the questions and choose one of the topics below and find out as many things as possible about the topic


Three claps, Self-assessment, Two stars & one wish

Home assignment

Exercises from book

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Famous sights of London 2 »



The theme



Kazkenova N.S.






The reference, link

English, Ayapova T. Atamura press, 2014 у.


To discuss questions about London; to match the adjectives with their definitions; to talk about Asian way of life and Central Asia trips; to practice Past Simple & Past Continuous


To discuss questions about travelling; to talk about the best and worst holidays which they ever had; to match the adjectives with their definitions; to talk about Asian way of life and Central Asia trips; to practice Past Simple & Past Continuous

Methods used in teaching

Individual work, pair work,

group work


Basic facts



Procedure of the lesson

The stages of the lesson

Teacher`s activity

Students` activities

An introduction

A) Discuss the following questions in a group:

  • What is the most important to you about a holiday?

  • What is your favorite kind of holiday?

  • Which is the best and worst holiday you have ever had?

B) Put the words in the box under the following headings:

Types of holiday

Places where people stay on holiday

Places people visit on holiday

Things people do on holiday

Problems people can have on holiday

Beach, relax, sightseeing, hotel, excursion, youth hostel, camping, adventure, safari, delays, sunbathing, farmstay, galleries, lost luggage, cruise, museum, queues, hitch-hiking, crowds, tent, skiing

C) Read the given names and discuss what you know about them: (ex 2)

  • Kara-Kum

  • Tien Shan

  • Kazakhstan

  • Chu

  • Issyk -Kul

  • Samarkand

  • Bukhara

  • Khoresm

  • Turkmenistan

Ss answer the questions in a group and speak about the best and worst holiday you have ever had.

Ss give the meanings of the given words and put them in the box under the proper headings.

Ss discuss and match the names with the words in the box

a) city b) river c) lake

d) city e) oasis f) desert

g) country h) mountains

i) country

Main part

Read the text "Adventures in Central Asia" and check your answers to exercise 2

Ss read the text and write adj-s from the text. Pick out from the text words which show Asian way of life, fill in the table "What do travelers do in Central Asia"


Answer the questions:

  • Have you ever visited any of the places mentioned in the text?

  • If your answer is "Yes", did you like the place?

  • If your answer is "No", which of the places do you dream to visit? Why?

Ss answer the questions and choose one of the topics below and find out as many things as possible about the topic

a) Silk Road b) Chu River

c) Khiva d) Tamerlane

e) Taj Mahal f) Registan Square


Three claps, Self-assessment, Two stars & one wish

Home assignment

Exercises from book

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Famous sights of London 2

Автор: Айгул Аскарова

Дата: 27.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 192240

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