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Environmental Protection

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«Environmental Protection»

“Environment Protection”

План-конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме:

“Environment Protection”


Урок построен на материале учебника «Spotlight» для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. В. Эванс, О. Афанасьева, И. Михеева

Цели урока:

Образовательная цель: расширение знаний учащихся об экологических проблемах.

Воспитательная цель: формирование уважительного отношения к природе и ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, воспитание бережного отношения к природным богатствам, чувства любви к родной природе.

Развивающая цель: развитие информационных умений учащихся, умение обобщать информацию, развитие самостоятельности и ответственности, умение использовать новые информационные технологии.

Задачи урока

  1. Совершенствование навыков и умений речевой деятельности на английском языке.

  2. Обучать учащихся выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к проблеме.

  3. Создание комфортной  психологической и образовательной среды

Ожидаемые результаты:

  1. Расширение словарного запаса.

  2. Свободное употребление новых лексических единиц по экологической тематике и грамматических структур в речи.

  3. Выработка у учащихся личностного эмоционального отношения к экологическим проблемам современного мира.

Оснащение урока:

технические средства обучения (компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, материалы на электронных носителях, пособия)

Ход урока

  1. Рассказ учителя о плане урока. (1 слайд)

Good morning! I am glad to see you!  We live in the world where there are a lot of ecological problems. Nowadays the global situation in ecology is very serious. Many people all over the world are worried about it and discuss it in Russian, English, French and other languages. We are here to discuss several questions connected with pollution and other environmental problems and how to solve some problems.

2.  Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: What does the word «environment» mean to you?

Pupils’ answers

The environment is your surroundings, your house, your garden, your town, your shops, the hills and rivers, the ocean, the air and so on.

Environment is our surroundings and what around us. 
Its where we live. Some environments are cleaner than others and that's a healthy environment, sadly some places are not. This is caused by pollution and littering. 

The environment can be as broad as their surroundings. For animals, this can included their habitat, other animals, and other things that may not be part of their natural habitat like a power plant or other unnatural addition. For people, the environment not only includes the building or city in which they reside, but also every person with whom they have contact and every part of nature to which they are exposed. Environment can include any living or nonliving element to which a subject is exposed. 

Teacher: What do you think is in danger now?

Pupils’ answer:

  • Acid rain

  • Pollution

  • Climate change

  • The destruction of rainforests and other wild habitats

  • Animals

  • Extinct animals

2 слайд

Every day we hear about environmental problems:

  • Acid rain

  • Pollution

  • Climate change

  • The destruction of rainforests

and other wild habitats

3 слайд

The environment is all the things we need to be able to live - clean water to drink , air to breathe and healthy food to eat.

We can’t live without plants and animals. They help to make the soil, they clean the water and air, and they give us all our food.

4 слайд

The world is our home and we want to see it clean and beautiful.

At the same time we take from nature as much as we can.

  • We cut down forests

  • Build farms, houses, roads and factories on the land.

5 слайд

We make a lot of waste. Some of which is TOXIC. We pour toxic waste into

our rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Chemical waste pollute river water, killing

wildlife .The pollution affects the healthof people and animals.

6 слайд

It is necessary to help wild animals. Many of them are in danger now. For example, pandas which live in the jungle and white bears which live in the Arctic.

7 слайд

The last of these large quiet birds died many years ago.

By the 1690s there were no dodos in the world.

8 слайд

Acid rains are dangerous for animals, plants, water and people.

9 слайд

Forest fires are one of the greatest natural destroyers of our forests.

Each year fires burn millions of hectares of forest all over the world.

10 слайд

Rainforests are very dense, warm and wet forests. Rainforests are found on every continent across the Earth, except Antarctica. They cover only 6% of the Earth’s surface but yet they contain more than a half of the world’s plant and animal species.

11 слайд

Extinct animals

12 слайд

The Earth has been getting hotter because we are producing too many greenhouse gases. Because the Earth is getting hotter, ice is melting. Scientists say that in 2050 some parts of Great Britain will be under the sea.

Now I want to show you the film about our environment. Фильм “The saddest video in the world”

3. Основная часть урока.

Teacher: What should we do to protect the environment? Use the ideas of 3Rs to make sentences.                          

For example: We should reduce the amount water we use. 13 слайд

3 Rs:




amount of water we use

old tins, jars, bottles


using energy

writing paper


burning of oil

fruit/vegetable peelings





using of cars

old towels, sheets, clothes

paper consumption

 Слайд 14

What can we do to protect nature?

  • We can recycle newspapers, bottles and metal cans.

  • We mustn’t cut down trees.

  • Feed birds in winter.

  • Protect wildlife, plants and trees. Keep all water


  • Don’t use aerosol sprays.

  • Don’t use chemicals in the garden.

  • Turn off the light when you leave the room.

  • Don’t cut wild flowers.

  • Try to avoid buying plastic. It’s hard to recycle.

4. Практика в чтении с целью отработки новых лексических единиц и с целью выявления необходимой информации.

 Now let’s read the text « Use Less Stuff». Page 65 in your Student’s books.

 Focus your attention on new language.

Match the highlighted phrasal verbs in the text with their meanings: put in the bin, wear, think of, lower, stop smth working, reduce.

Teacher: «We create the world in which we live; If that world becomes unfit for human life, It is because we tire of our responsibility» - Cyril Connolly, English critic.

Read again and make notes under the headings: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. Which of these things do you do in your daily life? (Example: I always switch off the lights when I leave a room so as to reduce energy consumption.)

  1. Развитие творческих навыков.

Design a simple quiz to find out how good someone is at reducing, recycling and reusing things. Use ideas from the text and your own ideas. Give your quiz to your partner to complete.


  1. You are packing your lunch for school. What do you pack?

  2. A sandwich and a banana in reusable container

  3. A sandwich in a plastic bag and a packet of crisps.

5.Заключительный этап урока.

How did you feel about the lesson in general?

What was the best part of the lesson? Why?

What was the least successful part? Why?

Did you have any particular difficulties?

Give some brief ideas of follow-up work you would do for this lesson.

Any other comments you would like to add.

6. Оценка деятельности учащихся.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Environmental Protection

Автор: Шкуро Маргарита Валерьевна

Дата: 20.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 462745

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