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"Экология. Проблемы окружающей среды"

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«Экология. Проблемы окружающей среды»

для учащихся 11 классов


Тип и вид урока: комбинированный: развитие речевых умений, монологической речи, аудирования, письма.

Цель: Закрепление умений и навыков применения информационных и коммуникационных технологий в исследовательской работе учащихся по теме “Проблемы окружающей среды” на английском языке, совершенствование лексических навыков, устной речи и навыков письменной речи.

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«"Экология. Проблемы окружающей среды"»

«Экология. Проблемы окружающей среды»

для учащихся 11 классов

Тип и вид урока: комбинированный: развитие речевых умений, монологической речи, аудирования, письма.

Цель: Закрепление умений и навыков применения информационных и коммуникационных технологий в исследовательской работе учащихся по теме “Проблемы окружающей среды” на английском языке, совершенствование лексических навыков, устной речи и навыков письменной речи.



  1. активизация употребления в речи ранее изученных лексических единиц по теме «Окружающая среда». Отработка навыков грамматического и лексического оформления речи в соответствии с коммуникативным назначением высказывания;

  2. совершенствование навыков аудирования с пониманием содержания прослушанного, поиском заданной информации;

  3. развитие умения монологической речи за счет расширения лексических средств речевого взаимодействия;

  4. закрепление умения письменной речи за счет выполнения лексико-грамматических заданий по теме.


  1. Развитие речевой и коммуникативной компетенции;

  2. Повышение мотивации изучения английского языка и информационных технологий.

  3. Познавательный аспект:
    - экологические проблемы России, Ростовской области, родного поселка.

  4. Развитие творческого потенциала учащихся средствами языка.

  5. Формирование социокультурной компетенции.

  6. Развитие навыков самостоятельной работы.


1)Воспитание культуры поведения и бережного отношения к природе;

2) Формирование способности к общению на иностранном языке на межкультурном уровне.

3)Развитие у учащихся способности работать в коллективе.

4)Расширение языкового этикета на языке.

Формируемые УУД:

- личностные УУД: способность к самооценке на основе критерия успешности учебной деятельности, мотивация учебной деятельности, готовность к самообразованию, умение выделить нравственный аспект, способность к нравственному оцениванию.

- регулятивные УУД: оценивать результаты своей деятельности, анализировать собственную работу, планировать свое действие в соответствии с поставленной задачей, определять цель учебной деятельности (этапа) в сотрудничестве с учителем, проводить коррекцию деятельности.

- коммуникативные УУД: тренировать коммуникативные умения слушать друг друга, вступать в диалог, строить речевые высказывания, выражать свою точку зрения, аргументировать ее, работать в парах и группах.

- познавательные УУД: систематизировать материал, сравнивать и рассуждать, ориентироваться в тексте, находить нужную информацию, определять главную идею прочитанного, увиденного или услышанного, сворачивать учебный материал, кратко излагая его.

Планируемые результаты:

1) Личностные результаты: формировать мотивацию учебной деятельности, уметь проводить самооценку на основе критерия представлений о добре и зле, проводить нравственно-этическое оценивание личности на основе поступков, связывать личностные представления о прочитанном с реальной ситуацией, определять своё место в решении данной проблемы, способствуя формированию активной жизненной позиции.

2) Учащиеся имеют целостное представление о проблемах, поднятых на уроке.

3) Умеют участвовать в аналитической беседе, выполняют работу в группах в соответствии с поставленными целями и задачами.

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, компьютер, CD, плакат, листы с заданиями учебники.

Ход урока.

Speaker 1.

Dear friends! Welcome to our speaking club. Today’s meeting is devoted to a very important topic- the environment. Our country. Our environment. There are a lot of big and small rivers, green forests, high mountains, lakes and sees in Russia. Our Earth is our home and I think we must take care about our Motherland.

Speaker 2

There are several laws and decisions on this important subject. We have state organizations which pay a lot of attention to this problem. International conventions pay a lot of attention to controlling pollution too. There are a lot of industrial enterprises in our country that’s why we can’t ignore the problem of the protection of our environment.

Speaker 1

Our main aim is protection. Our environment must be clean. What must we do? We have to control atmosphere and water pollution, to study man’s influence on the climate. The pollution of the environment influences the lives of animals, plants and humans. I’d like you to watch a film about protecting rivers, sees and oceans from littering.

(a film)

Speaker 2

Have you noticed any of these environmental problems where you live? Ecology is the science of how living things are related to their environment. These are the names of some environmental problems of today: - Littering

  • Air pollution, smog

  • Water pollution

  • Overcrowding

  • Destruction of natural resources

Which of these problems does your native country have? Why is the problem of protecting our nature is so important now? Do our state organization pay attention to the protection of the environment? Let’s listen to some statements about this.

(сообщения уч-ся по темам с презентацией)

1. Air Care

2. Cleaner Rain

3. Dirty Water

4. Poisons in Food

5. Trash

6. Good Energy News

Speaker 1

You see the problem of our environment is important, isn’t it? “Reduce, reuse, recycle” is the mantra we often hear every time. Reducing waste means not only to reduce the volume of waste that goes to the landfills. It also means decreasing the amount of dangerous chemicals that seep into the soil and pollute the air due to improper waste disposal. Reuse is basically extending the usage of most of the items we have in the house by reusing or donating these items to others in a free recycle group.

Recycling ( сообщение по теме с презентацией)

Recycling is when we make new products out of used products. For example, after you use a bottle, you should bring it to a recycling center. Then the glass from the bottle is used to make new glass products.

Thing such as tin, steel, aluminium, cans, glass, some plastic, newspapers, magazines can be made into new products. Office paper, tires, telephone books can also be recycled. It is not only important for people to bring used products to a place where they can be recycled. It’s also important to buy recycled products. For example you can buy recycled paper. We should all look for recycled products when we go to the store.

When new homes and buildings are built the trees are removed and replanted in parks and gardens.

What can you do to protect the environment? Look at what you throw away and try to throw away less. Try to reuse products and don’t litter. We all need to work

Speaker 2

We know that a great number of people all over the world are taking part in the policy of controlling the atmosphere, the water, the climate because of man’s interference in nature. This problems become very pressing the subject of many scientific meetings. Our school also active participates in all environmental projects and proposals. What can be done to solve them?

Rassvet.( Сообщение по теме с презентацией)

Rassvet Green School Program

Tips for the Environmentally Aware.

  • Reuse bags containers, paper, boxes and other items.

  • Buy reusable products.

  • Select products with the least wasteful packaging.

  • Buy products that can be recycled and make sure to recycle them.

  • Buy products made of recycled materials.

  • Buy, sell, or donate used goods such as clothes, furniture, and appliances.

  • Make sure your water faucets and turned off when you’re not using them.

  • Be creative – look for opportunities to reduce trash!

Speaker 1

This We Know. This We Believe. This We Resolve (решать). All this that we know and believe must now become the foundation of the way we live. At this turning point in our relationship with Earth we work for an evolution.

Advise to people.

1.Recycle aluminium cans.

Making aluminium from recycled aluminium uses 90% (present) less energy than making aluminium from scratch (стружка). The energy saved from one recycled aluminium can will operate a television set for 3 hours. If you throw an aluminium can out of the train window, it will still litter the Earth up to 5 hundred years later. When you toss out one alluminium can you waste as much energy as if you’d filled the same can half full of gasoline and poured it into the ground.

2.Don’t Buy Drinks in Plastic Bottles.

Fact: We use two point five million plastic bottles every year. These bottles can’t be recycled and won’t ever degrade.

What to do: Only Buy soda and other drinks in aluminium cans or glass bottles. Buy milk or juice in cartons. Then recycle them.

3.Use paper, not plastic.

Fact: It takes a whole tree to make about 5 hundred paper grocery bags. But plastic bags are worse because they can’t be recycled, and the plastic will never decompose.

What to do: Most paper thrown away in the office just has printing on one side. Ask your parents to bring home some of this paper so you can use the blank side for writing and drowing, or cut it into small sizes and staple it together to make note pads.

4.Don’t throw your old batteries in the trash.

Fact: We throw out pounds of batteries a years. Toxic chemicals in batteries can be released into the environment, especially if they are burned.

What to do: Save your old batteries and take them to the recycling centre.

5.Pick up litter.

Fact: Litter is not only ugly, but it can be harmful to wildlife. Small animals can get hurt on sharp cans or broken bottles.

What to do: Pick up litter you see as you are walking. Throw away trash. Recycle bottles and cans.

6.Save water.

Fact: A leaky faucet can waste three thousand litters of water a year.

What to do: Check all the faucets in your house. Check the ones outside , where the garden is. Make sure that it is turned off, then watch for a minute to make sure that there are no drops. If there are, get someone to fix it.

7.Turn out the lights and appliances when you are not using them.

Fact: The electric company burns coal to produce the energy that keeps your lights on. That burning coal gives off gasses that cause the greenhouse effect and acid rain.

What to do: Turn off the lights when you leave the room and turn off the lights in the room that you really don’t need. In the daytime sit closer to the window to read instead of turning on a light. Turn off the TV when you aren’t watching or listening.

8.Think Globally, Act Locally!

It is personal action that will help preserve the world’s environment. Actions which are simple and quick. Yet overall they will make an effective and positive contribution to the environment. There are many actions that each person can take every day.

The following is the list оf tips that are given to Russian students to save energy. Which of these tips are applicable for where you live? Which of these do you already practice?

- Walk or a bike whenever possible
- Turn off lights and other electrical equipment when not in use
- Take shorter showers to save water
- Buy products that are recycled
- Write on both sides of paper
- Put on more clothing in winter instead of turning up the heater

- Use public transport or your bike instead of a car

- Walk to the local shops if possible, don`t drive there

- Recycle oil, metal, paper ,glass and plastic

- Make sure the refrigerator door is fully closed

- Use the clothes line rather than a dryer

- Plan your trips to save petrol

- Use energy efficient light bulbs

- Do not pour oil, fat, milk or chemicals dawn the sink

- Encourage your school to be environmentally friendly

Speaker 2

And in conclusion all of us should always remember we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and do not. If you don’t think about the future you will not have it.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

"Экология. Проблемы окружающей среды"

Автор: Мамонтова Елена Александровна

Дата: 29.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 464131

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