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Education in Great Britain 8th form

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The theme of the lesson:  Education in Great Britain.

The aims of the lesson:

The aim: To teach talking about education in Great Britain.

The objectives:

1. Developing. To develop the student's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

2. Bringing-up. To teach students to love school and school culture.

Type of the lesson: Learning a new material

                                     The procedure of the  lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Children’s activity

I. The beginning of the lesson

Good afternoon, pupils! Glad to see you again, dear pupils! How are you?

Nice day, isn’t it?

Dividing into 3 groups. Division into 3 groups named  Primary school, Secondary school, Infant school

 Good morning, teacher!

 I’m OK!


II. Warm up

II. New theme: Education in Great Britain.

III. Work in pairs

 Talk to your partner. Listen and practise

V. Let's talk about English schools. Answers the questions (work in pairs).

VI. Correct the sentences.

Put these words in the correct column  Ok, well very bad 

Today we’ll do more exercises according to our theme. We’ll do some tasks on the board.

We have new words today. The words are on the blackboard. You have to find their translations in the dictionary: infant schools-,.

Repeat after me! (…new words)

Be ready for the interview about our school. Questions:

1. What type of school is our school? 
2. What age do our pupils start school? 
3. What age do our students leave school? 
4. What are your core subjects? 
5. What are your optional subjects? 
6. What transport do students use to get to school? 
7. When does our school year begin? 
8. When does our school year end?

1. When do children start going to school in great Britain?

2. When does compulsory education begin?

3. How long does primary education last?

4. What do children do in infant schools?

5. When do children go to junior school?

6. What do pupils study at secondary school?

7. What are the types of secondary school in England

1. Compulsory education begins at the age of 11.

2. Primary education lasts for five years.

3. Boys and girls study at junior school for six years.

4. Boys and girls study together at private schools.

5. English pupils haven't school uniform..

Fine     All right      Bad

Well        Ok       very bad

infant schools-, junior schools-, secondary schools, modern schools-, grammar schools-, comprehensive schools-, curriculum-, compulsory-, assignment-. 

 Our school is original

Pupils  star school at 8.30 o ‘ clock

 Pupil answered the questions

VI. The end of the lesson

Home task


So boys and girls, our lesson is coming to the end. You have learned a lot. Thank you very much.

Now write down your home work for the next lesson. Ex.2 p.

Thank you for your work. Good bye.

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«Education in Great Britain 8th form»

8th form

The theme of the lesson: Education in Great Britain.

The aims of the lesson:

The aim: To teach talking about education in Great Britain.

The objectives:

1. Developing. To develop the student's reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

2. Bringing-up. To teach students to love school and school culture.

Type of the lesson: Learning a new material

The procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Children’s activity

I. The beginning of the lesson

Good afternoon, pupils! Glad to see you again, dear pupils! How are you?

Nice day, isn’t it?

Dividing into 3 groups. Division into 3 groups named Primary school, Secondary school, Infant school

 Good morning, teacher!

 I’m OK!



II. Warm up









II. New theme: Education in Great Britain.





III. Work in pairs

 Talk to your partner. Listen and practise

V. Let's talk about English schools. Answers the questions (work in pairs).

VI. Correct the sentences.

Put these words in the correct column Ok, well very bad 

Today we’ll do more exercises according to our theme. We’ll do some tasks on the board.


We have new words today. The words are on the blackboard. You have to find their translations in the dictionary: infant schools- ,.

Repeat after me! (…new words)

Be ready for the interview about our school. Questions:

1. What type of school is our school? 
2. What age do our pupils start school? 
3. What age do our students leave school? 
4. What are your core subjects? 
5. What are your optional subjects? 
6. What transport do students use to get to school? 
7. When does our school year begin? 
8. When does our school year end?

1. When do children start going to school in great Britain?

2. When does compulsory education begin?

3. How long does primary education last?

4. What do children do in infant schools?

5. When do children go to junior school?

6. What do pupils study at secondary school?

7. What are the types of secondary school in England

1. Compulsory education begins at the age of 11.

2. Primary education lasts for five years.

3. Boys and girls study at junior school for six years.

4. Boys and girls study together at private schools.

5. English pupils haven't school uniform. .

Fine All right Bad

Well Ok very bad







infant schools- , junior schools- , secondary schools , modern schools- , grammar schools- , comprehensive schools- , curriculum- , compulsory- , assignment- . 







 Our school is original


Pupils star school at 8.30 o ‘ clock

Pupil answered the questions

VI. The end of the lesson

Home task


So boys and girls, our lesson is coming to the end. You have learned a lot. Thank you very much.

Now write down your home work for the next lesson. Ex.2 p.


Thank you for your work. Good bye.



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Education in Great Britain 8th form

Автор: Ходежекеева Жаксылык Амандыковна

Дата: 11.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 317444

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