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Eating in Britain 7 класс

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Date:  24.11.2015

The theme:  Eating in Britain

Grade: 7

The aims of the lesson:

Educational aim:  О?ушылар?а Британия еліні? та?амдары жайлы т?сінік беру. Жа?а с?здермен таныстыру. Саналатын ж?не саналмайтын зат есімдерді ?айталау. Топты? ж?не жекелей ж?мыс ж?ргізу. 

Developing aim: О?ушыларды? с?йлеу жазу да?дыларын дамыту, о?ушыларды? белсенді ойлау ?абілеттерін арттыру.

Bringing up:  О?ушыларды адамгершілікке, ізденімпазды??а, ??ыптылы??а, тазалы??а т?рбиелеу.

Type of the lesson:

Methods: question-answer, group work, individual work

Visual aids: TV, presentation, cards, pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Org. moment Emotional set
  2. Checking home task
  3. Revision
  4. New theme
  5. Work in group
  6. Reflection
  7. Home work

I. Org. moment Emotional set

Good morning boys and girls!

 How are you?  

At the beginning of our lesson I want to ask you some questions.

What are you waiting for from our lesson and  how you will work? 

So let’s begin. Who is on duty today?

What is the date today?

Who is absent today?

What you can say about today’s weather?

Ok, good!

II. Checking home task 

I want to check your home task. Two pupils must be prepared video interview and other pupils do monitoring.

III. Revision

Work with exercise book. Look to the blackboard, write down todays date and do next task. For some  pupils I give cards.  I give you 5 min

  1. We need ______ oranges to make orange juice.
  2. I don`t drink _______ milk, one liter a day.
  3. He doesn`t always put _______ salt on his food.
  4. My car doesn`t  use ________ petrol.
  5. They haven`t _______ money. They are not rich.
  6. There aren`t _______ potatoes in the box

Change your ex book with each other, and check your mistakes. If you have 1 mis give 5, 2 mis  4, 3 mis 3, four and more it will be 2.

IV Lunch time

It`s time to lunch let`s review countable and uncountable nouns. (Pictures)

V. New theme

The theme of  our lesson  is “Eating in Britain”.  Let`s divide into  groups. Choose from the basket your favorite food.  Open your vocabularies  and write down new words.

VI. Work in group

1st group Open your book at page 70 ex 12

The 2nd group open your  book at p 72 ex 17

Present posters

VII. Reflection

VIII. Home work

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«Eating in Britain 7 класс»

Secondary school after K.Shakenov



The theme of the lesson: « Eating in Britain »   

Grade: 7 “A”

Done by: Beysenbina Ardak Serikovna

2015 year

Date: 24.11.2015

The theme: Eating in Britain

Grade: 7

The aims of the lesson:

Educational aim: Оқушыларға Британия елінің тағамдары жайлы түсінік беру. Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру. Саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдерді қайталау. Топтық және жекелей жұмыс жүргізу.

Developing aim: Оқушылардың сөйлеу жазу дағдыларын дамыту, оқушылардың белсенді ойлау қабілеттерін арттыру.

Bringing up: Оқушыларды адамгершілікке, ізденімпаздыққа, ұқыптылыққа, тазалыққа тәрбиелеу.

Type of the lesson:

Methods: question-answer, group work, individual work

Visual aids: TV, presentation, cards, pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Org. moment Emotional set

  2. Checking home task

  3. Revision

  4. New theme

  5. Work in group

  6. Reflection

  7. Home work

I. Org. moment Emotional set

Good morning boys and girls!

How are you?

At the beginning of our lesson I want to ask you some questions.

What are you waiting for from our lesson and how you will work?

So let’s begin. Who is on duty today?

What is the date today?

Who is absent today?

What you can say about today’s weather?

Ok, good!

II. Checking home task

I want to check your home task. Two pupils must be prepared video interview and other pupils do monitoring.

III. Revision

Work with exercise book. Look to the blackboard, write down todays date and do next task. For some pupils I give cards. I give you 5 min

  1. We need ______ oranges to make orange juice.

  2. I don`t drink _______ milk , one liter a day.

  3. He doesn`t always put _______ salt on his food.

  4. My car doesn`t use ________ petrol.

  5. They haven`t _______ money. They are not rich.

  6. There aren`t _______ potatoes in the box

Cars , water , air , bottles ,

Apples , bread , tea , dollars ,

Money , peas , lemons , sugar ,

Salt , eggs , toys , milk ,

Sandwiches , ham , cheese , coffee

Change your ex book with each other, and check your mistakes. If you have 1 mis give 5, 2 mis 4, 3 mis 3, four and more it will be 2.

IV Lunch time

It`s time to lunch let`s review countable and uncountable nouns. (Pictures)

V. New theme

The theme of our lesson is “Eating in Britain”. Let`s divide into groups. Choose from the basket your favorite food. Open your vocabularies and write down new words.

VI. Work in group

1st group Open your book at page 70 ex 12

The 2nd group open your book at p 72 ex 17

Present posters

VII. Reflection

VIII. Home work

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Eating in Britain 7 класс

Автор: Бейсенбина Ардак Сериковна

Дата: 16.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 306385

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