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Eating habits

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Урок составлен по теме "Eating habits" для учащихся 10 класса по учебнику Т.Аяповой, предусматривает групповую работу с применением метода критического мыщления. Цели урока- привить учащимся позитивное отношение к здоровой еде и здоровому образу жизни; воспитание чувство коллективизма. При работе с текстом был использован кейс-метод. 

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«Eating habits »

Валиева Рашидам Шарипджановна

учитель английского языка сш имени Жамбыла

г.Жаркент Алматинской области

Theme : Eating habits

Objectives: developing students` communicative skills and their

positive attitude to the health habits ;

training to work collectively

Lesson type : Systematization of students` knowledge and skills

Teaching aids : interactive board, slides, posters

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

Greeting the students. Hello, children! I am glad to see you.

Psychological training «Present a smile» .

  1. Motivation.

Now I offer you to watch a small video clip. What is a clip about?

Guys, what is it? Do you like apples? Why? How do you think, why have I brought an apple to our lesson?

British people say: «An apple a day keeps doctor away». Translate it! Is all tasty food healthy?

So, what are we going to speak about? Yes, we`ll talk about healthy and unhealthy food and learn to convince giving arguments. ( slides 1,2)

Please, turn over your pictures with smiles, now according to the pictures find your places.

( students are dividing into 2 groups)

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. I offer you to hold our lesson as a summit. The topic of our summit is «The healthy way of life» . I will assess your answers by giving unusual marks (fruits).

  1. Actualization. Slide 3

Look at the slide! Divide these kinds of food into 2 groups!

( Students divide words in groups- healthy and unhealthy food)

Why did you do like this?

Slide 4. Yes, you are right. All these things are called in English junk food.

Slide 5.

Read these words which explain why the food is healthy or not.

Contain(s)- содержит

Fat, cholesterol , natural ingredients, vitamins, proteins

Cause(s)- вызывает

Obesity, heart diseases, diabetes

Make(s) people – делает людей

Strong, fat, (un)healthy

  1. Using the knowledge in known situation.

Explain why junk food is unhealthy. ( slide 6)

  1. Using the knowledge in the changed situation.

Slide 7.

One of the most important health problems today is obesity. And it is closely connected with eating fast food. Do you know what fast food is? Fast food is different snacks.

  1. Using the knowledge in new situation.

Slide 8.

The leading producer of fast food is the McDonald`s company in the USA.

Have you ever been to a McDonald`s restaurant? Did you like it? Why?

Read the text about fast food. Say what its main idea is.

(Students work in groups)

Work at the text- (using of case-method)

1st round- each student reads the text individually and has to write out nouns with suffixes.

2nd round- group work. Students have to- 1st group- find word-combinations.

2nd group- to complete sentences.

3rd round- group work. Students have to- 1st group- divide the text into paragraphs and title them, 2nd group- make a plan to the text.

  1. What`s the main idea of the text? Prove it giving examples.

  2. Cinquain ( slide 9)

  3. Making posters ( healthy and unhealthy food)

Groups have to present their projects. (Presentation time – 2 minutes)

Relaxing minute. Let`s have rest.

Slide 10. The results of the students`survey.

Now let`s have a role-play. You know, it was your home task.

(Journalist interviews the representatives of McDonald`s company and representatives from Kazakhstan.)

( role-playing) ( slides 11-18)

  1. Conclusion.

a)Please, fill in this cluster.

I knew

I have learnt

I want to know

  1. Fast food contains many calories.

  2. Today a lot of people prefer healthy food.

  3. Unhealthy food – how to avoid it?

b) Your home work will be to make an advertisement of a café which serves only healthy food. ( slide 19)

c) Assessment. Teacher gives marks for active students.

VIII. Relaxation. Funny and sad smiles.

There is a saying: «You are what you eat». Before eating pizza or a hamburger, think if it makes you healthy and remember about our apple that keeps doctor away. Because a happy man is a … ( healthy) man! Thank you once again for your good work! Be healthy and happy! Our lesson is over. Good-bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Eating habits

Автор: Валиева Рашидам Шарипджановна

Дата: 03.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 125579

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