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aim: to introduce pupils with other countries and with their capitals.

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Subject: English

Form: 4

Theme: Countries. Personal and reflexive pronouns.

Date: 10-15.04

Aim: 1) to develop pupils skills in reading, writing, listening. 2) to explain grammar. 3) to bring up interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.

The plan of the lesson.


Good morning, children!

What date is it today? Who is on duty today? What day of the week today? Who is absent today?

What season is it now?

Phonetic drill

Stand up, sit down.

Clap, clap, clap.

Point to the window

Point to the door.

Point to the board.

Point to the floor.

Track 58. Listen and read.

Last year my family and I went to Egypt. I loved this country. We stayed in a big hotel near the sea. The sea was very beautiful. There were many fish in the sea. We went to the beach every day. Pyramid. We saw the ancient Pyramids. We went to the history museum of Egypt. We saw real mummies there. We travelled to the deserts on camels. We bought a lot of souvenirs. We loved this country and our trip.

Check yourself!

The United States- Құрама Штаты a trip- саяхат жасау

Italy- Италия a hotel-қонақүй

Russia- Ресей a souvenir- сыйлық

England- Англия a mummy-мумия

China-Қытай the Pyramid-пирамида

Egypt-Мысыр to stay-орналасу, тұру.

Ex5. Choose the right personal pronouns: we, you, they, he, she.

1. Kate and I -------. 2. Don and Alan -------. 3. You and Mark -------. 4. Lizzy -----. 5. Tim ----.Ex 3. Choose the right pronoun.

He can do it -------a) ourselves b) himself c) myself

She saw -----in the mirror. a)himself b)yourself c) ourselves

I made it ----- a) myself b) yourselves c) themselves

They ate all the food ----- a) himself b) yourselves c) ourselves

We did the home task ----- a) yourselves b) ourselves c) themselves

Conclusion: Stand up, please! The lesson is over, goodbye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс


Автор: Ахметова Айнагул Жумабаевна

Дата: 16.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 415793

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