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Презентация на тему: "If I were a millionaire” (Conditional sentences)"

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?The First Conditional expresses a possible situation and its result.

?Form:   If + Present Simple + Future Simple

                            If I have time  I will go

If it rains                                       I will stay at home

condition possible

and real                                           the result

Jennifer is going to have a holiday next week. What will she do? Make sentences.



 If she goes abroad, she’ll spend a lot of money.

  If she stays at home, she will be bored.

?The second Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its result.

?Form:   If + Past Simple + would + Infinitive

If I had much money              I would travel all over the world


The conditional

Impossible and unreal                        the result

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«Презентация на тему: "If I were a millionaire” (Conditional sentences)"»

Unit Three Step Four Theme: “If I were a millionaire” (Conditional sentences)

Unit Three Step Four

Theme: “If I were a millionaire”

(Conditional sentences)

Match the two halves of these sentences They will come and visit us If the weather is nice, We will stay at home If I am not busy I will go to the cinema If it rains, We will go out for a walk If we invite them

Match the two halves of these sentences

They will come and visit us

If the weather is nice,

We will stay at home

If I am not busy

I will go to the cinema

If it rains,

We will go out for a walk

If we invite them

First Conditional sentences The First Conditional expresses a possible situation and its result. Form: If + Present Simple + Future Simple  If I have time I will go If it rains I will stay at home condition possible and real the result

First Conditional sentences

  • The First Conditional expresses a possible situation and its result.
  • Form: If + Present Simple + Future Simple

If I have time I will go

If it rains I will stay at home

condition possible

and real the result

Jennifer is going to have a holiday next week. What will she do? Make sentences. Example:  If she goes abroad, she’ll spend a lot of money.  If she stays at home, she will be bored.

Jennifer is going to have a holiday next week. What will she do? Make sentences.


If she goes abroad, she’ll spend a lot of money.

If she stays at home, she will be bored.

Second Conditional sentences The second Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its result. Form: If + Past Simple + would + Infinitive If I had much money I would travel all over the world The conditional Impossible and unreal the result

Second Conditional sentences

  • The second Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its result.
  • Form: If + Past Simple + would + Infinitive

If I had much money I would travel all over the world

The conditional

Impossible and unreal the result

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на тему: "If I were a millionaire” (Conditional sentences)"

Автор: Альдибергенова Анара Аербаевна

Дата: 08.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 303099

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