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«Clothes make the man»

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ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА по теме «Clothes make the man» по учебнику Enterprise 1.

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««Clothes make the man»»

ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ УРОКА по теме «Clothes make the man»

Учитель: Подлеская А.Н.

Класс: 5Б

Дата проведения: 18.04.2018


Образовательная: совершенствование лексического навыка по теме «Одежда», совершенствование навыка говорения речи.

Развивающая: развития памяти, внимания, воображения.

Воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения, воспитание эстетического вкуса и культуры речи.


  • Активизировать грамматический навык употребления Present Simple, Present Continuous,

  • Формировать произносительный навык по теме,

  • Совершенствовать навык диалогической речи,

  • Формировать лингвострановедческие знания.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, наглядный материал

Ход урока


Содержание этапа


Формы работы


Начало урока

Good morning! Nice to see you! Take your seats!

-How are you today? What day is it today? What date is it today? What season is it now? What is the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it windy? Is it snowy? Is it rainy? Is it foggy? Is it cloudy? Is it cold? Is it warm?

Thank you!

1 min

T – Cl

P1, P2 – Cl

Речевая зарядка

During our previous lessons we’ve discussed different seasons and weather.

Now, look at the board. Here we have a proverb. “There is no bad weatherthere are bad clothes”

Let’s translate it.

Дословный перевод: Плохой погоды нет, есть плохая одежда.

In Russian we say: У природы нет плохой погоды.

Ok, who wants to read?P1,P2….thank you.

Do you have any ideas what will we discuss today?? We are going to speak about clothes.

3 min


Английский вариант записан на доске.


Основной этап

Now, I’d like to check, how you are good at the names of different pieces of clothes. And this ball will help me. I’ll throw you the ball and tell you the word in Russian and you should catch it and tell me the translation in English. If you don’t remember the word throw the ball back. Are you ready?

(Рубашка – shirt, tie – галстук, костюм – suit, джемпер – jumper, шорты – shorts, шляпа – hat, платье – dress, сапоги – boots, майка, футболка – T-shirt, куртка,жакет – jacket, брюки –trousers, блузка- blouse , юбка – skirt, колготки – tights, кепка – cap,носки – socks, кроссовки – trainers,джинсы – jeans, сандалииsandals.)

Thank you.

Now, open your books at page 52. Exercise 18. – Look at the pictures. We have a lot of people here. Paul, Steve, Lucy, John, Diana, Mary and Jenny. Be attentive. I will ask you a question and if you want to answer raise your hand. For example: Who is wearing tights? And your answer is – Diana is wearing tights.

  • Who is wearing a suit? Paul is wearing a suit.

  • Who is wearing a hat? Lucy is wearing a hat.

  • Who is wearing a T-shirt? John, Marry, Jenny are wearing a T-shirt.

  • Who is wearing a jacket? - John and Diana are wearing a jacket.


Now, look at the pictures and the names of the clothes. Use words from the list to fill in gaps.

(Paul is wearing a tie. Steve is wearing shorts. Lucy is wearing a hat. John is wearing trousers. Diana is wearing a jacket and a skirt.)

The next task is following. Work in pairs. Be ready to describe who is wearing what.( Yanina and Vika – Paul, Timur and Nastya – Steve, Egor and Nastya – Lucy, Misha and Ksenia – Diana, Timur and Sasha – John.) You have a minute.

Let’s check.

Nice. Thanks.

The next task is following. Stand up please. Look at each other. Choose a student in our class to describe his or her clothes. The first person to guess who you are describing goes next. For example: This person is wearing a blue skirt, a dark blue trousers and blue shoes. Who is it?

Did you like it? Thank you. And we continue.

Open your workbooks at page 31, ex.14 a. It’s not a secret that we can buy not only clothes in the shops, but food, cosmetics, books, stationery and many other things.

You will work in pairs; use the questions below to fill in the gaps.

Let’s read and translate them.P1, start please.

How much are they?-Сколько они стоят?

Do you have any?-Они есть у вас?

Can I help you?-Могу ли я Вам помочь?

How many would you like?- Сколько Вы хотите?

Look at the dialogue. When we are talking about the price we can see here 50 p – what does it mean? Do you know?

It is fifty Pence.

Валюта Великобритании – фунт стерлингов- pound (1 pound, 2 pounds), Минимальная по номиналу монета – 1 пенни (one penny), во множественном числе – пенсы (2 pence). Символом обозначения пенсов является английская буква “p”, обозначается символом- £ pound sign

So, you have a minute to fill in the gaps. If you have any questions raise your hand and I’ll help you.

Are you ready? Let’s check. Who wants?

1 Can l help you?

2 Have you got any?

3 How many would you like?

4 How much are they?


Are you tired? It is time to have a rest and do some exercises. Stand up and do some exercises.

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together

Tap-tap-tap your feet

Tap your feet together

Walk, walk, walk around

Walk around together

Sneak крадёмся, sneak, sneak around

Sneak around together.

Thank you.

3 min

2 min

1 min

5 min

8 min

7 min


T – Cl

T – P1-P2-P3-…

T – P1-P2-P3-…

T – Gr1-Gr2-Gr3-…



P.b. page 52. Exercise 18.

Конструкция записана на доске «This person is wearing….Who is it?”

+You are right/- You are wrong.

workbook at page 31, ex.14 a.

stationery на доске


канцелярские товары

На доске:

British currency – Валюта Великобритании

Pound - фунт стерлингов

One pound, two pounds

Penny - пенни

(one penny – two pence).

100( one hundred pence is one pound)

“p” = £


Very good. Now, point b. Your task is following. In pairs , make up similar dialogues with the help of giving prompts. Be ready to act out the dialogue. But, before that, I will divide you. I have some threads. Choose one and we will see who will be whose partner. Is it clear?

Now, look at the board. Let’s read and translate the words:

Envelop [ˈɛnvələʊp] конверт

Pen |pen| ручка

Rubber |ˈrʌbə| ластик

pencil sharpener |ˈpɛns(ə)lˈʃɑːpənər|точилка для карандаша

ruler |ˈruːlə|линейка

Pair number 1 prepares dialogue about envelops, P2 – pens…. Don’t forget that you should be ready to act out the dialogue.


Ex.13 p.31.You continue to work in pairs. Imagine that you are in the shopping center and you want to buy some clothes to your daughter. Use the questions bellow to fill in the blanks. Look through the questions. Do your know the meaning all of them?

1 Can I help you?

2 How old is she?

3 What about a nice dress?

4 What's her favourite colour?

5 What size is she?

6 What do you think of this T-shirt?

10 min

T-Gr1, Gr2…

Ребята тянут нити. Кто держит с двух сторон нить, те работают в одной паре.

5 нитей

Записать на доске слова, транскрипция, перевод.


Ok. Thank you very much for your work!

Now, all of you will get papers. Here you can see some statements:

Today’s topic was:

Today I learned... (New words, grammar,... )

This was easy:

This was hard:

This was interesting:

In the end of the lesson I’m (happy,tired,cheerful,bored,…..)

Your task is to finish these statements.



Раздать листы для рефлексии.

Подведение итогов урока. Выставление отметок.

Объяснение домашнего задания

Your task will be following. All of have printings. Your task is to fill in the gaps with the information about 4 seasons, the weather, what do you usually wear during this or that season. In the boxes draw the illustrations. Do you have any questions? Is the task clear?

Your today’s marks are following….

Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye!

2 min


Задание yf ljcrt

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

«Clothes make the man»

Автор: Сахарчук Анастасия Николаевна

Дата: 05.01.2019

Номер свидетельства: 493837

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