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Chemistry and human health

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The need for chemistry

In addition, the company according to the needs of mankind thousands of years ago, some processing of natural raw materials, could use as needed. Planning and development of human actions in the modern world a huge role in the field of chemistry. Chemistry is not mixed any production, sectors of the economy there. We only nature of raw materials — timber, ore, oil etc. gives. Through chemical processing of natural materials, agriculture, manufacturing, household fertilizers, metals, plastics, dyes, medicines, soap, soda etc. different important substances. You need to know the General patterns of implementation processes. And this knowledge gives chemistry. The prosperity and development of all sectors of the economy, the development of the chemical industry, chemistry, General scientific and technical progress affects erandawana. His achievements in chemistry and Economics and culture of the country and growth of welfare of the population promotes. Gentle scientific and technical progress and can not be. Kh industries such as machine and plant engineering News chemical science and scientific achievements, has become the a lot of important RDSA power. Using chemical methods, physics of radioactive elements to allocate in the pure form, but in the service industry. Rubbers, rubber, metals, radiation chemistry, and nuclear radiation found effective methods to improve the strength of the materials. Such large industries can be found in each news. In modern society, the most pressing and promising issues and participates in solution chemistry. Among them we can mention: improving the efficiency of artificial reproduction the productivity of agricultural cultures with fertilizers; the decision of problems of agriculture dieldrine synthesis of food; the types of processing raw material that can find; to find new sources of energy; identification of the most important natural mechanisms of chemical processes in artificial conditions for its implementation; the synthesis of new substances and compositions that are necessary to solve the technical problems in the future; environmental protection, waste production ladies. Because the man in street clothes chemistry, ayak, not only to provide clothing koumei, very hard, and treated. Their housing is, for the improvement of life helps. Every hour of chemistry in human activities, but each sees a second, if not more. Consideration of the TV at home or hands with soap and water, even in writing, with a pen of chemicals people use in space prior to departure. Delicate artificial satellites, rockets, interplanetary stations would be. As well as students, ten people terken along the sea and ocean would not be.

               Chemistry and human health

In everyday life environment

closely. Many of the properties characteristic of living organisms

characteristic of the human body. Tyrisalu human nutrition,

growth and development takes place in the natural environment. Does not meet the requirements in

is an integral part of human life.

However, the people who live in a society of their own

person who knowingly. Persons growth and development as a person

a great influence on the development of the social situation. Other

known of life in the natural environment on organisms

fittest. Health and safety in the natural environment man can do everything.

To receive the necessary cases, when consciously making

cablet. In ancient times on earth lived other people

average organisms depends on the conditions as it was. Companies

in accordance with the degree of human development on nature and dependence gradually

gradually began bside. Depending on the purpose natural

deliberately changed. The natural environment on human health

cases a tremendous impact. Breathing air man

daily using drinking water, clean food

balunin of particular importance. Do not hesitate of the face, carefully see the conditions

some actions that harm.

Medium developed over thousands of years

change harmful conditions for human health

affects. Especially, particularly, in Kazakhstan it is

observed. For example, the drying of the Aral sea,

maintenance and tons of nuclear testing.b. call

will. How to maintain a healthy lifestyle on human health

affected. Smoking, drinking alcohol, right

poor nutrition etc. situations on human health

broken. Sometimes the disadvantage of providing labor,

the deterioration of living conditions in back to health

affected. Healthy life style, proper

the inability to organize properly will help.

Enzymes. In line digestion of microorganisms in various nutrients

biological under the influence of enzymes, are treatment. Digestion

the volume in the anterior system (ayuda) and

expanding on the last sections of the intestine (especially blende) various

microorganisms find favorable conditions for itself (with a constant

the heat needed yleld or alkaline Bitarap medium, large and

the nutrients in continuously) and more, and growing fast food

will help speed up  ygartua. In products of plant origin

nutrient digestion in the body insoluble and it is difficult slende

fiber in large quantities, will be rich. And oritain as solder

it is not ydirection in the composition of enzymes. So

only fiber under the influence of enzymes of microorganisms

summarized. Hormones

• Hormones - members and getting rid of unwanted fat deposits, allocated in the tissue of internal secretion, influencing

biological active substances. All substances living organisms hormones because of their

one of nrusty, Aministration second, third mateches items

from. Getting rid of excessive body fat are hormones of internal secretion, blood, lymph, tissue fluid

delivered to other organs via. The activity of the endocrine glands that regulate

center - the hypothalamus diencephalon. Department tempesti call it safe. Hormones of the hypothalamus the activity of pituitary gland and each other are closely intertwined, gipotalamusa

the system consists of gipofizom. The hormones secreted by the nervous lasinen neurohormonal

called. The stability of the composition of the blood and the level of metabolism, they

provides. And in the reflexive activities of the body, regulation of humoral further

is. Activities serted intensity of metabolism; the functioning of the Body regulates Physiological processes, enhances or retards Cell Growth and enhances mid bandalos kBaud form of Hormones that nisand protein - bound reception. Receptors at this level a little harmony

only feeling the vibrations signals besdine internal secretion, directs, increases, or decreases their activity, as a result they. As a result, the size harmony enters the normal state.

Vitamin • Vitamins — in human life and animals in their body   very smooth, necessary for metabolism quantities biologically active additives, organic. Vitamins (from the Latin vіta –of  life) in 1880, the Russian doctor Nikolai Lunin basis of the doctrine of called Kazimierz Funk in 1912, the Polish doctor, committed up to this point the results practices and results, introduced into science the term " vitamin.

• The main part of enzymes, vitamins, most is. In the body continuously are chemical reactions related to, for example, drinking food, feed destroyed, digestion, enzymes in connection with the activities. Vitamins in food composition is not enough, people the disease is detected in various. Vitamin a (especially A and D vitamins), in take of excessive toxicity of the body a lot (hypervitaminosis) causes. It is often more common in young children. Now all the water-soluble vitamins vitamins, oil soluble vitamins vitamins and substance that distinguishes the origin.

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«Chemistry and human health»

The need for chemistry

In addition, the company according to the needs of mankind thousands of years ago, some processing of natural raw materials, could use as needed. Planning and development of human actions in the modern world a huge role in the field of chemistry. Chemistry is not mixed any production, sectors of the economy there. We only nature of raw materials — timber, ore, oil etc. gives. Through chemical processing of natural materials, agriculture, manufacturing, household fertilizers, metals, plastics, dyes, medicines, soap, soda etc. different important substances. You need to know the General patterns of implementation processes. And this knowledge gives chemistry. The prosperity and development of all sectors of the economy, the development of the chemical industry, chemistry, General scientific and technical progress affects erandawana. His achievements in chemistry and Economics and culture of the country and growth of welfare of the population promotes. Gentle scientific and technical progress and can not be. Kh industries such as machine and plant engineering News chemical science and scientific achievements, has become the a lot of important RDSA power. Using chemical methods, physics of radioactive elements to allocate in the pure form, but in the service industry. Rubbers, rubber, metals, radiation chemistry, and nuclear radiation found effective methods to improve the strength of the materials. Such large industries can be found in each news. In modern society, the most pressing and promising issues and participates in solution chemistry. Among them we can mention: improving the efficiency of artificial reproduction the productivity of agricultural cultures with fertilizers; the decision of problems of agriculture dieldrine synthesis of food; the types of processing raw material that can find; to find new sources of energy; identification of the most important natural mechanisms of chemical processes in artificial conditions for its implementation; the synthesis of new substances and compositions that are necessary to solve the technical problems in the future; environmental protection, waste production ladies. Because the man in street clothes chemistry, ayak, not only to provide clothing koumei, very hard, and treated. Their housing is, for the improvement of life helps. Every hour of chemistry in human activities, but each sees a second, if not more. Consideration of the TV at home or hands with soap and water, even in writing, with a pen of chemicals people use in space prior to departure. Delicate artificial satellites, rockets, interplanetary stations would be. As well as students, ten people terken along the sea and ocean would not be.

Chemistry and human health

In everyday life environment

closely. Many of the properties characteristic of living organisms

characteristic of the human body. Tyrisalu human nutrition,

growth and development takes place in the natural environment. Does not meet the requirements in

is an integral part of human life.

However, the people who live in a society of their own

person who knowingly. Persons growth and development as a person

a great influence on the development of the social situation. Other

known of life in the natural environment on organisms

fittest. Health and safety in the natural environment man can do everything.

To receive the necessary cases, when consciously making

cablet. In ancient times on earth lived other people

average organisms depends on the conditions as it was. Companies

in accordance with the degree of human development on nature and dependence gradually

gradually began bside. Depending on the purpose natural

deliberately changed. The natural environment on human health

cases a tremendous impact. Breathing air man

daily using drinking water, clean food

balunin of particular importance. Do not hesitate of the face, carefully see the conditions

some actions that harm.

Medium developed over thousands of years

change harmful conditions for human health

affects. Especially, particularly, in Kazakhstan it is

observed. For example, the drying of the Aral sea,

maintenance and tons of nuclear testing.b. call

will. How to maintain a healthy lifestyle on human health

affected. Smoking, drinking alcohol, right

poor nutrition etc. situations on human health

broken. Sometimes the disadvantage of providing labor,

the deterioration of living conditions in back to health

affected. Healthy life style, proper

the inability to organize properly will help.

Enzymes. In line digestion of microorganisms in various nutrients

biological under the influence of enzymes, are treatment. Digestion

the volume in the anterior system (ayuda) and

expanding on the last sections of the intestine (especially blende) various

microorganisms find favorable conditions for itself (with a constant

the heat needed yleld or alkaline Bitarap medium, large and

the nutrients in continuously) and more, and growing fast food

will help speed up ygartua. In products of plant origin

nutrient digestion in the body insoluble and it is difficult slende

fiber in large quantities, will be rich. And oritain as solder

it is not ydirection in the composition of enzymes. So

only fiber under the influence of enzymes of microorganisms

summarized. Hormones

• Hormones - members and getting rid of unwanted fat deposits, allocated in the tissue of internal secretion, influencing

biological active substances. All substances living organisms hormones because of their

one of nrusty, Aministration second, third mateches items

from. Getting rid of excessive body fat are hormones of internal secretion, blood, lymph, tissue fluid

delivered to other organs via. The activity of the endocrine glands that regulate

center - the hypothalamus diencephalon. Department tempesti call it safe. Hormones of the hypothalamus the activity of pituitary gland and each other are closely intertwined, gipotalamusa

the system consists of gipofizom. The hormones secreted by the nervous lasinen neurohormonal

called. The stability of the composition of the blood and the level of metabolism, they

provides. And in the reflexive activities of the body, regulation of humoral further

is. Activities serted intensity of metabolism; the functioning of the Body regulates Physiological processes, enhances or retards Cell Growth and enhances mid bandalos kBaud form of Hormones that nisand protein - bound reception. Receptors at this level a little harmony

only feeling the vibrations signals besdine internal secretion, directs, increases, or decreases their activity, as a result they. As a result, the size harmony enters the normal state.

Vitamin • Vitamins — in human life and animals in their body very smooth, necessary for metabolism quantities biologically active additives, organic. Vitamins (from the Latin vіta –of life) in 1880, the Russian doctor Nikolai Lunin basis of the doctrine of called Kazimierz Funk in 1912, the Polish doctor, committed up to this point the results practices and results, introduced into science the term " vitamin.

• The main part of enzymes, vitamins, most is. In the body continuously are chemical reactions related to, for example, drinking food, feed destroyed, digestion, enzymes in connection with the activities. Vitamins in food composition is not enough, people the disease is detected in various. Vitamin a (especially A and D vitamins), in take of excessive toxicity of the body a lot (hypervitaminosis) causes. It is often more common in young children. Now all the water-soluble vitamins vitamins, oil soluble vitamins vitamins and substance that distinguishes the origin.

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Предмет: Химия

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Chemistry and human health

Автор: Елбасиева Гаухар Сериктаевна

Дата: 03.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 541795

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