Урок в 9классе
по теме: «Can we learn to live in Peace?»
Основная задача: Развитие лексических навыков, совершенствование навыков устной речи, монологической речи, чтения и аудирования.
Воспитательная задача: Учить учащихся преодолевать конфликты.
Оборудование: презентация, диск (аудирование), грамматическая таблица.
Ход урока:
1.Организационный момент.
Учитель: Good day. I am glad to see you. Who is on duty today? (рапорт дежурного).
Let s begin our lesson with a tongue – twister.
Whether the weather is cold
Whether the weather is hot
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not .
Учитель: What is this tonque – twister about?
What is the weather like today?
What will we discuss today?
Ученики: I think we will discuss different conflicts (between parents and children, children and teachers, between classmates).
2.Речевая зарядка.
Учитель:Let s give the definition of the word «conflict» in the form of syngvain (проверка домашнего задания).
Пример: big, small
to suffer, to prevent ,to resolve
We can learn to live in peace.
quarrel ,violence, misunderstanding
3. Обучение устной речи по теме.
Учитель: Answer the questions:
1.Why do conflicts happen?
2 .What may conflicts lead to?
3 .Do you have conflicts with your parents?
4. I am sure you do not always say discouraging things about your behaviour to your parents, about your bad marks . Am I right?
5. Do you have conflicts with your teachers?
6. How do young people try to cope with their problems?
7. What can we do to resolve conflicts?(conflict resolution –ex 40 p 114)
8. Is it possible to resolve all conflicts?
4. Совершенствование навыков чтения.
Упр.47 стр.116,117.( работа с текстом).
Учитель: Answer the questions:
1.Is it a conflict between a child and parents?
2 .Who started the conflict?
3. What was the subject of the conflict?
Работа в группах.
Work in groups . Study the case of the conflict .
the matter
A runt pig was born
Fern s point of view Fern s arguments
Fern s parents point of view Fern s parents arguments
Учитель: 1.Who do you think was more convenient?
2.How was the conflict resolved?
3.Do you think that it was fair?
Учитель: Try to remember what famous people said about preventing and resolving conflicts
(упр.45 стр.116).
5.Индивидуальные задания( работа в парах- 2 ученика работают у доски).
Учитель: Give some advice to young people how to resolve the conflict( задания на карточках).
Always Never
think about conflict
cheer up the
criticize differences
observe other peoples rights
avoid looking for a peaceful solution
make fun of people
be confident and relaxed
talk to people
provide a solution
quarrel with people
avoid criticizing conflicts
ask for advice from someone who is older than you
punish unfairly
be optimistic
speak calmly
provide a solution
listen attentively to other people
ignore someone s opinion
keep a sense of humor
bother someone
trouble people
bully people
tell people what makes you unhappy
6.Обучение навыкам аудирования.
Учитель: Listen to the conversation. Match the pictures and answer the questions.( упр.75,76 стр.125).
7.Работа над грамматическим материалом.( повторение правила «Образование наречий» - и уч-ся выполняют упр.88 стр129).
8.Подведение итогов.
Учитель: Lets give the summary what we did at our lesson today.
Уч-ся: We discussed the topic, read the text, answered the questions, listened to the text, worked at the grammar material.
Учитель: How would you appreciate your work at the lesson today?
Уч-ся сами оценивают свою работу.
Учитель оценивает уч-ся и объясняет дом. задание.( написать эссе «Can we learn to live in Peace?»).