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Like, foreign culture makes people be closer.

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           Thanks to our country`s  president N.A. Nazarbaev our country`s independent. Kazakhstan has own language and own culture. Our national language is Kazakh. The history of our language is very rich. It is unique, melody and absorbed hum and meadows, fields and forests of it’s native land. For people there is no greater treasure than their language. From this language begins the nature of the people, their memory, history and spiritual power. It shows the customs, traditions and way of life of the people, their mind and experience the beauty and power of the soul, their deals. Native language helps us to explore and discover the world, to the great and magical world of life. Society can not exist and develop without language, because it helps people to exchange views, to express their feelings, to achieve mutual understanding, to create spiritual values. The word means a lot in life. It is known, it can be influenced to the fate of it in an instant mood changes, makes a person happy or confused. It’s annoying when you often hear people distort our language with words that are not found in any dictionaries. Either ignore, or don’t  know the language. Russian language is international language. Our country is multinational. Our country lives in a peace and harmony. Because of this, our compatriots can study abroad in the US, Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and in the China. In America, Europe are learning more than one hundred thousand students from Kazakhstan. Basically they go to study the language and culture also take education in their specialty. More than 26,000 of the 37,000 Kazakhs, who studied abroad, study in Russia. In Russian universities there are large number of applicants coming from the northern and eastern regions of Kazakhstan. In our schools, you can learn a lot of foreign languages such as: English, German, French, Spanish, etc.

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«Like, foreign culture makes people be closer. »

Like, foreign culture makes people be closer.

Abdulina D.Z.

Municipal Government Agency «Secondary School Education Department №2

of Bayanaul area»

Thanks to our country`s president N.A. Nazarbaev our country`s independent. Kazakhstan has own language and own culture. Our national language is Kazakh. The history of our language is very rich. It is unique, melody and absorbed hum and meadows, fields and forests of it’s native land. For people there is no greater treasure than their language. From this language begins the nature of the people, their memory, history and spiritual power. It shows the customs, traditions and way of life of the people, their mind and experience the beauty and power of the soul, their deals. Native language helps us to explore and discover the world, to the great and magical world of life. Society can not exist and develop without language, because it helps people to exchange views, to express their feelings, to achieve mutual understanding, to create spiritual values. The word means a lot in life. It is known, it can be influenced to the fate of it in an instant mood changes, makes a person happy or confused. It’s annoying when you often hear people distort our language with words that are not found in any dictionaries. Either ignore, or don’t know the language. Russian language is international language. Our country is multinational. Our country lives in a peace and harmony. Because of this, our compatriots can study abroad in the US, Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and in the China. In America, Europe are learning more than one hundred thousand students from Kazakhstan. Basically they go to study the language and culture also take education in their specialty. More than 26,000 of the 37,000 Kazakhs, who studied abroad, study in Russia. In Russian universities there are large number of applicants coming from the northern and eastern regions of Kazakhstan. In our schools, you can learn a lot of foreign languages such as: English, German, French, Spanish, etc.

Historical friendship

Shokan Ualikhanov’s one of the great personalities among the Kazakh people in the pre-revolutionary period, the educator-democrat, traveler, ethnographer, linguist. Shokan Ualikhanov studied in Russia in the Siberian Cadet Corps. Ualikhanov showed the ability to study the geography, history and literature. He studied several languages.Shokan grandmother was smart, educated woman, who knew several languages.The appearance on the historical scene of the best all-round scholar and human coincided with an important stage in the history of the Kazakh people - the revival of the productive forces of Kazakhstan and the deepening of its centennial economic and cultural dialogue with Russia.

It was widely recognized Russian and world public opinion research activities of the first

Kazakh scientist. Loving his native land, a deep connection with the people doing the great Kazakh Ualihanov visionary, allowed him to look far ahead. What does this mean? it means that the people were friends for a long time.


You can also note the recent collaboration between Kazakhstan and France in the field of education. Kazakhstan and France agreed to cooperate the field of education and science, said French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. "We discussed a number of issues related to higher education and the development of culture. We have just signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of higher education and science ", - said L.Fabius after the meeting with his Kazakh counterpart Yerlan Idrisov . Presidents of Kazakhstan and France took part in the opening of the institute "Sorbonne - Kazakhstan".What does this mean? this suggests that students can study at the Sorbonne without leaving Kazakhstan.The President stressed that the participation of the French leader in this event shows the value of the educational project for both countries, the press service of Akorda. Kazakhstan headed for its approach to the best international standards. Our aim is to make our young people can learn in their own country all the knowledge and skills face to the future. As for us with world-renowned universities shows that we have chosen the right path, - said the President of Kazakhstan. In turn, F.Olland noted that the Kazakh-French cooperation in the cultural and educational sphere will continue to expand. He also expressed confidence that the new university graduates will be able to make a significant contribution to the innovative development of Kazakhstan. Institute "Sorbonne - Kazakhstan" was the second in the world and the only one in Central Asia branch of the Scientific Center of Higher Education "Sorbonne of Paris" . Educational process meets the requirements of the Bologna Convention. There are Kazakh and French professors. Opening a joint institute is one of the important steps in the orientation of national education to meet the needs of the country for highly qualified professionals. Leave a comment can only registered users.

Message From the President

President said in his message the: "In secondary education, it is necessary to pull the secondary schools to the level of teaching in Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". Therefore, we understand how important task entrusted to the teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools: the spread of modern programs, teaching methods and experiences in the public schools of Kazakhstan.What does this mean? This means that the schools will still teach foreign languages.

January 17, 2014 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A Nazarbayev delivered his

annual address to the nation, urging compatriots to implement all plans to enter our Motherland among the 30 developed countries. "We adopted the Strategy 2050 to Kazakhs held tightly in his hands the helm of the country's future", - said N. Nazarbayev, once again proving the importance of the chosen path.In addition, the head of state has allocated 80 innovative ideas in the fields of agriculture, science, transport and geology. How many times has sharply raised the problem of development of the Kazakh language.

English without problem

Over the last 5-6 years the number of people learning English has increased dramatically. That without knowledge of foreign languages ​​is indispensable to modern man, it was obvious to almost everyone. It has changed and the age of the students. If the technique is still aimed primarily at students, but now parents try as soon as possible to start teaching children a foreign language. The more that preschool age is recognized by psychologists the most favorable period for this type of activity. The earlier a child begins to learn a foreign language, the easier it will be given to him in the future.In our country, foreign language begins in kindergarten . At preschool age can and should learn with your child different foreign languages. Language learning in kindergarten on a specially designed program allows for gaming and accessible way to consolidate the necessary knowledge. Classes include developing, plot-role-playing, action games, integrated English in daily activities of children. Children playing, learning a short song, poems, tongue twisters, working with paper and pencil, perform exercises designed to develop skills that precede reading.

Learning English is mainly at schools. In the most schools English is one of the compulsory subjects. On the other hand, the level of students' knowledge is not the same. And the attitude of pupils to learn the language varies greatly. Progress and final skills, the desire to speak in English don’t depend only on children's abilities and teacher’s personality. Defined there is the method of teaching English at school. Introduce the subject in schools under the state program, the teachers make calendar - thematic plans and write plans for each lesson. Teacher is preparing for the lesson program and books provided by the program. There are books Kazakhstani and foreign authors. Foreign as Cambridge and MacMillan. Students can learn a foreign language and overtime.Consider the basic techniques used in our country. In our twenty-first century, there are many ways to learn foreign languages, for example TOEFL and IELTS. As an innovative computer technology, a lot of literature such as a magazines, a newspapers, a books etc. Foreign language school begins with the first class. What does this mean? This means that we are developing forward.

After-hour work is an integral part of the educational process. This means of formation of students' interest in the subject, a means of broadening and deepening the knowledge acquired

in the classroom. ongoing activities contribute to the development of motivation, improvement of skills in analyzing various facts of language, increase the linguistic horizons of schoolchildren, the education of linguistic intuition, the development of creative work opportunities, improve the overall linguistic culture. after-hour work develops students' interest in language subjects, raising respect for the word, to the richness of the language.Extracurricular event humanities teacher participates in the creation week. You can carry out various contests, intellectual games.


Of the language and its teachings so much talk. Works of the great Abai translated into several hundreds of languages. What does this mean? This means that our people are great, and our tongue with the greatest.

Literature overview

  While writing present work. I used the books written by great scholars such as:Abay K , Ualikhanov Sh, From Messages President,above mentioned literatures I took information from Internet, Work Book Encyclopedia,a magazines, a newspapers, a books etc.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Like, foreign culture makes people be closer.

Автор: Абдуллина Дания Зулхатовна

Дата: 09.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 224726

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