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A tradition of poetry

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The  plan  of  the  lesson

Grade: 7 ‘A’

Date: 15.04.2016

The  theme  of  the  lesson: A tradition of poetry

The  aims  of  the  lesson:

Educational: О?ушылар?а ‘ A tradition of poetry’ та?ырыбын т?сіндіру, ме?герту. Жа?а с?здермен таныстыру, с?здік ?орларын ке?ейту.  С?з  барысында  ?олдануды  ?йрету ?аза? ?дебиеті мен шетел тілі ?дебиеті тарихы ар?ылы о?ушыларды? білімдерін арттыру. Грамматикалы? сауаттылы?ты арттыра отыра, м?тінді талдау.

Developing:  О?ушыларды? с?здік  ?орларын  арттыру, ауызша, жазбаша ж?не ты?дау да?дыларын дамыту.  О?ушыларды? ерікті т?рде т?ра?ты зейін ?оюын дамыту. Салыстыру мен ?орыту біліктілігін арттыру.

Bringing-up: О?ушыларды сауатты  с?йлеуге, тіл  м?дениетіне баулу. Бір-бірімен жа?сы ?арым-?атынаста болу?а, ?лтты? салт-д?ст?рді са?тау?а т?рбиелеу.

Type  of  the  lesson: mixed lesson

Methods  of  the  lesson: speaking, writing, listening, practical  exercises, question-answer,  method of ‘Sinkveyin’, Qub’ strategy.

Visual  aids: tables, pictures, active board.

The  procedure  of  the  lesson

Organization  moment.

Classroom  expressions:

Good  morning, pupils!

How  are  you?

Who  is  absent?

What’s  the  weather like today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Checking-up the home task.

  • What was your home task for today?
  • The form of grammar

The  new  lesson.

Extra reading. A tradition of poetry

Do you like poetry? Who are your favourite poets? Do you ever write poetry yourself?

Consolidation  of  the  lesson.

The people of Kazakhstan have always enjoyed poems and stories. But, in the past, the Kazakh language wasn’t written down – there weren’t any books. So people didn’t read poems, they listened to them. They were often performed with music. Poets sang their poems while musicians played on traditional Kazakh instruments, such as the dombra. These poems were sometimes thousands of lines long, and the poets had to remember to generation. If that didn’t happen, the poems were sometimes lost forever.

Many of these poems were about nature or about love. Others were about fierce battles and heroic warriors. A lot of the poems were composed in the 15th and 16th centuries, when the Kazakhs had to fight other tribes and invaders. One of the poems was more than 6,500 lines long! It was about the famous warrior Koblandy (often called ‘The Lion’). The poem tells us that he defended his people from 40.000 warrios with just one hand! Although a lot of the stories in the poems aren’t true, they give us important information about historical events and the way of life of the Kazakh people in the past.

In the 19th century, people like Chokan Valikhanov wrote down many of the traditional Kazakh poems and stories, so now we have a record of them. Other people began to write their own poems. One of the most famous poets was Abay Kunanbaev, who was born in 1845. He wrote about the seasons and nature as well as about horses. He’s most famous, however, for his poetry about love.

            Today, it’s common to hear Kazakh poetry at weddings, funerals and national celebrations. There are traditional poems and songs for particular events. For example, toi Bastar is sung at the beginning of a wedding, and Synsu is sung when bride leaves the place where she grew up.

About Chokan Valikhanov.

Chokan Valikhanov was born in 1835. In the 1850s, he travelled to many places in Kazakhstan, and wrote down the poetry and stories he heard. He also travelled to Kyrgyzstan and other parts of central Asia.

New words

Heart –ж?рек

Generation –?рпа?

Nature- таби?ат

Fierce battles –со?ыс майданы, к?рес

Compose- ??ралу, шы?ару

Tribe – тайпа


Wedding- ?йлену той


Bride- ?алы?ды?

Grow up- ?су

Leave – ?алдыру

Invader – жаулап алу

Task 1. Read the text, then answer these questions.

  1. Why didn’t people read poetry in the 15th and 16th centuries?
  2. What happened at poetry performances?
  3. What were the old poems about?
  4. Why are the old poems important?
  5. What happened in the 19th century?
  6. What did Abay Kunanbaev write about?
  7. Where is Kazakh poetry heard nowadays?

Task 2. Venn’ diagram. Compare Abay Kunanbaev and William Shakespeare.

(Doing exercises)

Task 3. Proverbs

1.Атадан жа?сы ?л туса,
Еліні? ?амын жейді;
А тадан жаман ?л туса,
Еліні? малын жейді.

2. Жылтыра?анны? б?рі алтын емес.

3. ?ына тастан шы?ады,
?нер – білім жастан шы?ады.

4. С?з с?йектен ?теді,
Тая? еттен ?теді.

5. Е? т?тті де – тіл,
Е? ашты да – тіл,
Е? ж?мса? та – тіл,
Е? ?атты да – тіл.

6. А?ыл к?пке жеткізер,
?нер к?кке жеткізер.

Task 4. ‘Qub’ strategy

Find in the text:

* Tenses (Ша?тар)

* Adjectives (Сын есім)

* Adverbs (?стеу)

* Numerals(Сан есім )

* Dates (К?н реті)

* Names of poets (Акындарды? есімі)


Sinkveyin” method

1. Noun

2. Adjectives

3. Actions

4. Synonym

5. Sentence of five words.

Home  task:. To learn by  heart  the new words and make composition about “My favourite poet”


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«a tradition of poetry»


The plan of the lesson

Grade: 7 ‘A’

Date: 15.04.2016

The theme of the lesson: A tradition of poetry

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: Оқушыларға ‘ A tradition of poetry’ тақырыбын түсіндіру, меңгерту. Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру, сөздік қорларын кеңейту. Сөз барысында қолдануды үйрету Қазақ әдебиеті мен шетел тілі әдебиеті тарихы арқылы оқушылардың білімдерін арттыру . Грамматикалық сауаттылықты арттыра отыра, мәтінді талдау.

Developing: Оқушылардың сөздік қорларын арттыру, ауызша, жазбаша және тыңдау дағдыларын дамыту. Оқушылардың ерікті түрде тұрақты зейін қоюын дамыту. Салыстыру мен қорыту біліктілігін арттыру.

Bringing-up: Оқушыларды сауатты сөйлеуге, тіл мәдениетіне баулу. Бір-бірімен жақсы қарым-қатынаста болуға, ұлттық салт-дәстүрді сақтауға тәрбиелеу.

Type of the lesson: mixed lesson

Methods of the lesson: speaking, writing, listening, practical exercises, question-answer, method of ‘Sinkveyin’, Qub’ strategy.

Visual aids: tables, pictures, active board.

The procedure of the lesson

Organization moment.

Classroom expressions:

Good morning, pupils!

How are you?

Who is absent?

What’s the weather like today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

Checking-up the home task.

  • What was your home task for today?

  • The form of grammar

The new lesson.

Extra reading. A tradition of poetry

Do you like poetry? Who are your favourite poets? Do you ever write poetry yourself?

Consolidation of the lesson.

The people of Kazakhstan have always enjoyed poems and stories. But, in the past, the Kazakh language wasn’t written down – there weren’t any books. So people didn’t read poems, they listened to them. They were often performed with music. Poets sang their poems while musicians played on traditional Kazakh instruments, such as the dombra. These poems were sometimes thousands of lines long, and the poets had to remember to generation. If that didn’t happen, the poems were sometimes lost forever.

Many of these poems were about nature or about love. Others were about fierce battles and heroic warriors. A lot of the poems were composed in the 15th and 16th centuries, when the Kazakhs had to fight other tribes and invaders. One of the poems was more than 6,500 lines long! It was about the famous warrior Koblandy (often called ‘The Lion’). The poem tells us that he defended his people from 40.000 warrios with just one hand! Although a lot of the stories in the poems aren’t true, they give us important information about historical events and the way of life of the Kazakh people in the past.

In the 19th century, people like Chokan Valikhanov wrote down many of the traditional Kazakh poems and stories, so now we have a record of them. Other people began to write their own poems. One of the most famous poets was Abay Kunanbaev, who was born in 1845. He wrote about the seasons and nature as well as about horses. He’s most famous, however, for his poetry about love.

Today, it’s common to hear Kazakh poetry at weddings, funerals and national celebrations. There are traditional poems and songs for particular events. For example, toi Bastar is sung at the beginning of a wedding, and Synsu is sung when bride leaves the place where she grew up.

About Chokan Valikhanov.

Chokan Valikhanov was born in 1835. In the 1850s, he travelled to many places in Kazakhstan, and wrote down the poetry and stories he heard. He also travelled to Kyrgyzstan and other parts of central Asia.

New words

Heart –жүрек

Generation –ұрпақ

Nature- табиғат

Fierce battles –соғыс майданы, күрес

Compose- құралу, шығару

Tribe – тайпа


Wedding- үйлену той


Bride- қалыңдық

Grow up- өсу

Leave – қалдыру

Invader – жаулап алу

Task 1. Read the text, then answer these questions.

  1. Why didn’t people read poetry in the 15th and 16th centuries?

  2. What happened at poetry performances?

  3. What were the old poems about?

  4. Why are the old poems important?

  5. What happened in the 19th century?

  6. What did Abay Kunanbaev write about?

  7. Where is Kazakh poetry heard nowadays?

Task 2. Venn’ diagram. Compare Abay Kunanbaev and William Shakespeare.

(Doing exercises)

Task 3. Proverbs

1.Атадан жақсы ұл туса,
Елінің қамын жейді;
А тадан жаман ұл туса,
Елінің малын жейді.

2. Жылтырағанның бәрі алтын емес.

3. Қына тастан шығады,
Өнер – білім жастан шығады.

4. Сөз сүйектен өтеді,
Таяқ еттен өтеді.

5. Ең тәтті де – тіл,
Ең ашты да – тіл,
Ең жұмсақ та – тіл,
Ең қатты да – тіл.

6. Ақыл көпке жеткізер,
Өнер көкке жеткізер.

Task 4. ‘Qub’ strategy

Find in the text:

* Tenses (Шақтар)

* Adjectives (Сын есім)

* Adverbs (Үстеу)

* Numerals(Сан есім )

* Dates (Күн реті)

* Names of poets (Акындардың есімі)


Sinkveyin” method

1. Noun

2. Adjectives

3. Actions

4. Synonym

5. Sentence of five words.

Home task:. To learn by heart the new words and make composition about “My favourite poet”


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

a tradition of poetry

Автор: Телжанова Айзат Ба?ытжан?ызы

Дата: 19.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 320546

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