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Алиса в стране чудес

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«Конспект урока»

Тема: Алиса в стране чудес.

Подготовила: учитель английского языка – Соболь Ксения Сергеевна

1.Образовательная: расширение лексического запас учащихся;
2. Воспитательная: воспитание чувства сотрудничества; выработка умения осуществлять общение в подгруппе и в классе;
3. Развивающая: развитие лексико-грамматических навыков, навыков чтения, аудирования и монологической речи; расширение кругозора учащихся в области литературы, культуры, повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Оснащение: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

Этапы урока

Действия учителя

Действия учащихся


1. Приветствие. Поставка цели и задач урока.

(7 мин.)

Приветствует детей, устанавливает задачи урока

- Good afternoon, boys and girls I’m very glad to see you, sit down, please.

- Look at the screen. Do you know what fairy tale is it?

-You are right, my friends.

- But look at the screen again, do you know these words?

- So what will we do with new words?

Озвучивает задачи урока

- Can you solve a small riddle?

- That’s right!

- Today we will help the White Rabbit, learn new words, and do some interesting exercises. We will divide into two small groups.

- You know, that the White Rabbit always is in a hurry. But today the Queen is waiting for him. Let’s help him to get to the Queen’s castle.

Раздает путеводитель урока.

Просматривают видео и называют тему урока, отвечают на вопросы учителя

- It is Alice in Wonderland.

- No, we don’t.

- We will learn it by heart. (самостоятельно формулируют цель)

- It is a rabbit!

(Учащиеся делятся на 2 группы по 5 человек, каждая крупа выбирает себе название.)

Внимательно просматривают маршрут движения кролика.

Слайд 1 (Видео “Alice meets White Rabbit”)

Слайд 2 (Тема урока)

Слайд 3 (Новые слова)

Слайд 4 (Загадка)

Слайд 5 (Маршрут кролика)

Приложение 1 (Карта) (2 шт.)

2.Фонетическая разминка.

(5 мин.)

- And now the white rabbit is in a wonderful forest and he meets Cheshire Cat. However Cheshire Cat always wants to listen to his favorite tongue twister about witches and watches.

Включает видео со скороговоркой.

- Let’s look at the screen and try to repeat. Who will be the quickest in a group?

- Now try to tell the tongue twister as quickly as you can do it.

Оценивает ребят, направляет на самооценку каждую группу, награждает группу знаком отличия

- Tell me, who was the quickest in our class?

One point is for

Повторяют скороговорку с экрана за диктором, затем выбирают по одному представителю из группы для соревнования.

Оценивают свои результаты, получают жетоны.

Слайд 6 (Видео “If two witches…”)

Приложение 2 (Жетоны)

3. Введение новой лексики.

(8 мин.)

- Would you like a cup of tea?

Включает видео.

Обращает внимание детей на карту-путеводитель

- Look! Where is the Rabbit?

- He meets Alice at Mad Tea Party. She looks puzzled. Let’s help her match the words with the pictures.

Просматривают видео.

Сопоставляют картинку и слово, догадываясь об их значении.

Слайд 7 (Видео “Alice meets the Mad Hatter…”)

Слайд 8-9 (Картинка + слово)


(2 мин.)

We did it. Look! The rabbit is very tired. Let’s have a rest and have some fun.

Включает видео и выполняет вместе с детьми.

Выполняют действия с экрана.

Слайд 10 (Видео “Walking, walking”)

5. Первичное закрепление материала.

(5 мин.)

Объясняет задание, контролирует

- The W. Rabbit has got an interesting task for you. Complete the sentences using the magic words.

- Look at the screen and check yourself and other group.


За каждый правильный ответ у группы появляются жетоны.

Выполняют задание в группах, сравнивают ответы и оценивают другую команду

Слайд 11 (Дополни предложения)

Приложение 3 (Карточки с заданиями) (2 шт.)

6. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Игра «Royal Gardener»

(7 мин.)

Обращает внимание детей на карту-путеводитель.

The W. Rabbit continuous his journey.

Объясняет следующее задание

- Oh, now. Our rabbit can’t decide what is right and what is wrong. Let’s help royal gardeners to paint flowers red. Pick the flower and tell, is it true or false.

-You are very clever today.

Просматривают видео.

Выходят по очереди к доске, выбирают цветок и зачитывают вопрос, ребята в группе отвечают.

Слайд 12 (Видео “Alice meets the Queen of Hearts”)

Слайд 13 (Правда или ложь?)

Приложение 4 (Розы из бумаги)

7. Развитие грамматических навыков.

(7 мин.)

Обращает внимание детей на карту-путеводитель.

The White Rabbit found a letter from March Hare. But he can’t read it. Something is missing. Let’s help him! Fill in the missing words.

За каждое правильное слово команда получает одно очко.

Читают письмо, вставляя пропущенные слова.

Слайд 14 (Письмо)

Приложение 5 (Письмо Мартовского Зайца) (2 шт.)

Слайд 15 (Проверь себя)

8. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

(4 мин.)

Обращает внимание о расположение белого кролика.

The white Rabbit is at the place. We did it. Well done! Let’s sum up our points. Who are the winners?

Задает вопросы

What did we learn today?

Объясняет домашнее задание.

I’ll give you the papers with the task. You will prepare at home. Next lesson we will have a role play. Now choose a role for yourselves.

Радуются достижениями, оценивают свои результаты по «значкам отличия»

Отвечают на вопросы учителя

We helped the white Rabbit to find the castle. And he helped us to learn new words.

Слайд 16 (Домашнее задание)

Приложение 6 (Mad Tea Party) (5 шт.)

Приложение 7 (Alice meets the Queen) (5 шт.)

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 1 (карта урока)»

Oh, dear!

I shall be late!

I’m so tired!

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 2 (жетоны)»

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 3 (заполни пропуски)»

are lost, cut off, shouts, mad, calm down, was scared of, grinning, croquet

1. Cheshire Cat was sitting on the tree and _________ from ear to ear.

2. The white rabbit ____________ Alice, when he saw that she followed (следовать) him.

3. The ______ game was very strange.

4. The Queen always _________ because she is very angry.

5. Alice thought that the Hatter is a little (немного) _________.

6. The Mad Hatter is crying, and Alice wants to ______ him _________.

7. The Queen shouted: “____ her head ___!”

are lost, cut off, shouts, mad, calm down, was scared of, grinning, croquet

1. Cheshire Cat was sitting on the tree and _________ from ear to ear.

2. The white rabbit ____________ Alice, when he saw that she followed (следовать) him.

3. The ______ game was very strange.

4. The Queen always _________ because she is very angry.

5. Alice thought that the Hatter is a little (немного) _________.

6. The Mad Hatter is crying, and Alice wants to ______ him _________.

7. The Queen shouted: “____ her head ___!”

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 4 (розы с цифрами)»







Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 5 (письмо)»

The letter of March Hare.

I am March Hare. My birthday 1) ___ on 1st of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth 2) ___ born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because 3) ___ house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse 4) ___ Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front 5) ___ the house. Our house is quite small.

I 6) ___ drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking 7) ___ every day.  We 8) ___ a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago. There are more than 200 9) ___ coins from different countries in our collection. Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection 10) ___ our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden. 

The letter of March Hare.

I am March Hare. My birthday 1) ___ on 1st of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth 2) ___ born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because 3) ___ house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse 4) ___ Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front 5) ___ the house. Our house is quite small.

I 6) ___ drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking 7) ___ every day.  We 8) ___ a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago. There are more than 200 9) ___ coins from different countries in our collection. Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection 10) ___ our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden. 

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 6 (диалог)»

A lice: Hello! You are…
Cat: Yes, I’m Cheshire cat!
Alice: Would you tell me, please, where am I? And what is the way?
Cat: Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…?
Alice: What sort of people live about here?
Cat: In that direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad.
Alice: But I don’t want to go among mad people.
Cat: Oh, you can’t help that. We are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad.

March Hare: No room! No room!
Hatter: No room! No room!
Alice: But there is plenty of room.
March Hare: Do you like more tea?
Alice: I didn’t drink tea. So I can’t more tea.
Hatter: Do you like less tea?
March Hare: Dormouse, tell us story, please.

Dormouse: Once upon a time there lived 3 little sisters and their names were Elsie, Lacie and Jillie. And they lived in the cup very well.
Alice: Where did they live?
Dormouse: They live in the cup…very well…
Alice: No, they can’t live in the cup…
Dormouse: They were very ill.
March Hare: Take some more tea.
Alice: I didn’t drink the tea. So I can’t have more tea.
Hatter: Well, finish the story…
Alice: But I…
March Hare: What day of the month is today?
Hatter: Well, Alice what day of the month is today?
Alice: The fourth.
March Hare: Oh, my watch is two days wrong
Hatter: It is always tea-time. Wake up Dormouse.
Dormouse: I am not sleeping.
Dormouse: Well… They were learning to draw in the cup…  Once upon a time…
Alice: They are very crazy at any rate…I’ll never go there again…

Alice: Hello! You are…
Cat: Yes, I’m Cheshire cat!
Alice: Would you tell me, please, where am I? And what is the way?
Cat: Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…?
Alice: What sort of people live about here?
Cat: In that direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad.
Alice: But I don’t want to go among mad people.
Cat: Oh, you can’t help that. We are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad.

March Hare: No room! No room!
Hatter: No room! No room!
Alice: But there is plenty of room.
March Hare: Do you like more tea?
Alice: I didn’t drink tea. So I can’t more tea.
Hatter: Do you like less tea?
March Hare: Dormouse, tell us story, please.

Dormouse: Once upon a time there lived 3 little sisters and their names were Elsie, Lacie and Jillie. And they lived in the cup very well.
Alice: Where did they live?
Dormouse: They live in the cup…very well…
Alice: No, they can’t live in the cup…
Dormouse: They were very ill.
March Hare: Take some more tea.
Alice: I didn’t drink the tea. So I can’t have more tea.
Hatter: Well, finish the story…
Alice: But I…
March Hare: What day of the month is today?
Hatter: Well, Alice what day of the month is today?
Alice: The fourth.
March Hare: Oh, my watch is two days wrong
Hatter: It is always tea-time. Wake up Dormouse.
Dormouse: I am not sleeping.
Dormouse: Well… They were learning to draw in the cup…  Once upon a time…
Alice: They are very crazy at any rate…I’ll never go there again…

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Приложение 7 (диалог)»

A lice: Could you tell me, why are you painting the roses red?

Two: Well, you see miss, there supposed to be a red rose tree. And we put white one here by mistake. And if the Queen finds it out we will be beheaded (лишимся головы).

White Rabbit: The Queen! The Queen!

Alice: The Rabbit!

White Rabbit: Here are her Highness, her Grace, her Excellency, her Royal Majesty the Queen of Hearts… and the King.

Queen: Who’s been painting my roses red?!

Two: May it please your majesty… we were trying…

Queen: I see! Off with their heads!

Alice: Oh, please, please…. They were only trying…

Queen: And who is this?!

King: Well, well… Now, let me see my dear. It certainly isn’t a heart (черви). I suppose it’s a club (трефы).

Queen: It’s a little girl!

Alice: Yes, and I was hoping…

Queen: Look up! Speak nice! Open your mouth a little wider! And always say: “Yes, your majesty!”

Alice: Yes, your majesty!

Queen: Now, were did you come from? Where are you going?

Alice: Well, I’m trying to find my way home…

Queen: Your way?! All ways here are my ways!

Alice: Yes, I know. But I was just thinking…

Queen: Don’t say “I was thinking…” It saves time.

Alice: Yes, your majesty! But I was only going to ask…

Queen: I’ll ask questions! Do you play croquet?

Alice: Well… Yes, your majesty!

Queen: Then let the game begin!

Alice: Could you tell me, why are you painting the roses red?

Two: Well, you see miss, there supposed to be a red rose tree. And we put white one here by mistake. And if the Queen finds it out we will be beheaded (лишимся головы).

White Rabbit: The Queen! The Queen!

Alice: The Rabbit!

White Rabbit: Here are her Highness, her Grace, her Excellency, her Royal Majesty the Queen of Hearts, and the King.

Queen: Who’s been painting my roses red?!

Two: May it please your majesty… we were trying…

Queen: I see! Off with their heads!

Alice: Oh, please, please…. They were only trying…

Queen: And who is this?!

King: Well, well… Now, let me see my dear. It certainly isn’t a heart (черви). I suppose it’s a club (трефы).

Queen: It’s a little girl.

Alice: Yes, and I was hoping…

Queen: Look up! Speak nice! Open your mouth a little wider! And always say: “Yes, your majesty!”

Alice: Yes, your majesty!

Queen: Now, were do you come from? Where are you going?

Alice: Well, I’m trying to find my way home…

Queen: Your way?! All ways here are my ways!

Alice: Yes, I know. But I was just thinking…

Queen: Don’t say “I was thinking…” It saves time.

Alice: Yes, your majesty! But I was only going to ask…

Queen: I’ll ask questions! Do you play croquet?

Alice: Well… Yes, your majesty!

Queen: Then let the game begin!

Просмотр содержимого презентации

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland

Do you know these words?

Do you know these words?

  • be scared of
  • Queen
  • mad
  • calm down
  • grin
  • croquet
  • gardener
  • cut off
  • angry
The riddle It is a domestic animal. It has long ears. It can easily run and jump. It likes eating carrots. So, its cousin is a hare. What animal is this? White Rabbit

The riddle

  • It is a domestic animal. It has long ears.
  • It can easily run and jump.
  • It likes eating carrots.
  • So, its cousin is a hare.
  • What animal is this?

White Rabbit

Let’s start!

Let’s start!

Witches and watches  If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

Witches and watches

If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

Would you like a cup of tea? Mad Tea Party

Would you like a cup of tea?

Mad Tea Party

Match Queen mad be scared of calm down SHOUT




be scared of

calm down


Match grin angry croquet gardener cut off






cut off



Complete the sentence  are lost, cut off, shouts, mad, calm smb. down, was scared of, grinning, croquet Check yourself Cheshire Cat was sitting on the tree and ________ from ear to ear. The white rabbit __________ Alice, when he saw that she followed him. The ______ game was very strange. The Queen always ______ because she is very angry. Alice thought that the Hatter is a little ___. The Mad Hatter is crying, and Alice wants to ____ him ____. The Queen shouted: “___ her head ___!” Cheshire Cat was sitting on the tree and grinning from ear to ear. The white rabbit was scared of Alice, when he saw that she followed him. The croquet game was very strange. The Queen always shouts because she is very angry. Alice thought that the Hatter is a little mad . The Mad Hatter is crying, and Alice wants to calm him down . The Queen shouted: “ Cut her head off !”

Complete the sentence

are lost, cut off, shouts, mad, calm smb. down, was scared of, grinning, croquet

Check yourself

  • Cheshire Cat was sitting on the tree and ________ from ear to ear.
  • The white rabbit __________ Alice, when he saw that she followed him.
  • The ______ game was very strange.
  • The Queen always ______ because she is very angry.
  • Alice thought that the Hatter is a little ___.
  • The Mad Hatter is crying, and Alice wants to ____ him ____.
  • The Queen shouted: “___ her head ___!”
  • Cheshire Cat was sitting on the tree and grinning from ear to ear.
  • The white rabbit was scared of Alice, when he saw that she followed him.
  • The croquet game was very strange.
  • The Queen always shouts because she is very angry.
  • Alice thought that the Hatter is a little mad .
  • The Mad Hatter is crying, and Alice wants to calm him down .
  • The Queen shouted: “ Cut her head off !”

Do you play croquet? The Queen plays croquet

Do you play croquet?

The Queen plays croquet

True or false? The Queen only liked red roses. The gardeners painted roses white. The Queen wanted to cut gardener’s heads off. Alice was trying to find her way home. Alice didn’t play croquet. The king was angry. The Queen only liked red roses. The gardeners painted roses white. The Queen wanted to cut gardener’s heads off. Alice was trying to find her way home. Alice didn’t play croquet. The king was angry. T F T T F F

True or false?

  • The Queen only liked red roses.
  • The gardeners painted roses white.
  • The Queen wanted to cut gardener’s heads off.
  • Alice was trying to find her way home.
  • Alice didn’t play croquet.
  • The king was angry.
  • The Queen only liked red roses.
  • The gardeners painted roses white.
  • The Queen wanted to cut gardener’s heads off.
  • Alice was trying to find her way home.
  • Alice didn’t play croquet.
  • The king was angry.







The Letter from March Hare   I am March Hare. My birthday 1) ___ on 1 st  of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth 2) ___ born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because 3) ___ house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse 4) ___ Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front 5) ___ the house. Our house is quite small.   I 6) ___ drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking 7) ___ every day.  We 8) ___ a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago . There are more than 200 9) ___ coins from different countries in our collection . Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection 10) ___ our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden. 

The Letter from March Hare

I am March Hare. My birthday 1) ___ on 1 st of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth 2) ___ born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because 3) ___ house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse 4) ___ Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front 5) ___ the house. Our house is quite small.

I 6) ___ drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking 7) ___ every day.  We 8) ___ a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago . There are more than 200 9) ___ coins from different countries in our collection . Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection 10) ___ our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden. 

Check yourself   I am March Hare. My birthday is  on 1 st of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth was born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because my house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse and Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front of the house. Our house is quite small.   I like drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking tea every day.  We have a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago. There are more than 200 coins from different countries in our collection. Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection to our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden. 

Check yourself

I am March Hare. My birthday is on 1 st of April. I am proud of this fact. English Queen Elizabeth was born in April too. Well, I didn’t have a birthday party because my house isn’t big. I didn’t invite my best friends. I live with Dormouse and Hatter in a terraced house. There isn’t garden in front of the house. Our house is quite small.

I like drawing. Dormouse forces to sleep in the teapot. Hatter is fond of drinking tea every day.  We have a big collection of coins. We began to collect coins many years ago. There are more than 200 coins from different countries in our collection. Some of them are cold and rare. And we would like to give this collection to our Queen. We are going to get a new big house with a small garden. 

Count your points! To be continued…

Count your points!

To be continued…

Home task Alice:  Hello! You are…  Cat:  Yes, I’m Cheshire cat!  Alice:  Would you tell me, please, where am I? And what is the way?  Cat:  Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…?  Alice:  What sort of people live about here?  Cat:  In that direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad.  Alice:  But I don’t want to go among mad people.  Cat:  Oh, you can’t help that. We are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad. … Alice: Could you tell me, why are you painting the roses red? Two: Well, you see miss, there supposed to be a red rose tree. And we put white one here by mistake. And if the Queen finds it out we will be beheaded . White Rabbit: The Queen! The Queen! Alice: The Rabbit! White Rabbit: Here are her Highness, her Grace, her Excellency, her Royal Majesty the Queen of Hearts, and the King. …

Home task

Alice:  Hello! You are… Cat:  Yes, I’m Cheshire cat! Alice:  Would you tell me, please, where am I? And what is the way? Cat:  Well… That depends a good deal on where you want to get to…? Alice:  What sort of people live about here? Cat:  In that direction lives a Hatter and in that direction lives a March Hare. Visit either you like. They are both mad. Alice:  But I don’t want to go among mad people. Cat:  Oh, you can’t help that. We are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad. …

Alice: Could you tell me, why are you painting the roses red?

Two: Well, you see miss, there supposed to be a red rose tree. And we put white one here by mistake. And if the Queen finds it out we will be beheaded .

White Rabbit: The Queen! The Queen!

Alice: The Rabbit!

White Rabbit: Here are her Highness, her Grace, her Excellency, her Royal Majesty the Queen of Hearts, and the King. …

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Алиса в стране чудес

Автор: Олейник Кристина Ивановна

Дата: 10.01.2021

Номер свидетельства: 569648

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