Out-of-lesson plan
Theme: “English Party”
Worked-out by: Kuandykova N.
Theme: “English Party”
Objectives of the lesson:
to update pupils’ phonetic skills;
to improve pupils’ skills of telling poems;
to develop pupils’ thinking abilities;
to arouse their interest in learning English, to be active, curious, attentive.
MT: visual, crosswords, a notebook, cards.
The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment.
Routine conversation.
Warming up.Start the lesson with the song.
“The more we are together”
The more we are together, together, together,
The more we are together, the merrier we’ll be
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we are together, the merrier we’ll be!
Competition. “The Best Reciter”
Pupil 1
We can read, we can write,
We can speak English too.
We love learning English!
And what about you?
Pupil 2
Let’s laugh and sing,
Dancing in a merry ring.
Jolly, happy, let us be,
The best children we must be.
Pupil 3
I see green, I see yellow
I see that funny fellow
I see white, I see black
I this and that, and that.
Pupil 4
I love my cat,
It’s warm and fat
My cat is grey
It likes to play.
Pupil 5
Red, white, blue
How do you do?
Yellow, grey, green
Where have you been?
Purple, orange, black
To London down and back.
Pupil 6
This is my father
This is my mother
This is my brother, Paul
This is my sister, this is my uncle.
How I love them all.
Pupil 7
I like to read
I like to play
I like to study every day.
I like to jump
I like to run
I like to play
It’s fun.
Pupil 8
Let us dance and let us play
On this happy, sunny day!
Spring has come, the sun is bright,
The flowers bloom red, pink and white.
Pupil 9
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day.
Tea comes after dinner
Then come times to play.
Supper in the evening
When the sky is red,
Then the day is over
And we got to bed.
Pupil 10
What can be red?
I say, Ted what can be red?
Well, an apple can be red.
Tell me Ed, what can be red?
Oh, Mary’s dress can be red.
Now you Ned, what can be red?
I think a rose can be red.
Music pause.
Балалар «В лесу родилась елочка» әнімен өлең айтады.
I am I do Do I? I have
He is You do Does he? You have
She is We do Does she? We have
You are They do Does it? They have
We are He does Do we She has
They are She does Do you? He has
It is It does Do they? It has
Class is divided into 2 groups \Gr1 Gr2\
Find rhymed pairs “Who is quickly?”
rock flag
back fast
father snow
bed green
cool grey
clean wall
stone sock
play mother
cry red
fall pool
last phone
show fly
Do the crossword “Colors”
Көлденеңінен: 1-фиолетовый, 3-көк, 4-ақ.
Тігінен: 2-сары, 5-қызыл.

word power. Can you find 11 animals in this rectangle? They are hidden horizontally, vertically, up and down and backwards.
Z | E | B | R | A | G | A |
A | L | I | O | N | O | B |
D | E | E | R | P | D | E |
F | P | I | G | R | C | M |
X | H | A | R | E | A | O |
C | A | T | O | G | M | U |
G | N | L | S | I | E | S |
H | T | U | R | T | L | E |
Fill in the missing letters and read the words. Riddles and pictures help you.

It is on the wall of your classroom.\-a-\

A man puts on his head when It is cold. \-a-\

A pet in our house. \-a-\
This woman is not thin, she is … . \-a-\

You put your books there. \-a-\
Conclusion of the lesson.
I can see you are good students and you know English very well. Thank you for
your work. You were active today. Now it is time to say “Good-Bye” and sing the song “May there always be sunshine” all together.
May there always be sunshine
May there always be blue skies
May there always be Mummy
May there always be me!
Giving marks and souvenirs.