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" A day in my life"

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Form: 5 V


The theme: "A day in my life"

The objectives:

    1) Educational:   to learn and train the new words to the theme: " A day in my life ";  to be able to speak about own day using the new words. To check up their knowledge on this theme.

    2) Developing: to develop pupil`s listening, reading, speaking and writing abilities; to develop their memory; to improve pupils'  motivation and participation in classroom activities.

    3) Up-bringing: to be accurate and polite, speaking and writing without mistakes. to stimulate students' to learning foreign language.

The type: Combined lesson

Visual aids: a computer, projector

Visual materials: cards, wallpaper, pictures

                                  The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon children?

-How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What season is it now?

-What is the weather like today?

II.Checking the h/w.

-What was the home task?

-Make up a dialogue about subjects.

III. Warm up. Let`s play "Ping Pong " game.

-What subjects do you like?

-Do you like Maths?

-Are you good at Russian?

IV. P1.

-Today the theme of our lesson: "A day in my life"

Look at the blackboard, repeat after me:  

to have breakfast-та??ы ас ішу

to have lunch-т?скі ас ішу

to have supper-кешкі ас ішу

to have classes-саба?та болу

to get up-т?ру,ояну

to go to bed-?й?ы?а жату

to go to school-мектепке бару

to go home-уйге бару

school starts-саба?ты? басталуы

school finishes- саба?ты? ая?талуы

to do homework-?й ж?мысын жасау

to watch TV-теледидар к?ру

in the morning-та?ерте?

in the afternoon-к?ндіз,т?сте

in the evening-кеште

 Open your books on page 94,Ex.3.Listen and read the text.

                                              Omar`s day.

  Mу name is Omar and I'm eleven. I come from Kazakhstan but I live in London now. I go to school. I get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight o'clock. School starts at nine and we have seven lessons every day. We learn English, French, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Computer Studies and Home Economics. I like Maths and English but I don't like History. Lunch is at one o'clock. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have lessons or sport. School finishes at a quarter to three. I go home. Before supper I read or play with my English friends. We have supper at seven o'clock and then I do my homework or watch TV. I go to bed at ten o'clock.


Ex.4 Revision. Read the dialogues below.

a)-What's the time, please?

-It's two o'clock.

b)-Can you tell me the time please?

-Yes, of course. It's two o'clock.

Ex.5 Point and say.

Ex.6 Talk to your friend. Act exercise  4 a, b.

Ex.8 Right (v) or wrong (x).

1) Omar is twelve years old.

2) He lives in Astana now.

3) He gets up at half past seven.

4) He has breakfast at half past eight.

5) He has lunch at one o'clock.

6) He has supper at six o'clock.

7) He has five lessons every day.

8) He goes to bed at nine o'clock.

9) School starts at ten o'clock in the morning.

10) School finishes at three o'clock in the afternoon.

11) He likes English.


Ex. 9 Correct these sentences.

Example: Omar is twelve. No, he is eleven.

1) Omar lives in Washington now.

2) He gets up at half past eight in the morning.

3) He has breakfast at nine o'clock.

4) He has lunch at twelve o'clock.

5) He has supper at six o'clock.

6) He has five lessons every day.

7) He likes History.

8) School starts at ten o'clock.

9) School finishes at two o'clock.

10) He goes to bed at eight o'clock.

Ex. 10.Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

1. Omar lives in .

2. He gets up at.

3. He has breakfast at..

4. He has lunch at..

5. He has supper at..

6. He has . lessons every day.

7. He likes ..

8. He goes to bed at..

9. School starts at..

10. School finishes at ..

VII. Assessment:  Today you’ve worked very hard, thank you for your participate.                

Your marks for today….

VIII. Home work: Read the text (exercise 3) and write about your day.

The lesson is over! Good bye!

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«" A day in my life"»

Al-Farabi school

Lesson plan

The theme: "A day in my life"

The English teacher: Aigerim Prekeyeva

Village of Baiterek

2014/2015 school year

Lesson plan

Form: 5 V


The theme: "A day in my life"

The objectives:

1) Educational: to learn and train the new words to the theme: " A day in my life "; to be able to speak about own day using the new words . To check up their knowledge on this theme.

2) Developing: to develop pupil`s listening, reading, speaking and writing abilities; to develop their memory; to improve pupils' motivation and participation in classroom activities.

3) Up-bringing: to be accurate and polite, speaking and writing without mistakes. to stimulate students' to learning foreign language.

The type: Combined lesson

Visual aids: a computer, projector

Visual materials: cards, wallpaper, pictures

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

-Good afternoon children?

-How are you?

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What season is it now?

-What is the weather like today?

II.Checking the h/w.

-What was the home task?

-Make up a dialogue about subjects.

III. Warm up. Let`s play "Ping Pong " game.

-What subjects do you like?

-Do you like Maths?

-Are you good at Russian?

IV. P1.

-Today the theme of our lesson: "A day in my life"

Look at the blackboard, repeat after me:

to have breakfast-таңғы ас ішу

to have lunch-түскі ас ішу

to have supper-кешкі ас ішу

to have classes-сабақта болу

to get up-тұру,ояну

to go to bed-ұйқыға жату

to go to school-мектепке бару

to go home-уйге бару

school starts-сабақтың басталуы

school finishes- сабақтың аяқталуы

to do homework-үй жұмысын жасау

to watch TV-теледидар көру

in the morning-таңертең

in the afternoon-күндіз,түсте

in the evening-кеште

Open your books on page 94,Ex.3.Listen and read the text.

Omar`s day.

Mу name is Omar and I'm eleven. I come from Kazakhstan but I live in London now. I go to school. I get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight o'clock. School starts at nine and we have seven lessons every day. We learn English, French, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art, Computer Studies and Home Economics. I like Maths and English but I don't like History. Lunch is at one o'clock. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have lessons or sport. School finishes at a quarter to three. I go home. Before supper I read or play with my English friends. We have supper at seven o'clock and then I do my homework or watch TV. I go to bed at ten o'clock.


Ex.4 Revision. Read the dialogues below.

a)-What's the time, please?

-It's two o'clock.

b)-Can you tell me the time please?

-Yes, of course. It's two o'clock.

Ex.5 Point and say.

Ex.6 Talk to your friend. Act exercise  4 a, b.

Ex.8 Right (v) or wrong (x).

1) Omar is twelve years old.

2) He lives in Astana now.

3) He gets up at half past seven.

4) He has breakfast at half past eight.

5) He has lunch at one o'clock.

6) He has supper at six o'clock.

7) He has five lessons every day.

8) He goes to bed at nine o'clock.

9) School starts at ten o'clock in the morning.

10) School finishes at three o'clock in the afternoon.

11) He likes English.


Ex. 9 Correct these sentences.

Example: Omar is twelve. No, he is eleven.

1) Omar lives in Washington now.

2) He gets up at half past eight in the morning.

3) He has breakfast at nine o'clock.

4) He has lunch at twelve o'clock.

5) He has supper at six o'clock.

6) He has five lessons every day.

7) He likes History.

8) School starts at ten o'clock.

9) School finishes at two o'clock.

10) He goes to bed at eight o'clock.

Ex. 10 .Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

1. Omar lives in ....

2. He gets up at....

3. He has breakfast at... .

4. He has lunch at... .

5. He has supper at... .

6. He has ... lessons every day.

7. He likes ... .

8. He goes to bed at... .

9. School starts at... .

10. School finishes at ... .

VII. Assessment: Today you’ve worked very hard, thank you for your participate.

Your marks for today…..

VIII. Home work: Read the text (exercise 3) and write about your day.

The lesson is over! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

" A day in my life"

Автор: Прекеева Айгерим Гафуевна

Дата: 24.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 257694

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