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Вопросы к зачету для 4 курса

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«Вопросы к зачету для 4 курса»

Перечень вопросов к зачёту 4 курс с ответами

Тема 1 Особые подразделения полиции

  1. What are some of the different ranks in a police department? (Some of the different ranks in a police department include detective, constable, sergeant and officer)

  2. What police officers work at a crime scene and in the lab? (Forensic officers)

  3. What division investigates and solves crimes against persons or property? (Investigation D.)

  4. What are some of the jobs police officers do? (Police officers do many different jobs – they are involved in responding to emergencies, some of them patrol the streets or regulate traffic, and some deal with terrorism and hostage situations)

  5. What are three sections of the General Administration Division? (Personnel and Training, Records and IT)

Тема 2 Предотвращение и раскрытие преступлений

  1. How do law officers and citizens work together to prevent crime? ( Citizens prevent crime by cooperating with the police. They notify the police if they see anything suspicious)

  2. What reasons might the police have to search a person’s vehicle? (when to search they suspect that the vehicle was involved in a crime or that the driver has something illegal inside)

  3. When are law officers allowed to search a suspect’s home? (law officers are allowed to search a suspect’s home if they have a search warrant)

  4. What things at a crime scene can be used as evidence? ( things at a crime scene can be used as evidence include weapons, bullets, fingerprints, blood, saliva etc)

  5. What can police officers do to protect possible evidence? (do to protect possible evidence police officers should cordon off the crime scene)

Тема 3 Современное оснащение полиции

  1. What are some of the tools the police use? (The police use handcuffs, guns, radios, zip ties, flashlights)

  2. What type of vehicles do the police use? ( The most common type of car is a patrol car)

  3. What are some ways that police officers restrain suspects? (Police officers usually restrain suspects with handcuffs or zip ties)

  4. What do the most important and least important calls for police involve? (The most important calls for police involve emergency situations when people’s life is at risk. The least important calls for police involve traffic accidents and disputes between neighbours and relatives)

  5. What are situations in which officers use first aid? (Officers use first aid if they are the first to arrive at an incident where someone is hurt or injured)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Вопросы к зачету для 4 курса

Автор: Владимирова Светлана Григорьевна

Дата: 07.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 367078

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