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Тест по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" для 6 класса

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Quiz.  London.

Choose the best variant:

1. This park is famous for its outdoor entertainments and Speaker’s Corner.

a)   Green Park                     b)  Hyde Park               c) St James’s Park


2. It’s the popular museum of the famous detective and his friend.

a)   MOMI                             b) Science Museum    c) Sh. Holmes Museum


3. It’s a symbol of England, the coronation of all British kings and queens takes place there.

a)  the Tower of London     b) Big Ben                     c) Westminster Abbey


4. This park is famous for the popular London Zoo, a boating lake and an open-air theatre.

a)  Regent’s Park                   b) St James’s Park       c) Kensington Gardens


5. It’s the famous waxworks museum which has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world.

a)  Science Museum              b) MOMI                      c) Madam Tussaud’s Museum


6. It’s really a bell, you can hear it every hour.

a)   Big Ben                             b)  the Tower of London      c) the Houses of Parliament


7. This park is beautiful with its trees, flowerbeds and the view of Buckingham Palace.

a)   St James’s Park                b) Green Park                        c) Regent’s Park     


8. It’s the museum of the history and magic of cinema and TV.

a)      MOMI                             b)  Sh. Holmes Museum       c) Science Museum             


9. You can see the statue of the famous fairytale hero Peter Pan in this park.

a)  St James’s Park                  b)  Kensington Gardens        c) Regent’s Park                   


10. It’s a popular museum in London which has big collections of airplanes and microchips, here you can visit interesting scientific exhibitions.

a) Madam Tussaud’s Museum     b)   Science Museum      c) MOMI



  1. Hyde Park   
  2. Sh. Holmes Museum
  3. Westminster Abbey   
  4. Regent’s Park                  
  5. Madam Tussaud’s Museum
  6. Big Ben                            
  7. St James’s Park               
  8. MOMI 
  9. Kensington Gardens       
  10.  Science Museum     



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«Тест по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" для 6 класса »

Quiz. London.

Choose the best variant:

1. This park is famous for its outdoor entertainments and Speaker’s Corner.

a) Green Park b) Hyde Park c) St James’s Park

2. It’s the popular museum of the famous detective and his friend.

a) MOMI b) Science Museum c) Sh. Holmes Museum

3. It’s a symbol of England, the coronation of all British kings and queens takes place there.

a) the Tower of London b) Big Ben c) Westminster Abbey

4. This park is famous for the popular London Zoo, a boating lake and an open-air theatre.

a) Regent’s Park b) St James’s Park c) Kensington Gardens

5. It’s the famous waxworks museum which has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world.

a) Science Museum b) MOMI c) Madam Tussaud’s Museum

6. It’s really a bell, you can hear it every hour.

a) Big Ben b) the Tower of London c) the Houses of Parliament

7. This park is beautiful with its trees, flowerbeds and the view of Buckingham Palace.

a) St James’s Park b) Green Park c) Regent’s Park

8. It’s the museum of the history and magic of cinema and TV.

a) MOMI b) Sh. Holmes Museum c) Science Museum

9. You can see the statue of the famous fairytale hero Peter Pan in this park.

a) St James’s Park b) Kensington Gardens c) Regent’s Park

10. It’s a popular museum in London which has big collections of airplanes and microchips, here you can visit interesting scientific exhibitions.

a) Madam Tussaud’s Museum b) Science Museum c) MOMI


  1. Hyde Park

  2. Sh. Holmes Museum

  3. Westminster Abbey

  4. Regent’s Park

  5. Madam Tussaud’s Museum

  6. Big Ben

  7. St James’s Park

  8. MOMI

  9. Kensington Gardens

  10. Science Museum


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Тест по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" для 6 класса

Автор: Сиротенко Марина Сергеевна

Дата: 01.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 165281

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