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Викторина Достопримечательности Лондона

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Презентация на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона" для использования в 5 классе на уроке закрепления в форме викторины. В презентации содержится информация на тренировку фонетических и лексических единиц, грамматической структуры Present Perfect, фотоматериалы на знание страноведческого материала. В конце презентации дан тест на проверку лексических единиц.
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«Викторина Достопримечательности Лондона »




  • The Kremlin
  • The Bolshoi Theatre
  • The Tower of London
  • The Houses of Parliament
  • The British Museum
  • The London Eye
  • The Thames
  • The Bridge
  • The Changing of the Guard
  • Big Ben
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Buckingham Palace
  • Tower Bridge
  • Westminster Bridge
  • Red Square
  • Trafalgar Square
Употребляем, когда важен результат (или его отсутствие) Just (только что), ever (когда-либо), never (никогда), already (уже), yet (еще), this (в этом), recently , lately (недавно, в последнее время), so far (недавно, к  наст.моменту), since ( c ), for (в течение), how long
  • Употребляем, когда важен результат (или его отсутствие)
  • Just (только что), ever (когда-либо), never (никогда), already (уже), yet (еще), this (в этом), recently , lately (недавно, в последнее время), so far (недавно, к наст.моменту), since ( c ), for (в течение), how long (как долго, сколько)
  • I
  • You
  • We have
  • They
  • He
  • She has 3 (ed)
  • It
  • + She has already been to London.
  • - She hasn`t been to London yet.
  • ? Has she ever been to London? Yes, she has. No, she hasn`t.
  • ? How long has she been to London?
Have you ever been to     No, I have never been to  Yes, I have been to  London? Moscow? The Tower of London? The Kremlin? a zoo? ……………………… ..  ……………………… ..
  • Have you ever been to
  • No, I have never been to
  • Yes, I have been to
  • London?
  • Moscow?
  • The Tower of London?
  • The Kremlin?
  • a zoo?
  • ……………………… ..
  • ……………………… ..
What is the name of the famous clock in London? Where do the famous black ravens live? Where does the Queen stay when she is in London? Where do the country`s leaders speak? Where are the famous English people buried? What can you see in Trafalgar Square?
  • What is the name of the famous clock in London?
  • Where do the famous black ravens live?
  • Where does the Queen stay when she is in London?
  • Where do the country`s leaders speak?
  • Where are the famous English people buried?
  • What can you see in Trafalgar Square?
Big Ben is far from the Houses of Parliament. Beefeaters are the guards of the Tower of London. The Queen lives in the Tower of London. Big Ben is really a bell. Westminster Abbey is a museum. Trafalgar Square is situated in Russia.
  • Big Ben is far from the Houses of Parliament.
  • Beefeaters are the guards of the Tower of London.
  • The Queen lives in the Tower of London.
  • Big Ben is really a bell.
  • Westminster Abbey is a museum.
  • Trafalgar Square is situated in Russia.
1. London is the capital of Scotland Great Britain America 2. St. Paul ‘s Cathedral is a church a fortress a museum
  • 1. London is the capital of
  • Scotland
  • Great Britain
  • America
  • 2. St. Paul ‘s Cathedral is
  • a church
  • a fortress
  • a museum
The coronation of Kings and Queens takes place in:  a. Westminster Abbey  b. The Bloody Tower  c. Trafalgar Square The country`s leaders work in:  a. Big Ben  b. Buckingham Palace  c. The Houses of Parliament
  • The coronation of Kings and Queens takes place in:
  • a. Westminster Abbey
  • b. The Bloody Tower
  • c. Trafalgar Square
  • The country`s leaders work in:
  • a. Big Ben
  • b. Buckingham Palace
  • c. The Houses of Parliament
The queen lives in  Buckingham Palace The Tower of London Westminster Abby London is situated on the river Volga Thames Seven
  • The queen lives in
  • Buckingham Palace
  • The Tower of London
  • Westminster Abby
  • London is situated on the river
  • Volga
  • Thames
  • Seven
The Tower of London now is  prison a museum the Zoo  Big Ben is bell the clock a tower
  • The Tower of London now is
  • prison
  • a museum
  • the Zoo
  • Big Ben is
  • bell
  • the clock
  • a tower



  • bebay
  • numontme
  • retteha
  • distamu
  • liaparmetn
  • nemaic
  • legalry
  • aresqu
Last week we went to London. London is the capital of ______. We visited many _____places. ____Square, ____Ben, ______Abbey, The Houses of____, The _____Tower, ____Palace, The ______of London, The Thames and Oxford Streets. We bought a lot of _____in Oxford Street. I liked Buckingham Palace best of all. The _____of Great Britain lives in it. It is a wonderful ____with a _____in front of it. There are many pleasant parks, green parks, green squares, beautiful streets and ______in the capital of Great Britain. We liked London very much.
  • Last week we went to London. London is the capital of ______. We visited many _____places. ____Square, ____Ben, ______Abbey, The Houses of____, The _____Tower, ____Palace, The ______of London, The Thames and Oxford Streets. We bought a lot of _____in Oxford Street. I liked Buckingham Palace best of all. The _____of Great Britain lives in it. It is a wonderful ____with a _____in front of it. There are many pleasant parks, green parks, green squares, beautiful streets and ______in the capital of Great Britain. We liked London very much.



  • bebay (abbey)
  • numontme (monument)
  • retteha (theatre)
  • distamu (stadium)
  • liaparmetn (parliament)
  • nemaic (cinema)
  • legalry (gallery)
  • aresqu (square)
Last week we went to London. London is the capital of Great Britain. We visited many interesting places. Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, The Bloody Tower, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, The Thames and Oxford Streets. We bought a lot of souvenirs in Oxford Street. I liked Buckingham Palace best of all. The queen of Great Britain lives in it. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it. There are many pleasant parks, green parks, green squares, beautiful streets and museums in the capital of Great Britain. We liked London very much.
  • Last week we went to London. London is the capital of Great Britain. We visited many interesting places. Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, The Bloody Tower, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, The Thames and Oxford Streets. We bought a lot of souvenirs in Oxford Street. I liked Buckingham Palace best of all. The queen of Great Britain lives in it. It is a wonderful building with a monument in front of it. There are many pleasant parks, green parks, green squares, beautiful streets and museums in the capital of Great Britain. We liked London very much.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Викторина Достопримечательности Лондона

Автор: Юшкова Елена Анатольевна

Дата: 08.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 198744

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