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Тест по английскому языку для 7 класса

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form_7._passive_-_active - тестирование для 7 класса

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«Тест по английскому языку для 7 класса»

Form 7. Grammar Tenses. Test.

Active Voice.

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму:

  1. 1.He usually (help) his parents in the morning. 2.Next week they (give) a concert for the war veterans. 3.The day before she (visit) her ill neighbour. 4. Yesterday at 6 p.m. he (work) on a computer. 5.Look! They (play) football in the yard. 6.Alice (feed) already her parrot. 7.When Jane called her mother she (leave) just the office.

  2. 1.My friend (keep) secrets well. 2.In three weeks the pupils (pass) exams in Maths. 3.Last Sunday the teacher (take) his pupils to the forest. 4.While the mother was cooking the cake the daughter (lay) the table. 5.Look! The birds (eat) already the bread. 6.The father (come) just from work. 7.They (leave) the city by last Sunday.

  3. 1.Sometimes Jesse and Kim (make) toothbrush holders for selling. 2.She (learn) two languages next year. 3.In his childhood Tom (want) to be a driver.4.The day before at 9 friends (listen) to the opera. 5.Don’t trouble me! I (think) over my report. 6.I’m sorry. I (not learn) the poem yet. 7.When Hilary visited Stephen, he (got) already well.

  4. 1.He often (give) a helping hand to his classmates. 2.Last Saturday the children (clean) the park. 3.The day after tomorrow all the pupils (discuss) teenagers’ problems. 4.Two years ago the family (move) to a new flat. 5.I’m sorry. I (write) my home composition now. 6.She (be) never to London. 7.By last lesson they (do) all the task.

Passive Voice.

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму:

  1. 1.Sometimes they (ask) to help the elderly. 2.The day before he (help) in English. 3. The rubbish (take) out every day. 4.A week ago the pupils (take) to the park. 5.Some money (raise) by the children for the concert last month. 6.Many nursing homes (visit) by different charities regularly.

  2. 1.Usually many folk tales (read) to babies before sleeping. 2.Many forests (put ) on fire by tourists last summer. 3.His clothes (iron) always perfectly. 4.Much litter (collect) by voluntaries in the national park yesterday. 5.He (give) never bad marks. 7.She (betray) by her friend the other day.

  3. 1.This year many beasts (feed) in the forest by special guard. 2.Last winter many birds (save) from starvation. 3.Last two years Disney Land (visit) by 40 million people. 4.The Moscow Metro (use) by thousands of people. 5.The beauty of the nature (enjoy) by everybody. 6.The other day they (tell) not to disturb birds.

  4. 1.Everyone (tell) not to leave litter in the forest. 2.Last Saturday the game (play) well. 3.Vey often voluntaries (ask) to support the disabled. 4. The war veterans’ stories (listen) always attentively. 5.Last year Easter (celebrate) in the beginning of April. 6.Cadbuy chocolate (love) by all childen.

Active Voice – Passive Voice.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую форму по образцу, переведите предложения: He (tell) the story: He tells the story. – He is told the story. (Он рассказал рассказ. – Ему рассказали рассказ.).

  1. 1.She (ask) to help the lonely. 2.They (allow) to make a fire. 3. He (tell) not to shout in the forest. 4. At night the baby (read) the fairy tale. 5. Sometimes the headmaster (send) many letters.

  2. 1.The teacher always (listen) attentively. 2.The son (ask) to help about the house. 3.She (teach) English well. 4.They (allow) to plant trees in the park. 5.He often (support) (by) everybody.

  3. 1.He (read) many folk tales. 2.He (listen) attentively. 3.The pupils (read) the reports. 4.The boys (ask) to help the girls. 5.They (send) telegrams before each holiday.

  4. 1.She (write) a long letter. 2.They (allow) to raise money to save animals. 3.Tom (ask ) to write the poem. 4.She (leave) some money. 5.He (tell) to take litter home.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму Active Voice и Passive Voice:
  1. 1.Last winter many birds (save) by children. 2.Many voluntaries (help) to clean national parks. 3.Cadbury chocolate (love) by all children. 4.The day before my car (stop) at the crossing by a policeman. 5.He (listen) to the teacher attentively. 6.Tomorrow they (take) some food and (go) to the forest.
  2. 1.At the last lesson the war stories (listen) by pupils with great interest. 2.Usually tourists (disturb) birds and animals in the forest by their music. 3.Last year Disney Land (visit) by 40 million peoples. 4.Every year many flowers (plant) in the squares. 5.At Ecology the teacher (tell) his pupils how to keep nature. 6.Three days ago two wolves (kill) near the village.
  3. 1.The baby fox (find) in the forest by my father last year. 2.Children (want) to help the elderly. 3.The hunters (kill) many wolves every year. 4.Many dolphins (kill) by boats every summer. 5.The day before a great fire (put) on the forest by rain storm. 6.The scientists (work ) at many pollution problems.
  4. 1.At Biology pupils (teach) how to keep the environment clean. 2.The teacher (give) many good marks for correct answers at the last lesson. 3.The Yellow Stone national park (know) all over the world. 4. The task was difficult so the pupils (ask) many questions. 5.My father (fish) every Sunday. 6.Yesterday the family (move) to a new family.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Тест по английскому языку для 7 класса

Автор: Курбанмагомедова Луиза Магомедовна

Дата: 02.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 529908

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