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Разноуровневые задания по чтению для учащихся 6 классов

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Разноуровневые задания по чтению для 6 класса


Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo. Although it was opened in 2006, the zoo has become famous all over the world.

The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts where visitors can see different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects. In fact, there are more than 6000 creatures in the zoo. Some of them belong to the most endangered species on the planet.

In Sydney Wildlife World visitors can watch kangaroos, touch a snake, make friends with koala bears and meet Rex, who is the biggest salt water crocodile in captivity in the world.

There is always something happening in the zoo- exhibitions, shows, festivals. Visitors can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

Sydney Wildlife World is open every day except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.


Уровень I – оценка «3»


  1. Переведи слова с английского на русский











  1. Закончи предложения
  1. The Australian zoo was opened in……………………………………
  2. In fact, there are more than……………………………………………
  3. Rex is the biggest salt water crocodile in………………………………
  4. Visitors can take part in various activities and…………………………
  5. The zoo has become famous all over ……………………………………


  1. Составь словосочетания

1.kinds of

a) part

2. have

b) friends

3. take

c) animals


d)a lot of fun


Уровень II – оценка «4»


  1. Пользуясь текстом, переведите фразы на английский язык
  1. состоит из-
  2. разные виды животных
  3. принимать участие-


2.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. When was the zoo opened?


  1. What can people do in Australian zoo?


  1. How many animals are there in the zoo?


  1. Who is Rex?


  1. What is happening in the zoo?


  1. When does the zoo open?



3.  Выберите верное утверждение.



Уровень 3  - оценка «5»

  1. Отметьте верные(T) и неверные(F) утверждения


1. The zoo hasn’t become famous all over the world.

  1. Some of creatures belong to the most endangered species on the planet.
  2. Rex is the biggest dog in the world.
  3. Visitors can have a lot of fun in the zoo.
  4. There are many exhibitions, shows, festivals in the zoo.
  5. The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts and has more than 2006 creatures.


  1. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке и перескажите текст

__a) There are different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects in the zoo.

__b) Also people can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

__c) This zoo was opened in 2006.

__d) People can watch kangaroos, touch a snake and make friends with koala bears there.

__e) Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo.

__f) It is worth visiting.



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«Разноуровневые задания по чтению для учащихся 6 классов »

Разноуровневые задания по чтению для 6 класса

Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo. Although it was opened in 2006, the zoo has become famous all over the world.

The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts where visitors can see different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects. In fact, there are more than 6000 creatures in the zoo. Some of them belong to the most endangered species on the planet.

In Sydney Wildlife World visitors can watch kangaroos, touch a snake, make friends with koala bears and meet Rex, who is the biggest salt water crocodile in captivity in the world.

There is always something happening in the zoo- exhibitions, shows, festivals. Visitors can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

Sydney Wildlife World is open every day except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.

Уровень I – оценка «3»

  1. Переведи слова с английского на русский










  1. Закончи предложения

  1. The Australian zoo was opened in……………………………………

  2. In fact, there are more than……………………………………………

  3. Rex is the biggest salt water crocodile in………………………………

  4. Visitors can take part in various activities and…………………………

  5. The zoo has become famous all over ……………………………………

  1. Составь словосочетания

1.kinds of

a) part

2. have

b) friends

3. take

c) animals


d)a lot of fun

Уровень II – оценка «4»

  1. Пользуясь текстом, переведите фразы на английский язык

  1. состоит из-

  2. разные виды животных

  3. принимать участие-

2.Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. When was the zoo opened?

  1. What can people do in Australian zoo?


  1. How many animals are there in the zoo?


  1. Who is Rex?


  1. What is happening in the zoo?


  1. When does the zoo open?


3. Выберите верное утверждение.


Уровень 3 - оценка «5»

  1. Отметьте верные(T) и неверные(F) утверждения

1. The zoo hasn’t become famous all over the world.

  1. Some of creatures belong to the most endangered species on the planet.

  2. Rex is the biggest dog in the world.

  3. Visitors can have a lot of fun in the zoo.

  4. There are many exhibitions, shows, festivals in the zoo.

  5. The Australian zoo consists of 10 parts and has more than 2006 creatures.

  1. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке и перескажите текст

__a) There are different kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and insects in the zoo.

__b) Also people can take part in various activities and have a lot of fun.

__c) This zoo was opened in 2006.

__d) People can watch kangaroos, touch a snake and make friends with koala bears there.

__e) Sydney Wildlife World is an Australian zoo.

__f) It is worth visiting.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разноуровневые задания по чтению для учащихся 6 классов

Автор: Конина Ксения Ивановна

Дата: 13.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 143123

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