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Проверочная работа на тему "From place to place"

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«Проверочная работа на тему "From place to place"»

Progress Check

Unit 5

From place to place

Variant – 1

  1. Write the sentences in a different way.

This is his garden. – The garden is his.

  1. This is our bowl.

  2. It is their cat.

  3. They are their turtles.

  4. It is my collection of book.

  5. This is our school.

  1. Form adverbs and complete the sentences.

  1. Molly always speaks (polite) to people.

  2. Jack drives (slow) because he started driving two weeks ago.

  3. Bob is a good sportsman, he trains (regular).

  4. I couldn’t understand why Mr. Black answered me so (cold).

  1. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

west, castle, souvenirs, straight, situated, trip, supermarket, railway station.

  1. It is colder in the north than in the … .

  2. Our trip to the old …. was wonderful.

  3. Yaroslavl is … on the Volga River.

  4. You can buy food in a …. .

Progress Check

Unit 5

From place to place

Variant - 2

  1. Write the sentences in a different way.

This is his garden. – The garden is his.

  1. It is your rat.

  2. They are our puppies.

  3. It is her kitten.

  4. They are his books.

  5. They are my photos.

  1. Form adverbs and complete the sentences.

  1. We (usual) go to the supermarket on Saturday.

  2. Granny smiled at me (pleasant).

  3. Mike (warm) welcomed us.

  4. Bess wrote the test (successful).

  1. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

west, castle, souvenirs, straight, situated, trip, supermarket, railway station.

  1. Turn right and go … on.

  2. There is a modern airport and a … in our city.

  3. He bought a lot of … in the shopping centre yesterday.

  4. We will have a … to the south in the summer.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Проверочная работа на тему "From place to place"

Автор: Вдовина Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 10.04.2022

Номер свидетельства: 604514

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