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Проверочная работа на тему "Шаги к эффективному общению"

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Progress check

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box

figure, captivated, worth (2), stuff, touched, miracles, possesses, comprehensible, stir, melt, suspect

  1. Our new football team is … their weight in gold.
  2. The children were very quiet …by the cartoon they were watching.
  3. Jack left the …of her hand on his shoulder.
  4. Lisa …all the qualities required of a good manager.
  5. The contract is not …the paper it is written on.
  6. No one should be allowed to …up the feeling of racial hatred.
  7. It took me a lot of time to …out what I had done wrong.
  8. Put the ice cream in the freezer. I don’t want it to… .
  9. The text we had to read was very difficult, I found it not ….
  10.  …don’t often happen in life but the arrival of help when I needed it most was one of them.
  11.  Pease put your …away. I want the place to look clean and tidy.
  12. I don’t …Alex of being not loyal: I know that he is the most devoted of my friends.
  1. Use thing or stuff to complete the sentences. In one sentence both words are appropriate.
  1. What’s the …in the mug? Do you call it coffee?

2. I don’t know the name of this … but I think, it’s a useful tool.

3. Nobody said a … when he appeared in the classroom.

4. I would like to buy some basic food – bread, milk and … like that.

5. I’ve got some sticky … on my shoe.

6. I felt sorry for the people who had to eat the awful ….

  1. Form adverbs from the adjectives in the box. Choose five of the adverbs and write down sentences with them.

bad, beautiful, brilliant, brave, clear, clever, careless, careful, correct, dry, foolish, loud, patient, quiet, soft, sly, true, wild, wry, whole.

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«Проверочная работа на тему "Шаги к эффективному общению"»

Progress check

  1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box

figure, captivated, worth (2), stuff, touched, miracles, possesses, comprehensible, stir, melt, suspect

  1. Our new football team is … their weight in gold.

  2. The children were very quiet …by the cartoon they were watching.

  3. Jack left the …of her hand on his shoulder.

  4. Lisa …all the qualities required of a good manager.

  5. The contract is not …the paper it is written on.

  6. No one should be allowed to …up the feeling of racial hatred.

  7. It took me a lot of time to …out what I had done wrong.

  8. Put the ice cream in the freezer. I don’t want it to… .

  9. The text we had to read was very difficult, I found it not … .

  10. …don’t often happen in life but the arrival of help when I needed it most was one of them.

  11. Pease put your …away. I want the place to look clean and tidy.

  12. I don’t …Alex of being not loyal: I know that he is the most devoted of my friends.

  1. Use thing or stuff to complete the sentences. In one sentence both words are appropriate.

  1. What’s the …in the mug? Do you call it coffee?

2. I don’t know the name of this … but I think, it’s a useful tool.

3. Nobody said a … when he appeared in the classroom.

4. I would like to buy some basic food – bread, milk and … like that.

5. I’ve got some sticky … on my shoe.

6. I felt sorry for the people who had to eat the awful … .

  1. Form adverbs from the adjectives in the box. Choose five of the adverbs and write down sentences with them.

bad, beautiful, brilliant, brave, clear, clever, careless, careful, correct, dry, foolish, loud, patient, quiet, soft, sly, true, wild, wry, whole.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Проверочная работа на тему "Шаги к эффективному общению"

Автор: Вдовина Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 16.03.2022

Номер свидетельства: 602415

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