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Present Simple Test

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We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense.

Here, we are talking about regular actions or events.

  • They drive to the office every day.
  • She doesn't come here very often.
  • The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening.
  • Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Here, we are talking about facts.

  • We have two children.
  • Water freezes at 0° C or 32° F.
  • What does this expression mean?
  • The Thames flows through London.

Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart.

  • Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year.
  • The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning.
  • Ramadan doesn't start for another 3 weeks.
  • Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week?

Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous.

  • They don't ever agree with us.
  • I think you are right.
  • She doesn't want you to do it.
  • Do you understand what I am trying to say.
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«Present Simple Test»

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Class:__________ Date:___________________________

Simple present tense(1)

  We use the simple present tense to talk about:

(1)   things that are true now, e.g. My name is Susie. I am twelve years old.

(2)   how often we do things, e.g. Susie and Betty go shopping every Saturday morning. They usually buy a lot of things.

(3)   Things that are always true, e.g. Birds have two wings. They fly very high.

We form positive and negative statements in the simple present tense with the verb ‘to be’ (is/am/are)like this.


verb ‘to be’

Positive (+)

Negative (-)


am (‘m)

am not (‘m not)

e.g. I am twelve years old.

e.g. I am not twelve years old.


You (singular)



are (‘re)

are not (aren’t)

e.g. We are very good students.

You are a handsome boy.

You are my friends.

e.g We are not very good students.

You are not a handsome boy.

You are not my friends.




is (‘s)

is not (isn’t)

e.g. He is the class monitor.

She is my sister.

It is a lovely dog.

e.g. He is not the class monitor

She is not my sister.

It is not a lovely dog.

Exercise 1

Fill in these sentences using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ and the words in the brackets. Then write the words in the blanks.

1. I_____________ happy.(not)

3. You _____________ Japanese.(not)

5. They ____________ busy.(not)

7. Cheung Chau __________ in Kowloon.(not)

9. We _______ good friends.

11. You ______ the monitor.

13. He ______ 2 years old.(not)

2. He _________ sad.

4. We __________ Chinese.

6. Tigers _________big cats.

8. His name ______ Billy..

10. She ______ my mother.

12. I ______ thirteen years old.

14. They ______ good football players.(not)

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________

Simple present tense(2)

With other verbs, we usually form positive and negative statements in the simple present tense like this






Positive (+)

I eat ice-cream.

You eat ice-cream.

We eat ice-cream.

They eat ice-cream.

He eats ice-cream.

She eats ice-cream.

It eats ice-cream.


I don’t eat ice-cream.

You don’t eat ice-cream.

We don’t eat ice-cream.

They don’t eat ice-cream.

He does not eat ice-cream.

She does not eat ice-cream.

It does not eat ice-cream.

Exercise 2

Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then write the words in the blanks.

(1) Susie ______________ shopping in Causeway Bay.(love)

(2) Causeway Bay ____________ very busy.(be)

(3) Betty _______________________ early.(not get up)

(4) I ______________________ fruit.(not like)

(5) School always _____________ at eight o’clock in the morning.(start)

(6) We usually _________________ at school at half past seven.(arrive)

(7) The dog ________________ me. (like)

(8) Henry ___________ a nice school bag.(have)

(9) She ________________ television every night. (not watch)

(10) I ____________________ that dress.(not like)



English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________

Simple present tense(3)

With most verbs, we add –s to the verb when it is used with the third person singular. With other verbs, we change the verb in different ways:


you should…

With most verbs

e.g. run


+ s



Ending in a consonant + y

e.g. Fly


  • y + ies



Go/ Do


Ending in ss, x, sh, ch

e.g. Kiss




+ es





Exercise 3

Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Then write the words in the blanks.

1. Sam __________(wash)his face every day.

2. Susie ___________(kiss)Mum every night.

3. Dad often _____________(carry)Susie’s books.

4. Nick ___________(cook) dinner for his family every evening.

5. He ____________ (brush)his hair every morning.

6. May often ____________ (read)books.

7. Kitty ____________ (wash) the dishes every night.

8. My bird __________(fly) beautifully.

9. The dog __________(like) eating bones.

10.My baby sister ___________(cry) every night.

11.Jenny always ___________(do) her homework on time.

12.Vincent _____________(love) Flora.

13.Ron_________(take) his dog for a walk every afternoon.

14.Mable usually___________(buy) vegetables at the market.

15.The lion __________(run) very fast.

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________

Simple present tense(4)

We form positive and negative statements in the simple present tense with the verb ‘to have’ like this:

Positive (+)








a good book.






do not (don’t) have

a good book.





a good book.




does not(doesn’t) have

a good book.


Exercise 4

Say these sentences using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ or ‘to have’ and the word in brackets. Then write the words in the blanks.

1. He ___________(have/not) any brothers.

2. Betty _____________(have) one sister.

3. Yuki ______________(have/not) a very nice dress.

4. The cat _____________(have) a very good place to live at.

5. They ___________(have/not) a very big house.

6. We _______________(have) a very kind class teacher.

7. Peter and Jason _____________(have) a powerful computer.

8. I __________(have) 5 members in my family.

9. She __________(have/not) long hair.

10.He ___________(have) white teeth.

11.Sally ___________(have) 6 members in her family. She _____________(have) 3 sisters but she __________(have/not) any brothers. Sally __________(have) short hair bur all her sisters ___________(have) long and straight hair. Sally and her sisters ___________(have) a pet cat called Dolly.

English Grammar Exercise

Name:__________________________ Group:__________ Date:___________________________

Simple present tense (Questions 1)

With the verb ‘to be’, we use ‘Am’/‘Are’/‘Is’ to ask a question in the simple present tense. The answer is always ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.


Exercise 1

Say these questions and answers using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. Then write the words in the blanks.

1. ___________ he early? Yes, he is.

2. ___________ I late? No, you aren’t.

3. ___________ you sick? No, I’m not.

4. ___________ they friends? Yes, they are.

5. ___________ she at school? No, she isn’t.

6. ___________ we in the hall? No, you aren’t/we aren’t.

7. ___________ I in Class 1S? Yes, you are.

8. ___________she your friend? Yes, she is.

9. ___________they police? No, they aren’t.

10.__________we good friends? Yes, we are.

Simple present tense (Questions 2)

We can also use ‘Do’/‘Does’ to ask a question in the simple present tense with other verbs. The answers is always ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.


Exercise 2

Say these questions and answers using the correct form of the verb ‘to do’. Then write the words in the blanks.

1. ________ you like English? Yes, I do/we do.

2. _________Bobby like noodles? No, he doesn’t.

3. _________ we have a test now? Yes, you do/we do.

4. __________ they have a test this morning? No, they don’t.

5. __________ Susie like ice cream? Yes, she does.

6.___________Tommy walk to school? Yes, he does.

7.___________you understand? Yes, I do.

8. ___________I read English books? No, you don’t.

9. ___________you remember me? Yes, I do.

10. ___________we have to stay after school? No, you don’t.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Present Simple Test

Автор: Ибраимов Руслан Энверович

Дата: 15.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 319178

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