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Идиомы тест

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Данный тест расчитан для учащихся 10-11 классов.

Идиомы: 1. 5 idioms about food

2. Learn 5 easy HAT idioms in English

3. Do you know these DAY & NIGHT idioms in English?

4. 10 Weather Expressions in English

5. English Idioms – ‘Cat’

6. 6 Dog Idioms in English

7. 11 PIG expressions in English: pig out, pig tails, piggy back…

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«Идиомы тест»

5 idioms about food

1. I aced that exam! I think I got 100%. It was a:

  • bottoms up.

  • sweet tooth.

  • out to lunch.

  • piece of cake.

2. My husband doesn’t do anything but sit in front of the TV and watch football. He’s:

  • a couch potato.

  • a piece of cake.

  • an asshole.

  • a sweet tooth.

  • Al Bundy.

3. Ms. Lewinsky loves chocolate ice cream. Well, basically anything that’s sweet. She has a:

  • piece of cake.

  • out to lunch.

  • sweet tooth.

  • bottoms up.

  • button down.

  • lollipop.

4. That’s ridiculous! You can’t do that. You’re:

  • out to lunch.

  • a sweet tooth.

  • bottoms up.

  • an asshole.

5. Here’s to you! Have a great trip! _____________________

  • Bottom’s up!

  • Sweet tooth!

  • Piece of cake!

  • I want to shoot you in the face!

  • Lalalalaalalalalala!

  • omg wtf

Learn 5 easy HAT idioms in English

1. It could happen at the drop of a hat. You should:

  • be careful, it is dangerous.

  • be ready, it will happen soon.

  • respect your elders, they are wise.

2. Hang on to your hat! You should:

  • keep a secret.

  • show admiration or respect.

  • be prepared for something exciting.

3. When we say "Hats off for Mr. E", we are _____________________.

  • taking on many responsibilities or jobs

  • showing respect and admiration

  • keeping Mr. E's secret

4. If you "wear many hats", you ________________________.

  • have many jobs or responsibilites

  • respect or admire someone

  • are ready for action

  • are an idiot

5. If you "keep it under your hat", you ___________________.

  • have several responsibilities

  • are prepared for something exciting

  • keep it a secret

  • are an idiot

6. The general told the soldiers to be ready _____________________________, because the big battle (fight) could start at any moment.

  • under their hats

  • at the drop of a hat

  • to wear several hats

7. The owner of the company ____________________. She was the accountant, the secretary, and the manager.

  • wore several hats

  • kept it under her hat

  • had an accountant's hat

  • likes different hats

8. The criminal told her brother where she hid the money. Then she told him to __________________.

  • take off his hat

  • drop his hat

  • keep it under his hat

  • wear a hat

  • wear her hat and dance in front of the police

9. After a boxing match:
Winner: I _____________ for my opponent. He fought really well.
Loser: *crying*

  • hang onto my hat

  • wear many hats

  • take my hat off

Do you know these DAY & NIGHT idioms in English?

1. Wow, thanks for your beautiful gift! You really _____________.

  • day by day

  • call it a day

  • made my day

made my day = made my day very special

2. I've been working __________ to finish making her wedding gown. We have only two days before the big day!

  • one of these days

  • fly by night

  • day and night

day and night = around the clock, all the time

3. __________, I hope to retire and live in a beautiful home by the sea.

  • One of the days

  • One of these days

  • One of this days

one of these days = at some time in the future

4. Jeff: We've done all we can do for now.
Buck: __________ and meet again tomorrow at 8:00am.

  • Let's call it a day

  • Let's fly by night

  • Let's work all night long

call it a day = stop working for the rest of the day

5. Paris and Beijing are __________________.

  • a night on the town

  • day and night

  • as different as night and day

as different as night and day = very different from each other

6. Pamela: I paid them $500, and now I can't even reach them on the phone!
Jim: They must have been a __________ company.

  • fly-by-night

  • day by day

  • day and night

fly by night or fly-by-night = dishonest, untrustworthy, unreliable, disappears quickly

7. I waited for your call __________. What happened? I was so worried about you.

  • a night on the town

  • all night long

  • one of these days

all night long = the entire night, the whole night

8. Barbara: I heard John started a job where he can work the night shift.
Kim: John's such a __________. It'll be good for him.

  • all night long

  • fly by night

  • night owl

night owl = a person who prefers the night; a person who functions better at night

9. Ms. Smith: Do you think I'll be able to take my baby home next week?
Dr. Jones: Absolutely! I'm happy to report that your baby is getting better __________.

  • call it a day

  • one of these days

  • day by day

day by day = as each day passes

10. How about ____________ to celebrate your graduation?

  • a night on the town

  • night on town

  • a night of a town

a night on the town = a night spent celebrating, eating, drinking, dancing, and having fun

10 Weather Expressions in English

1. What does "I'm under the weather" mean?

  • I'm angry.

  • I'm doing something quickly.

  • I'm sick.

  • It's raining on my head.

2. I ________ wind of the surprise party.

  • took

  • saw

  • made

  • got

  • smelled

This means that you heard about the surprise party in advance, even though you probably weren't supposed to.

3. I'm on cloud _________.

  • three

  • nine

  • ten

  • two

  • sheep

4. "I'm on cloud nine" means:

  • I'm very happy.

  • I'm very confused.

  • I'm very drunk.

  • I'm dead.

5. "She stormed off" means:

  • She flew away.

  • She attacked someone.

  • She left angrily.

  • She left in a happy mood.

6. It's my wedding day. Don't steal my ______________.

  • rain

  • wind

  • storm

  • thunder

  • underwear

7. I can't come to dinner tonight. I will take a rain ____________.

  • boots

  • coat

  • check

  • day

'Rain check' or 'rain cheque' are ways to say you will make plans for another day.

8. I feel ____________ the weather.

  • under

  • over

  • above

  • below

9. What does "rain on someone's parade" mean?

  • You go to a concert, but there's rain.

  • You come to someone's party drunk.

  • Someone is very upset, and you do or say something to make them happy.

  • Someone is very happy, and you do or say something bad to make them less happy.

10. I lost my job, my wife divorced me, and I broke my arm. I weathered that _____________, and now my life is very good.

  • storm

  • rain

  • cloud

  • hurricane

English Idioms – ‘Cat’

1. Donald Trump is a real _______.  He has more money than he needs!

  • copy cat.

  • cat nap.

  • fat cat.

  • cat's tail.

2. I got a new car, so my sister had to get a new car too.  She's such a ______!

  • copy cat!

  • cat nap!

  • fat cat!

  • furry cat!

3. Why aren't you saying anything?  __________________?

  • Are you a cat nap?

  • Did you take the cat out of the bag?

  • Cat's got your tongue?

  • Did you make a fat cat?

4. I can't wait to get indoors.  It's _______________ out here.

  • raining cats and dogs

  • a copy cat

  • a fat cat

  • a cat nap

5. I'm going to take a _______ before my test this afternoon.  I didn't sleep at all last night.

  • copy cat

  • fat cat

  • cat nap

  • dog nap

6. Who let the _____________?  Dad's birthday party was supposed to be a surprise.

  • copy cat?

  • fat cat?

  • cat inside?

  • cat out of the bag?

6 Dog Idioms in English

1. Sorry, dad, but mom can't come to the phone right now.  She's in bed, __________________.

  • and is a top dog

  • not teaching an old dog new tricks

  • sick as a dog

  • dog eat dog

  • eating a dog.

This means that mom is very ill.

2. Chris is the best player on the team!  He's the ___________!

  • top dog

  • dog eat dog

  • dog's life

  • super dog

3. Don't give up.  ____________________.

  • You can't teach an old dog new tricks

  • Every dog has its day

  • You're sick as a dog

  • You're dog eat dog

This means that one day, you will get what you want.

4. I had to cheat!  It's __________ at school!

  • sick as a dog

  • top dog

  • a nice dog

  • dog eat dog

This means that the competition at school is very fierce. We usually use "dog eat dog" to describe a situation.

5. __________________, but I have to keep trying.

  • It's a dog's life

  • Every dog has its day

  • Dog eat dog

  • I'm a dog

This means that life is difficult and unpleasant. We can also use "It's a dog eat dog world" in this case, and it would have a similar meaning.

6. I have tried to teach my grandfather how to use the Internet, but ___________________.

  • it's dog eat dog

  • every dog has its day

  • you can't teach an old dog new tricks

  • he's a top dog

It is difficult to teach someone something new, if they have never used it before, or if they have lived their lives doing the same things in the same way.

7. "dog _____ dog"

  • ate

  • eat

  • eats

  • eaten

We cannot change the form of this expression. It is always "dog EAT dog".

11 PIG expressions in English: pig out, pig tails, piggy back…

1. What is a "piggy bank"?

  • a bank where pigs go to deposit money

  • a bank full of pigs

  • a container full of pigs

  • a container for saving money

2. To "pig out" means:

  • to eat a little bit

  • to eat a lot

  • that a pig has escaped the farm

  • that a pig has come out of the closet

3. My five-year-old niece loves to wear her hair in _________.

  • pig pens

  • pig tails

  • piggy tails

  • piggy banks

4. If your room is a "pig pen" or "pig sty", it means:

  • you have a lot of pens in your room

  • it is full of pigs

  • it is full of mud

  • it is very dirty

5. If your food looks very bad, you can call it:

  • pig slop

  • pig sty

  • piggy back

  • pig out

6. "Pig-headed", means someone:

  • looks like a pig

  • is very stubborn

  • has pig tails in his/her hair

  • is dirty like a pig

7. "Pig" is also a slang term to refer to:

  • security guards

  • judges

  • police officers

  • bankers

8. If someone makes unwanted sexual advances to you, you can say:

  • You are a piggy bank!

  • You are a pig!

  • You are a pig sty!

  • You have pig tails!

9. The toes on a child are sometimes referred to as:

  • pigs

  • piggies

  • pig tails

  • pig toes

10. A "piggy-back ride" is when:

  • you carry someone on your back

  • you carry a pig on your back

  • a pig carries you on its back

  • a pig carries another pig on its back

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Идиомы тест

Автор: Степанова Елизавета Игоревна

Дата: 11.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 334045

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