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Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку

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Диагностические контрольные работы по английскому языку для 4-11 классов. Составлены на основе изученного материала с целью диагностики усвояние знаний, умений и навыков. Содержат доступные и посильные задания. тексты для чтения аутентичные и интересны для чтения этой возростной группой учащихся.

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«Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку »

Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку

4 класс

Задание 1.

Прочитайте текст.

Sasha lives in a small town. The town is very nice, clean and green. There are many beautiful parks in Sasha’s town.

You can see fine houses, nice streets (улицы) and a big stadium in this town. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.

Usually they play games in the park. Sometimes children have picnics too.

It is fun to spend time together. Sasha likes his town and his friends very much.

Выберите правильный ответ (true-false)

1. Sasha lives in a big town.

2. There are no beautiful parks and gardens in the town.

3. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.

4. Children have picnics too.

5. They do not play games in the park.

6. Sometimes children have picnics too.

7. Sasha does not like his town.

Задание 2.

Выберите слово, которое выпадает из логического ряда, подчеркните его.

1. Meat, fish, milk, tree.

2. Doll, apple, toy-bus, teddy- bear.

3. Garden, park, house, ship.

4. Dress, boots, shoes, chess.

Задание 3

Вставьте пропущенные слова. Обведите в кружок выбранный вариант.

1. Usually we skate and ski …….

a) in summer. b) in winter. c) in spring.

2. I like eating …… meals that my mother cooks for me.

a) tasty. b) funny . c) clean

3. A pig is…….than a dog.

a) sillier b) more sillier c) the silliest

4. My friend is the …… pupil in the class.

a) good b) best c) the better

5 класс

1 вариант

1.Какое слово лишнее? Выпиши его.

a) flat, living room, clock, kitchen, hall

b) enjoy, want, share, nice, live

2. Вставь пропущенные слова is или are .

a) There ______ a lot of books on the shelves.

b) There ______ a nice armchair in Tiny’s house.

c) There ______ no chairs in my bedroom.

3. Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением.

country, white, hot, big, short, cold, happy, bad, sunny, town, tall, black, small, rainy, sad, good

4. Напиши глаголы во второй форме.




play _____________________

5. расставь буквы в нужном порядке и запиши получившиеся слова.

a) o, l, h,d,y,a, i___________________________________

b) c,i,p,n,i,c_______________________________________


d) o,s,h,e,r_____________________________________

e) t, a, r__________________________________

6. Переведи на английский язык.

a) чашка кофе______________________________________

b) бутылка молока_________________________________

  1. кусочек сыра__________________________________

7. Составь предложения.

1. swim, next, I , summer, in the river, will .

2. to skate, can, he.

2 вариант

1.Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.

a) sofa, armchair, table, bed, wall

b) enjoy, want, share, nice, live

2. Вставь пропущенные слова is или are .

a) There_______ a big red carpet on my floor.

b) There ______ three windows in our living room.

c) There ______ a little funny kitten on the chair.

4. Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением.

Clever, warm, near, old, bad, silly, cruel, new, nice, good, ugly, long, cold, hight, short, low, far, kind

5. Напиши глаголы во второй форме.







8. Переведи на английский язык.

a) чашка чая_______________________________________

b) коробка конфет_________________________________

c) стакан молока___________________________________

7. Составь предложения.

1. he, to watch, likes, films, in the, evening.

2. will, your, new, learn, poem, tomorrow .

6 класс

V – 1

1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

1) a student

a) a form b) a uniform c) a pupil

2) to enjoy

a) to like b) to start c) to travel

3) silly

a) not clever b) not interesting c) not funny

2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

1) – When does a school … start in Great Britain?

- It starts on the 1st of September.

a) uniform b) subject c) year

2) We can find out some facts about people and events of the past in … .

a) Literature b) History c) Science

3) Let’s … about the weather.

a) speak b) tell c) say

4) He had a funny … when he was studying at school.

a) rule b) timetable c) nickname

3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.

1) I usually … my granny on Saturday.

a) visit b) visited c) will visit

2) There … 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) are b) were c) will be

4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1) girl’s marks

a) оценка девочки b) оценка девочек с) оценки девочки d) оценки девочек

2) children’s toys

a) игрушка ребенка b) игрушки ребенка с) игрушка детей d) игрушки детей

3) teachers’ room

a) комната учителя b) комнаты учителя с) комната учителей d) комнаты учителей

4) Where are you from?

a) Где ты? b) Откуда ты?

5) Did you help your mum yesterday?

a) Ты будешь помогать маме завтра? b) Ты помогал маме вчера?

V – 2

1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.

1) a class

a) a student b) a form c) a subject

2) to learn by heart

a) to recite b) to study c) to talk

3) dull

a) not clever b) not interesting c) not bright

2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.

1) – At what … do students go to a secondary school in Russia?

- At 10 – 11.

a) age b) form c) party

2) We read stories about animals and birds in … .

a) History b) Literature c) Science

3) … me about your friends, please.

a) Tell b) Say c) Speak

4) Our teacher explained grammar … for us.

a) subject b) form c) rule

3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.

1) I usually … to the country to visit my grandmother.

a) go b) went c) will go

2) My pencil … on the table yesterday.

a) is not b) was not c) are not

4. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1) pupil’s textbooks

a) учебник ученика b) учебники ученика с) учебник учеников d) учебники учеников

2) men’s pets

a) питомец мужчины b) питомцы мужчины с) питомец мужчин d) питомцы мужчин

3) boys’ disc

a) диск мальчика b) диски мальчиков с) диск мальчиков d) диски мальчиков

4) How old are you?

a) Как ты? b) Сколько тебе лет?

5) Will you do your homework tomorrow?

а) Ты делал домашнюю работу вчера?

b) Ты будешь делать домашнюю работу завтра?

8 класс

Reading - Comprehension

Test№ 1.William Shakespeare

On April 23, 1564 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford - upon - Avon. His mother was the daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove - maker. William attended a grammar school in Stratford and had quite a good education. There he learned to love reading.

While he was a teenager, he married a woman some years older than himself. He had three children: the eldest is the daughter and then twins – a son and another girl. In 1587 William went to work in London leaving his family at home. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.

In London Shakespeare began to write plays and become an important member of a well - known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre built on the bank of the river Thames. In 1613 he stopped writing and went to live in Stratford when he died in 1616. His plays are well - known and still acted not only in England but in the whole world.

I. Complete the sentences according to the text.

  1. Shakespeare was born…

a) on April 22 b) on April 23 c) on August 23

2. Shakespeare’s father was…

a) a glove — maker b) a clock — maker c) a shoe - maker

3. At school William learned to love…

a) dancing b) reading c) singing

4. Shakespeare went to work in…

a) New York b) Cardiff c) London

II. Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false

    1. Shakespeare had twin daughters.

    2. In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London.

    3. The Globe Theatre was built on the bank of the river Clyde.

    4. Shakespeare’s plays are staged only in Britain

III. Put the sentences in the order they are used in the text

    1. Most of his plays were staged in the Globe Theatre.

    2. He married a woman some years older than himself.

    3. William had quite a good education.

    4. He stopped writing and went to live in Stratford.

Text 2. A Sad Story

Three men came to New York for their holidays. Their names were Tom, Pete and Andy. They came to a hotel and asked for a room. The friends got a room on the forty - fifth floor.

They went sightseeing, visited the picture gallery and looked into some shops. In the evening they came back to the hotel from the cinema.

The servant in the hotel told them: “ I’m sorry, gentlemen, the lift doesn’t work. If you don’t want to go up to your room, you can sleep here, in the hall. I’ll bring you the bed linen. ”

“ No, no”, said the men, “ we shan’t sleep in the hall. We shall go up to our room. ” Then Tom said to his friends:” It’s not easy to go up to the forty - fifth floor. I know what we shall do. I shall tell you a lot of jokes. Andy will sing us songs and Pete will tell us an interesting story”.

The three friends went up to their room. They listened to Tom’s jokes, then Andy sang songs. When they came to the thirty - fifth floor, Tom said to Pete: “ Now we shall listen to your long and interesting story. ”

“ Yes”, answered Pete, “but my story is short and very sad. I have no key with me. It is on the table in the hall. ”

Reading - Comprehension Test№2

I. Choose the sentences which were used in the text

1. A)The friends got a room on the thirty - fifth floor.

B) The friends got a room on the forty - fifth floor.

2 A) They looked into some shops.

B) They looked into some supermarkets.

3. A) We shall go up to our room.

B) We shall sleep in the hall.

4. A) Andy told interesting stories.

B) Andy sang songs.

II. Complete the sentences according to the text

  1. Three men came to…

  2. The friends got a room on the…

  3. Tom will. .

  4. Pete has left the key…

III. Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false

1. Three men came to a restaurant. 2. Three men visited a picture gallery.

3. They came back from the cinema in the afternoon. 4. Pete will sing songs.

V. Answer the questions on the text

1. Where did three men come to?

2. Why did they go up to their room on foot?

3. Who told jokes?

4. What was Peter’s story?

10 -11 класс


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.


The crossword (puzzle) first appeared on December 21, 1913. Arthur Wynne created it for the New York World newspaper. Wynne gave 35 clues and called it a word-cross. The puzzle was a great success. The cross-word, as it called today, is the world’s most popular game. Nearly 90 percent of the world’s newspapers publish them. In the United States there are nearly thirty million fans of this game.

Most forms of games require a partner. Crosswords do not. This is, perhaps, the reason why they attract so much attention.

Why do people do crosswords? Maybe for educational value. Most fans say that they play crosswords to check their abilities and their speed in doing the puzzle. The more they play, the more they become to solve the most difficult crosswords.

But most experts doubt that puzzles teach anything. They say the most evident reason why the crosswords are played is that they are done just for fun.

  1. What was the first crossword created for?

  1. for children of New York

  2. for the New York World magazine

  3. for the New York World newspaper

  1. Is the crossword puzzle game popular today?

  1. it’s one of the most popular games

  2. it’s the most popular game

  3. it’s not very popular

  1. Are the world’s newspapers interested in publishing them?

  1. few newspapers publish them

  2. all the newspapers publish them

  3. nearly all the newspapers publish them

  1. Why are crosswords popular?

  1. they are cheap

  2. they are very interesting

  3. they can be done by one person

  1. What do experts think of crosswords?

  1. they are very useful

  2. they teach people a lot

  3. they don’t teach anything

  1. Выбрать правильный ответ

1.Take the pen ... the shelf.

a) out of b) from c)up

2.I like ... lot of milk in my tea.

a) the b) - c)a

  1. 9 o’clock is ... time when I’m allowed to come home.

a) the last b) the latest c) the least

4.Will you have ... cup of tea.

a) other b) another c) the other

5.She looked ... today in her new coat.

a) good b) well c) nicely

6.Everybody failed the exam ... you.

a) except b) beside c) besides

7.It was ... advice. It helped me a lot.

a) useful b) useless c) used

8.I got ... letter from Bob.

a) another b) else c) more

9 .She has ... many friends.

a) such b)as c)so

  1. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.She is ... in her group.

a) shorter b) short c) the shortest

2.You ... Drink milk if you don’t want.

a) cannot b) needn’t c) should

3.The policeman asked if I ... the stranger.

a) saw b) have seen c) had seen

4.Bob asked John ... volley-ball.

a) did he play b) if he had played c) if he played

5.He always meets me at the station but today he ... me near the bus stop.

a) meets b) met c) has met

6.While he ... his dinner I explained to him what to do.

a) had b) was having c)has had

7.You ... do it in time.

a) needn’t b)mustn’t

8.The garden ... a lot since I was there last.

a) changed b) has changed c) had changed

9.The teacher asked his pupils... the poem by heart.

a) learn b) learned c) to learn


  1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

There was once a very rich sick lady whose husband had died, and whose children had married and gone to live in foreign countries. When she reached the age of 80 and was too old to look after herself, she went to live in an expensive and comfortable hotel near the sea in the south. This rich old lady had a pair of nasty dogs which she loved dearly. They lived in the hotel with her and went wherever she did. There was a young waiter at the hotel who did everything he could to help the old lady and be nice to her. He even pretended to like her unpleasant dogs and offered to look after them in his free time. He fed them, cleaned and looked after them, took them for daily walks for some years.

The young waiter did not doubt that when the rich widow died she would leave him a lot of money, to pay him for everything that he had done for her dogs. But when she died a few years later he soon discovered that she had left him only two things which she loved most in the world, and she thought he loved too ― her dogs. All her money and jewellery went to her children, who had never done anything for her.

  1. Which of the given statements is true?

  1. The old lady had no children but she had a husband.

  2. The old lady had children but she had no husband.

  3. The old lady had neither children nor a husband.

  1. Why did the old lady move to a hotel?

  1. She couldn’t take care of herself

  2. Life was too expensive in her home town.

  3. Her children asked her to do so.

  1. How did the young waiter treat the dogs?

  1. He really loved them and took care of them.

  2. He hated them and did not look after them.

  3. He disliked them but took care of them.

  1. Why did the old lady leave the dogs to the waiter?

  1. She thought he would be happy with them.

  2. She wanted to punish him.

  3. She loved the waiter most of all in the world.

  1. What did the waiter expect to get from the lady after her death?

  1. Her dogs.

  2. Part of her money.

  3. Nothing.

  1. Выбрать правильный ответ

1.Her English is very poor. She ... study very hard.

a) must b) was to c) needn’t

2.I am afraid there is ... else I can do.

a) anything b) much c) nothing

3.Now all of you ... ready.

a) get b) start c) prepare

4. ... nothing more I can tell you.

a) there are b) there is c) there was

5.Push the car ... you can.

a) as hard as b) so hard c) so hard that

6.They sat back in ... seats and waited.

a) that b) there c) their

7.I could ... recognise you.

a) nearly b) hard c) hardly

8.She ... wanted to be an actress.

a) much b) very c) also

  1. Выбрать правильную форму слова.

1.If you speak slowly I ... understand you.

a) can’t b) could c) shall be able to

2.He got ... than I expected.

a) angry b) angrier c) angriest

3.He didn’t hear what ... .

a) said b) had said c) had been said

4.Before you ... don’t forget to shut the window.

a) leave b) are leaving c) left

5.I am sorry I ... see you yesterday.

a) can’t b) couldn’t c) don’t

6.This apartment is too small. I need something ... .

a) bigger b) a bigger one c) the biggest

7.We couldn’t repair the car ourselves, so we ... take it to the garage.

a) had to b) has to c) have to

8.The young girl ... by his rudeness.

a) has shocked b) was shocked c)was shocking

9.If you park your car in the right place you ... receive a ticket.

a) - b) wouldn’t c) won’t

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку

Автор: Никодина Анна Николаевна

Дата: 08.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 237353

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