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"Занимательный английский"

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«"Занимательный английский"»

Exercises for improving your ENGLISH


  1. Put the vowels in alphabetical order.

U O E I A: ______________

  1. Write these words in in alphabetical order.

salt oil mushroom

coffee chicken cheese

apple melon cereal

bread water sugar

  1. Quick Quiz.

  1. What letter comes before T?

  2. What letter comes after F?

  3. What letter comes after N?

  4. Which are the two letters after W?

  5. Which consonants come before and after K?

  6. Which letter is missing: O P Q S T U?

  1. Write out in alphabetical order.

  1. Ten different colours: _____________

  2. Ten different months: _____________

  3. Ten different animals: _____________

  4. Ten different countries: ____________


  1. Months Quiz. Answer the questions.

  1. In which month is your birthday?

  2. Which month has three letters?

  3. Which month has only 28 or 29 days?

  4. In which month does your school year start?

  5. Which are the summer (winter) months?

  1. Write the months in the correct order.

  1. J ________ g) J ___________

  2. F ________ h) A __________

  3. M ________ i) S ___________

  4. A __________ j) O ___________

  5. M _________ k) N ___________

  6. J __________ l) D ___________

  1. Unscramble the months of the year.

  1. ujarayn – January

  2. ustaug –

  3. charm –

  4. plair –

  5. cobrote –

  6. vonbreem –

  7. remepsteb –

  8. brafurey –


  1. dog cat pin pig

  2. fish plum apple cherry

  3. dress boot stamp tie

  4. blue green snow red

  5. pencil jug map book

  6. hand tooth jam lip

  7. doll car rose toy

  8. shelf bed table wood


1. COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS with Where, When, What, How.

  1. _____ do you have for breakfast?

  2. _____ do you leave home?

  3. _____ do you go to school?

  4. _____ do you get up?

  5. _____ do you wear for games?

  6. _____ do you do on Sunday?

  7. _____ do you go after school?

  8. _____ do you get home?

2. FIND 10 VERBS in this letter line. Two are written backwards.


  1. FILL IN: am, is or are.

  1. I … not a teacher.

  2. … Ann your sister?

  3. They … my grandparents.

  4. … you a ballerina?

  5. We … a happy family.

  6. It … a toy.

4. FILL IN the pronouns. Read this story.

__ am ten. __ live in London. __ is in England. My friend lives in Edinburgh. __ is in Scotland. __ have got a pet. __ is a dog. My Mum and Dad like walking. __ like playing tennis.

5. SAY the sums and write.

1) forty-nine + one = _____________________________________________

2) ten + fifty-six = _______________________________________________

3) thirty-five + sixty-five = ________________________________________

4) fourteen + seventeen = _________________________________________

5) eighty-six + three = ____________________________________________

6) one hundred and eleven + four = __________________________________


My face is black,

As black as night.

On it with chalk.

All pupils write.

All right!

But it is disgrace

When they forget

To wipe my face. (a blackboard)

I have no legs.

But I can run.

I have no tongue,

But I tell everyone:

«Time to start work!»

«Time to go to bed!»

«Time to get up again. You sleepy — head!» (an alarm-clock)

I am big,

I am in the sky

I give light.

What am I? (the Sun)

A blue sheet covers the whole world.

What is it? (the sky)

It does not speak,

Nor does it sing.

Or at the door-bell

Give a ring.

But still it lets

Its master know

Someone wants to see him. (a dog)

I am not a bird.

But I have wings,

I can fly

What am I? (a fly, a butterfly)

It is running

Night and day,

But it never

Runs away. (a watch)

Higher than a house,

Higher than a tree,

What can that be? . (a star)


Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground;

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do.


My head, my shoulders, my knees, my feet!

My head, my shoulders, my knees, my feet!

My head, my shoulders, my knees, my feet!

And we'll all clap hands together

Can You?

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you swim like a fish?

And be still, like a good child.

As still as you wish?

My Hands

Here's my left hand,

And here's my right,

I can clap them

With all my might.

Stand up and look

Stand up and look around;

Shake your head and turn around,

Stamp your feet upon the ground.

Clap your hands and then sit down.


Alouette, little Alouette,

Alouette, play the game with me:

Put your finger on your head.

Put your finger on your head.

On your head,

On your head,

Don't forget, Alouette!

Put your finger on your mouth.

Put your finger on your teeth.

Put your finger on your chin.

Put your finger on your nose.

Put your finger on your eyes.

Put your finger on your neck.

Put your finger on your chest.

Put your finger on your foot.

Put your finger on your leg.

Put your finger on your arm.

Put your finger on your cheek, etc.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

"Занимательный английский"

Автор: Живолупова Нелля Васильевна

Дата: 25.02.2021

Номер свидетельства: 574296

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