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Special shopping.

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Dialogue      Special shopping

Speaker1: Shop assistant

Speaker2: Customer

S1-Hello. Can I help you?

S2-Yes, I want to return this dress.
I bought it here yesterday.

S1-Is there anything wrong with it?

S2-No, I’ve just changed my mind.
I thought it suited me, but when I got it home I understood that it didn`t.

S1-Let me have a look at it.
Normally, you could simply exchange it for another.

S2-I'm always looking for something a bit special, a bit different.

S1-Yes, we’re the only place in town that stocks various brands. They’re very popular.
And not too expensive either.
I think that’s one of the reasons why they're so popular.

S2-Well, I‘d like to try on that yellow dress on the right side.

S1-Of course, try it on, please. I`m ready to help you. It`s very stylish. But I`m afraid it`s the wrong size for you. We`ll see it in a while.

S2-What a pity! The dress is a bit small for me. Have you got it in a bigger size?

S1-Wait a minute, please. I`ll have a look. Oh, you are lucky, here it is.

S2-I like everything in this dress: its color, design…This brand is very famous and popular. I take the dress. How much should I pay?

S1-You have already paid for the dress you returned. Extra payment makes only 8 pounds.

S2-OK, here you are.

S1-Thank you for purchasing. We`ll be glad to see you again at our shop.

S2-Thank you, bye.

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«Special shopping.»

Dialogue Special shopping

Speaker1: Shop assistant

Speaker2: Customer

-Hello. Can I help you?

-Yes, I want to return this dress.
I bought it here yesterday.

-Is there anything wrong with it?

-No, I’ve just changed my mind.
I thought it suited me, but when I got it home I understood that it didn`t.

-Let me have a look at it.
Normally, you could simply exchange it for another.

-I'm always looking for something a bit special, a bit different.

-Yes, we’re the only place in town that stocks various brands. They’re very popular.
And not too expensive either.
I think that’s one of the reasons why they're so popular.

-Well, I‘d like to try on that yellow dress on the right side.

-Of course, try it on, please. I`m ready to help you. It`s very stylish. But I`m afraid it`s the wrong size for you. We`ll see it in a while.

-What a pity! The dress is a bit small for me. Have you got it in a bigger size?

-Wait a minute, please. I`ll have a look. Oh, you are lucky, here it is.

I like everything in this dress: its color, design…This brand is very famous and popular. I take the dress. How much should I pay?

-You have already paid for the dress you returned. Extra payment makes only 8 pounds.

-OK, here you are.

-Thank you for purchasing. We`ll be glad to see you again at our shop.

-Thank you, bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Special shopping.

Автор: Миронова Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 06.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 272880

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