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London markets

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The theme: London markets


Teaching: to give information about London markets, to enrich vocabulary, to make up a dialogue.

Up-bringing: to bring up the skills to be polite and friendly, to work in pairs and groups.

Developing: to develop listening, speaking, reading, writing skills, to develop pupils’ logical and creative thinking.

The type of the lesson:traditional

The technology:project

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:Greeting. Good morning pupils! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What is the weather like today?

II. Introduction aims:Today we are going to speak about London markets. We will compare Astana markets with London markets. We’ll try to buy some interesting things and make a short tourist brochure about shopping.

III. Phonetic drill: Tongue twisters

IV. Vocabulary work:making a semantic map




















V. Pre-reading task.

Look at the photos in the brochure. Which markets do you think have these things?


  1. Stamps
  2. Expensive clothes
  3. Fruit and vegetables
  4. Music CDs
  5. Old books


Read the brochure and check your answers.

VI. Listening.


Are the following sentences true or false?

  1. The first skirt costs £20. ___
  2. The girl does not try on the first skirt. ___
  3. The shop assistant thinks that the blue skirtsare expensive. ___


  1. The second skirt is cheaper than the first one. ___
  2. The girl wants to buy shoes. ___
  3. The girl finally buys a bag and a skirt. ___

VII. Relaxation:pupils, clap your hands when I say the word which you can buy and move your legs when I say the word which you can’t buy.

VIII. Writing:

Ex 1 p.98 WB

Complete the horoscopes with will and a verb from the boxes.

Your shopping horoscope for tomorrow

Ask, get, give, enjoy, meet, take

1. Aries- Don’t spend too much! You will _____ a shock when you go to the bank.

2. Taurus- Go to the joke shop. You _______ somebody special there!

3. Gemini- Somebody ________ for your help in a shop. Be kind and help them.

4. Cancer- Lucky you! Somebody _______ you a present from your favorite chocolate shop.

5. Leo- You_______ window shopping. But don’t buy anything.

6. Virgo- Are you feeling musical? Your best friend ________ you to an interesting new music shop.

Buy, discover, get, have, invite, need, tell

7. Libra- Your friend _______ you about a really cheap clothes shop.

8. Scorpio- You _______ an amazing new ice cream shop! Don’t eat too much!

9. Sagittarius- You ________ problems paying for something. Do you really need it?

10. Capricorn- Stay at home! You _________ something silly if you go to the shops.

11. Aquarius- Oh dear! You _______ annoyed with a very bossy shop assistant.

12. Pisces- Someone ________ you to a fancy dress party. You ________ to buy a costume.

IX. Dialogue

Shopping for clothes

Boy: Excuse me!

Shop assistant: Yes, can I help you?

Boy: Yes, please. Have you got these jeans in black?

Shop assistant: What size are you?

Boy: I’m size 36.

Shop assistant: Just a moment. Here you are.

Boy: Where can I try them on?

Shop assistant: Over there.

Boy: How much are they?

Shop assistant: thirty-five pounds

Boy: Here is the money.

Shop assistant: Ok!Good bye!

Boy: Good bye! Thank you!

(Students make up their own dialogues in pairs.)

X. Project work:Now students we’ll make a tourist brochure and try to compare London markets with Astana markets.

XI. Feedback: Pupils,what have you known about today?

XII. Hometask:Hometask will be ex 2 p100 WB.

XIII. Evaluation:Your marks are…. . The lesson is over. Good bye!!!





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«London markets »

Date: 24.04.2012

The theme: London markets


Teaching: to give information about London markets, to enrich vocabulary, to make up a dialogue.

Up-bringing: to bring up the skills to be polite and friendly, to work in pairs and groups.

Developing: to develop listening, speaking, reading, writing skills, to develop pupils’ logical and creative thinking.

The type of the lesson: traditional

The technology: project

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment: Greeting. Good morning pupils! How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What is the weather like today?

II. Introduction aims: Today we are going to speak about London markets. We will compare Astana markets with London markets. We’ll try to buy some interesting things and make a short tourist brochure about shopping.

III. Phonetic drill: Tongue twisters

IV. Vocabulary work: making a semantic map


Fruit and vegetableыs



V. Pre-reading task.

Look at the photos in the brochure. Which markets do you think have these things?

  1. Stamps

  2. Expensive clothes

  3. Fruit and vegetables

  4. Music CDs

  5. Old books

  1. Read the brochure and check your answers.

  2. VI. Listening.

  1. Are the following sentences true or false?

  1. The first skirt costs £20. ___

  2. The girl does not try on the first skirt. ___

  3. The shop assistant thinks that the blue skirts are expensive. ___

  1. The second skirt is cheaper than the first one. ___

  2. The girl wants to buy shoes. ___

  3. The girl finally buys a bag and a skirt. ___

  1. VII. Relaxation: pupils, clap your hands when I say the word which you can buy and move your legs when I say the word which you can’t buy.

  2. VIII. Writing:

  3. Ex 1 p.98 WB

  4. Complete the horoscopes with will and a verb from the boxes.

  5. Your shopping horoscope for tomorrow

  6. Ask, get, give, enjoy, meet, take

  7. 1. Aries- Don’t spend too much! You will _____ a shock when you go to the bank.

  8. 2. Taurus- Go to the joke shop. You _______ somebody special there!

  9. 3. Gemini- Somebody ________ for your help in a shop. Be kind and help them.

  10. 4. Cancer- Lucky you! Somebody _______ you a present from your favorite chocolate shop.

  11. 5. Leo- You_______ window shopping. But don’t buy anything.

  12. 6. Virgo- Are you feeling musical? Your best friend ________ you to an interesting new music shop.

  13. Buy, discover, get, have, invite, need, tell

  14. 7. Libra- Your friend _______ you about a really cheap clothes shop.

  15. 8. Scorpio- You _______ an amazing new ice cream shop! Don’t eat too much!

  16. 9. Sagittarius- You ________ problems paying for something. Do you really need it?

  17. 10. Capricorn- Stay at home! You _________ something silly if you go to the shops.

  18. 11. Aquarius- Oh dear! You _______ annoyed with a very bossy shop assistant.

  19. 12. Pisces- Someone ________ you to a fancy dress party. You ________ to buy a costume.

  20. IX. Dialogue

  21. Shopping for clothes

  22. Boy: Excuse me!

  23. Shop assistant: Yes, can I help you?

  24. Boy: Yes, please. Have you got these jeans in black?

  25. Shop assistant: What size are you?

  26. Boy: I’m size 36.

  27. Shop assistant: Just a moment. Here you are.

  28. Boy: Where can I try them on?

  29. Shop assistant: Over there.

  30. Boy: How much are they?

  31. Shop assistant: thirty-five pounds

  32. Boy: Here is the money.

  33. Shop assistant: Ok! Good bye!

  34. Boy: Good bye! Thank you!

  35. (Students make up their own dialogues in pairs.)

  36. X. Project work: Now students we’ll make a tourist brochure and try to compare London markets with Astana markets.

  37. XI. Feedback: Pupils,what have you known about today?

  38. XII. Hometask: Hometask will be ex 2 p100 WB.

  39. XIII. Evaluation: Your marks are…. . The lesson is over. Good bye!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

London markets

Автор: Т?леубек Айдана Бакдаулет?ызы

Дата: 05.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 167869

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